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Stop Taking
Snapshots and
Start Taking
David D. Busch
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President and
Roland Elgey
Digital Photography and Imaging
Copyright Cl 2002 Th~ Coriolis Group, ne. All rights reserved .
This book may not be duplicated in any way wi thout the express written consent of t he
publisher, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purposes of review.
The information contained herein is for the personal USe of the rcader and may not be
incorporated in any commercial programs, other books, databases, or any kind of software
without written consent of the publisher. Making copies of this book or any portion for
any purpose other than your own is a violation of United Sta tes copyright laws.
Al VaIvano
limits of Liabi lity and Disclaimer of warranty
Thc au thor and publisher of this book have used their beSt efforts in preparing the book and
the programs contained in it. These efforts incltlde the development, research, and testing
of the theories and programs 10 determine their effectiveness. The author and pllblisher
make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard 10 these programs or the
documentation contained in this book.
Katherine R.
The author and pllblisher shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential
damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of the
programs, associated instruct ions, and/or claims of productivity gains.
Beth KohIer
Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than list the names and ent ities
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marked name, the publisher states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and
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The Coriolis Group, nc
14455 North Hayden Road
Suite 220
Scottsdalc, Arizona 85260
Project Ed itor
Sean Tape
FAX 1480)483·0193
ferry w. OIsen
Library of Congress Cataloging·in·Publication Da ta
Busch, David D.
Digit al photography and imaging / by David Buseh .
p. cm.
ISBN 1·58880·263·9
I. Photography··Digitaltcchniqucs.
2. Image processing··Digital t~'<:hniqucs. I. Title.
Meg E. Threcek
TR267 .B872 2001
Cover Designer
{esse Dunn
Printed in the United States of America
April E. Nielsen
Thank you for choosing this book from The Coriolis Group. Our grap hics team
strives to meet the needs of crea tive professionals such as yourself with our
three distinctive series: Visual Insigh t. fix & Design . and In Depth. We'd love to
hear how we're doing in our quest to prov ide yo u w it h information on t he
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Thank you for your interes t in Corio lis books. We loo k forwa rd to hearing
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Coriolis Creative Profess ionals Press
The Coriolis Group
14455 N. Hayden Road, Su ite 220
Scottsdale, A2. 85260
Phone: (480) 483-0192
Toll free: (800) 410-0 192
Visit our Web site at to find the latest
information about our current and upcoming graphics books.
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Other TitletlOLtht!-Creativ.e ProfessionaL
Photoshop 6 In Depth
Hy Dl!vid Xenakis. Heniamin LevislIY
Photoshop Web Grap hi cs fix & Des ig n
Hy LllUrie UJ rich
Photos hop 6 Visual Insight
By Ramonl! i'ruill. loshw! i'ruill
Pa int Shop Pro 6 Visual Insig ht
Hy RamOlll! i'ruill. /oshw! i'ruitl
For my son fonathan. whose 14th billhday on September 11
was filled with horror rather than celebration. My teenager.
like the rest of us. grew up a lot on that day. Also. in memory of
Father Mychal fudge. a friend of a friend. an inspiring symbol of
the brave souls and innocent victims of that terrible tragedy.
David Busch
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