Jan Fries - Visual Magic - A manual of freestyle shamanism.pdf

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Jan Fries
Visual Magick
A practical guide to trance, sigils and visualization
Jan Fries
Copyright © Mandrake 1992, Year Zero, 07 and Jan Fries
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopy, recording, or any other information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in wridng from the publisher.
By the Same Author
Helrunar a manual of rune magick
Seidways: shaking, swaying and serpent mysteries
Living Midnight: three movements of the Tao
I would like to acknowledge to help of Custor and Mouse in the
preparadon of this manuscript for publicadon
Fries, Jan
Visual Magick
1. Magic (Occultism)
I. Tides
ISBN 978-1-869928-57-5
I was amazed, and highly flattered, when asked to write this preface. I
knew Jan only slightly, though my wife (Nema) had been correspond-
ing with him for some years. But, in the three days since I had met him
in the flesh I had seen sides of him at work and at play that I have seen
in few others. I would like to think that he had seen the same in me.
He is my brother.
I was unsure what to say at first. I wanted to share with the readers
the wild, unfettered spirit that leaped and danced on our English tour.
But I decided that that was impossible.
1 can say that Jan represents, to me, a model of a modern magician,
one that would capture the fancy of Aleister Crowley, were he alive
today. For Jan is doing original research, exploring new pathways, not
content to repeat the work of generations gone by. More important,
he is communicating the results of his work in a highly readable and
entertaining form.
This book is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it is
Pan-Aeonic. That is, it draws on a variety of sources using a variety of
Aeonic formulae (See Cincinnati journal number seven for more on Pan-
Aeonic Magick). Jan's main emphasis draws on the most ancient
shamanic techniques of paleolithic Europe. The difference between
this book and other shamanic texts is that Jan does not hold himself just
to traditional teachings. He includes techniques from Crowley and
even more modern writers. He also analyses Magick in terms of the
most recent psychological models.
Second, nothing is (overly) sacred to Jan. He has maintained an
ability to laugh that has been ground out of many Magicians by the time
they have reached his level of awareness. The attitude of playfulness
that Jan projects, even in writing, makes reading this book a true
Third, Jan has an attitude of skepticism. He does not consider
himself the final authority on anything. He dares the reader to find new
and better methods that he has never considered. If you prefer to
practise rote exercises as taught by a perfect master, find another book.
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