House s07e19.txt

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[365][382][Alarm rings]
[412][437]Cranial nerves.
[438][460]On old Olympus'|towering tops
[461][478]a friendly Viking|grew vines and hops.
[479][505]Olfactory. Optic.|Oculomotor.
[505][549]<i>Vagus. Accessory.</i>|<i>Causes of edema: A.L.I.V.E.</i>
[561][583]Differentials|for swollen scrotum:
[601][646]English spelling.|Torsion, hernia...
[646][691]Epididymal cyst.|S...Syphilis.
[691][707]Enough with the drilling.
[708][720]<i>We're third year.</i>
[720][733]No more exams.
[733][749]You don't have to face House|every day.
[750][768]And after today,|neither do you.
[769][797]Here's to no more|coming home in tears.
[797][818]It's kind of like coming|to the end
[819][835]of an extreme|roller-coaster.
[836][853]<i>Even with the terror,</i>
[854][882]nausea, and whiplash.
[882][894]I'm a little sad|that it's over.
[895][908]Let's go.
[908][925]You got|your procedure log?
[926][940]Oh, I'm not quite done.
[941][956]I still have|one more lumbar puncture.
[957][971]<i>It's due today.</i>
[972][986]<i>Unless you want to blow off</i>|<i>becoming a doctor</i>
[987][1000]and get another PhD.
[1001][1021]I know.|I'm gonna get it done.
[1022][1034]I thought you'd have|that thing finished
[1034][1043]like six months ago.
[1044][1067]I've been busy.
[1183][1199]Oh, come on, Cruz.
[1199][1219]Let me do this.|I need it for my log.
[1220][1244]Wait, you aren't done yet?
[1244][1260]I've been busy.
[1261][1279]What's in it for me?
[1280][1299]The satisfaction|that comes
[1300][1314]from helping out|a classmate?
[1325][1340]How about cash?
[1341][1355]Have you talked|to House?
[1356][1375]It's 6:00 am.|He won't be in for a few hours.
[1375][1404]I keep a roll of quarters|in the car...
[1405][1425]I just turned in my log|and guess what I saw.
[1426][1448]There's an opening|in the Diagnostics Department.
[1449][1479]House wants|an intern?
[1479][1495]He's never|had one before.
[1496][1522]You gotta figure|he doesn't want an intern.
[1522][1544]He wants you.
[1590][1625]<font color=#00FF00>d House 7x19 d</font>|<font color=#00FFFF>Last Temptation</font>
[1625][1665]== sync, corrected by <font color="#00ff00">elderman</font> ==
[1665][1891]d d
[1959][1974]Uh, you must be
[1975][1994]Dr. Thirteen.
[1995][2010]Remy Hadley.
[2011][2021]Nice to meet you.
[2022][2036]You're back.
[2037][2059]- Hi.|- Hi.
[2094][2103]<i>What the hell</i>
[2104][2117]happened to you?
[2118][2133]Why'd you lie|about going to Rome?
[2133][2146]<i>(House)</i>|<i>You'd lie too</i>
[2147][2169]if you bottomed out,|ended up in...
[2169][2202]drug rehab.
[2203][2231]Thank you, House,|for respecting my privacy.
[2231][2249]What a perfect reminder|that I'm back.
[2250][2268]I didn't even know|you had a problem.
[2268][2293]Loved ones are always|the last to know.
[2294][2324]Loved ones and robotic,|estranged ex-boyfriends.
[2325][2339]<i>Our patient</i>
[2340][2364]is Kendall Pearson.
[2364][2380]16-year-old aspiring pirate.
[2381][2396]She's that Canadian kid|who's trying to be
[2396][2418]the youngest person|to sail around the world.
[2418][2434]Collapsed yesterday|during a practice run.
[2435][2455]Luckily for us,|cameras were there.
[2455][2487]Corporate sponsors|want us to check
[2487][2511]<i>that's she seaworthy</i>|<i>before the clock strikes</i>
[2512][2529]"you're too old|to set a record."
[2530][2548]<i>Gives us three days.</i>
[2549][2580]You've still only got one,|right?
[2581][2597]Uh, last day|of my rotation.
[2598][2613]<i>Could be simple dehydration.</i>
[2614][2627]She told|the Coast Guard
[2628][2659]she had felt dizzy.
[2660][2682]Pulse and BP were normal|at the time of the rescue.
[2682][2715]It's not dehydration.|What about your internship?
[2715][2747]<i>You sign up this morning?</i>
[2747][2782]Actually,|I'm still deciding.
[2783][2807]Maybe she had a seizure
[2807][2821]and that's what caused|her collapse.
[2822][2846]Coast Guard report|says no sign of head trauma.
[2847][2861]But what about|her back?
[2875][2887]Right before the collapse,
[2888][2904]she hit the small of her back|on the railing.
[2905][2930]Damaged adrenal glands|caused adrenal insufficiencies,
[2930][2941]which caused|the collapse.
[2967][2980]<i>Blood draws</i>|<i>every 15 minutes</i>
[2980][2990]<i>for four hours.</i>
[2991][3008]<i>Let's track her cortisol.</i>
[3008][3034]Masters,|there's no hurry.
[3035][3052]There's no wrong choices.
[3053][3072]At least,|that's what they tell people
[3073][3086]who make crappy choices.
[3087][3103]What's with the sudden interest|in her future?
[3104][3125][Sighs] You know,|a blacksmith who spends
[3126][3164]this much time hammering out|a new blade from raw jell-o
[3165][3176]gets curious
[3177][3186]about who ends up|wielding it.
[3186][3199]No reason to be curious
[3199][3218]unless you're interested|in wielding it yourself.
[3218][3236]<i>You want her</i>|<i>to intern here.</i>
[3259][3277]And you're|considering this?
[3278][3296]Before I make my decision,
[3297][3321]I still have one more LP
[3322][3345]I need to get.
[3346][3367]So I'd like to go|to the E.R.
[3385][3403]Thirteen,|why don't you take Masters
[3404][3419]<i>to do the blood draws.</i>
[3419][3431]You can remind her|about all the perks
[3432][3444]of working for me.
[3518][3537]Behind the deck.|Port side.
[3538][3560]If her adrenal hormone levels|are consistently low,
[3561][3573]we'll replace them.
[3574][3588]You'll be ready to launch|Thursday.
[3612][3635]Inside cabin|facing the bow.
[3635][3655]Sorry, K,|I need to borrow mom.
[3656][3668]The sponsors?
[3669][3682]No, Couric's people|kicking up a fuss
[3682][3696]about rescheduling|the interview.
[3727][3741]I can take over.
[3791][3807]Ceiling of the galley.
[3808][3831]Right. The last time|I was on a boat
[3832][3852]was my freshman mixer|in college.
[3852][3878]I didn't so much mix|as hurl.
[3879][3912]Too much to drink?|No, I was 13.
[3913][3926]And in college?
[3926][3950]Yeah, I know. Weird.
[3950][3969]I was thinking "cool."
[3970][3987]We'll be back|for the next blood draw
[3988][4002]in 15 minutes.
[4002][4015]Unless, of course,|you'd like to stay
[4016][4037]and continue bonding|over your lost childhoods.
[4038][4056]<i>(Kendall)</i>|<i>Listen, I have a ton</i>
[4057][4073]of prep work to do|to be ready to launch.
[4074][4089]Is there any way|we can speed the tests up?
[4090][4108]Mm, I'm afraid not.
[4108][4137]Unless you're up|for getting on a treadmill.
[4137][4159]<i>We could stress her body.</i>
[4159][4174]<i>See if her adrenals</i>|<i>respond.</i>
[4174][4189]<i>It would only take</i>|<i>a half an hour.</i>
[4190][4212][Pager beeps]
[4212][4253]It's about an LP.|Go. I'll handle this.
[4329][4349]Um, Dr. Cuddy,
[4350][4360]can I come by|your office later?
[4361][4370]I'd love|to get some advice.
[4370][4384]I'm in meetings|all afternoon.
[4385][4395]Try me tomorrow.
[4417][4427]This is...
[4428][4446]This is my last day
[4446][4458]as a medical student.
[4459][4474]So I've got this decision|to make.
[4475][4499]Probably the biggest decision|of my career.
[4499][4522]Which means maybe|the biggest decision
[4523][4542]of my life.
[4543][4570]Although, I guess,|if I get married...
[4571][4606]Um, House has opened up|an internship.
[4607][4624]You do realize|if you take it,
[4624][4644]he'll probably end up|firing you again?
[4644][4659]He's always|hired me back.
[4660][4688]And he'll continue mocking|and insulting you
[4689][4727]whatever chance he gets.
[4728][4761]It's certainly|toughened me up.
[4762][4780]You're trying to get me|to say good things about him.
[4781][4807]No. I'm trying to make you|make your own decision
[4807][4824]and leave me alone.
[4844][4863]Working with House is great.
[4864][4874]And it sucks.
[4875][4895]Often simultaneously.
[4896][4915]Most people can't work|in that environment.
[4916][4932]Question is...
[4933][4945]Can you?
[4965][4991]Thanks, Dr. Cuddy.
[5168][5191]You pad me down here|and now you're doing my LP?
[5192][5203]I got bored waiting.
[5203][5219]<i>It's been two minutes.</i>
[5220][5235]This is your 11th.|14th.
[5236][5253]<i>Listen, your roommate,</i>
[5254][5267]is she hooking up|with that resident?
[5268][5287]I got to find House.
[5442][5495][Chicken coos]
[5554][5572]<i>(Thirteen)</i>|<i>Rehab? Great cover story.</i>
[5573][5592]<i>Now I can't ever drink</i>|<i>around those guys again,</i>
[5592][5611]<i>thus eliminating my main bond</i>|<i>with Chase.</i>
[5612][5627]<i>(House)</i>|<i>Save the attitude for someone</i>
[5628][5647]<i>who didn't just get you</i>|<i>your medical license back.</i>
[5648][5657]Price you pay.
[5657][5675]There's a chicken
[5676][5686]in your office.
[5687][5704]No, there isn't.
[5704][5731]You lied about rehab?
[5731][5745]- Oh, great.|- Relax.
[5746][5770]She's completely honest,|but also completely boring.
[5771][5794]Watch this.|Don't tell anyone.
[5795][5809]Of course not.
[5857][5878]You did an LP?|Why didn't you page me?
[5879][5899]Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want|to do one ...
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