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12.New School Year POV
New School Year POV Lesson
Hi. Welcome to the point of view stories for “New School Year”. We’re going to tell the same story from the
“New School Year” mini-story lesson but we’re going to change the point of view by either changing the time
or changing the person who's telling the story. Ok, let’s get started.
* * * * *
Penelope’s summer is off to a rough start. She's been saving money for five years. She wants to buy
a bright pink motorcycle.
On the first day of summer, Penelope goes to the beach. She goes in the ocean and she sees a
shark. The shark asks her for two dollars because he wants to buy a hamburger. So Penelope opens
her wallet and she takes out two dollars. Then the shark steals Penelope’s wallet and he swims away.
Penelope screams, “Ugh! That shark just stole all my money. Now I have to start my savings from
So Penelope makes up her mind to find a job. She's really into photography so she finds a job taking
pictures for a rock and roll magazine.
Day to day Penelope looks for motorcycles that are for sale. She saves two thousand dollars and she
buys a bright pink motorcycle that really draws her eye.
* * * * *
Okay, so as you can see we just heard the story told as if it’s happening right now or, as we say, in the
present. Now let’s tell the story as if it’s happening in the future. So we’ll think of the story, say, two years
from now. Okay.
* * * * *
Two years from now, Penelope’s summer will get off to a rough start. She’ll have been saving money
for five years. She’s gonna wanna buy a bright pink motorcycle.
On the first day of summer, Penelope's going to go to the beach. She’ll go in the ocean and she’ll see
a shark. The shark is going to ask her for two dollars because he wants to buy a hamburger. So
Penelope’ll open her wallet and take out two dollars. Then the shark will steal Penelope’s wallet and
swim away.
So then Penelope will scream, “Ugh! That shark just stole all my money. Now I have to start my
savings from scratch.”
© Copyright 2009: Learn Real English, LLC
New School Year POV Lesson
So then Penelope is going to make up her mind to find a job. She’s really into photography so she’ll
find a job taking pictures for a rock and roll magazine.
Day to day Penelope’ll look for motorcycles that are for sale. She’ll save two thousand dollars and
buy a bright pink motorcycle that will really draw her eye.
* * * * *
Okay so that’s the end of this version of the story, the version in which the story is in the future, where we talk
about the events that are going to happen or events that will happen. Please notice that instead of saying
something like, “Penelope will open her wallet” we can shorten it by saying, “Penelope’ll open her wallet”.
This is more like how we would say it in spoken conversation. In a text book you’d be more likely to hear,
“Penelope will” instead of, “Penelope’ll”. So you can see how you combine the words “Penelope” and “will” to
be “Penelop’ll”. You also probably notice that sometimes instead of, “She is going to want” we might say,
“She’s gonna want” which also is more like spoken English.
Alright now let’s hear the story from Penelope’s point of view. We'll tell the story as if Penelope is actually the
one telling the story to you. Okay, let’s start.
* * * * *
My summer was off to a rough start. I had been saving money for five years. I wanted to buy a bright
pink motorcycle.
On the first day of summer, I went to the beach. I went in the ocean and I saw a shark. The shark
asked me for two dollars because he wanted to buy a hamburger. So I opened my wallet and I took
out two dollars. Then the shark stole my wallet and he swam away.
So I screamed, “Ugh! That shark just stole all my money. Now I have to start my savings from
So I made up my mind to find a job. I am really into photography so I found a job taking pictures for a
rock and roll magazine.
Day to day I looked for motorcycles that were for sale. I saved two thousand dollars and bought a
bright pink motorcycle that really drew my eye.
* * * * *
© Copyright 2009: Learn Real English, LLC
New School Year POV Lesson
Alright so that is the end of the point of view stories for the lesson “New School Year”. Now please listen to
each version again and after you listen to one version then try to tell the story to yourself. If you can’t it's
okay, just relax, and go back and try to listen to it again. You can listen to it everyday until you feel
comfortable telling the story to yourself. Okay, good luck and see ya next time.
© Copyright 2009: Learn Real English, LLC
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