Go (Divx) en.txt

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{1863}{1937}You know what I like about Christmas?|The surprises.
{1943}{2014}You get this box and you're|sure of what's inside.
{2020}{2052}You shake it, weigh it.
{2057}{2132}You're convinced you have it pegged.|No doubt in your mind.
{2138}{2194}But then you open it|and it's different.
{2200}{2246}You know. Wow! Bang! Surprise!
{2252}{2323}I mean, it's kind of like|you and me here, you know?
{2349}{2430}I'm not saying it's anything it's not.
{2451}{2526}Come on, this time yesterday,|who would've thunk it?
{2863}{2911}Paper or plastic?
{2980}{3026}Paper or plastic?
{3085}{3148}- Paper or plastic?|- Both.
{3227}{3285}You didn't double my coupons?
{3314}{3409}They're at the bottom in red,|where it says "double coupons".
{3562}{3659}You can't put bleach in|the same bag as food. It's poison.
{3912}{3992}Don't think you're something|you're not. I had your job.
{4066}{4112}Look how far it got you.
{4245}{4342}Nothing brings back warm holiday|memories like the songs you love.
{4348}{4382}- Don't.|- Why not?
{4388}{4455}Because she's been on for 14 hours.
{4506}{4544}- Ronna?|- No.
{4552}{4602}- I didn't ask yet.|- The answer's no.
{4607}{4651}Christmas is a time for giving.
{4743}{4819}Pardon me if I'm not in|a holly-jolly mood right now.
{4825}{4861}I'm getting evicted.
{4922}{4981}They wouldn't evict you at Christmas.
{5001}{5050}You'd be ho-ho-homeless.
{5080}{5116}- How much you owe?|- $380.
{5122}{5168}- That's nothing.|- It's more than I got.
{5173}{5195}Want my shift?
{5250}{5314}My best mates are going|to Las Vegas this weekend.
{5321}{5382}I've never been.|I'm told it's incredible.
{5388}{5480}If you take my shift,|I can go with them. Everybody wins.
{5559}{5596}Cash up front?
{5723}{5786}I'll throw in an extra $20|for a blowjob.
{5920}{5961}Any available cashier.
{5967}{6022}I need a cashier up at the front.
{6106}{6153}Look, I went the last time.
{6159}{6219}Okay. Dead Celebrities.|Loser goes up.
{6225}{6246}Omar Sharif.
{6318}{6346}Steve McQueen.
{6369}{6394}Michael Landon.
{6411}{6435}Lee Marvin.
{6618}{6651}Malcolm X.
{6778}{6812}You can't say Malcolm X.
{6819}{6856}He's famous. He's dead.
{6862}{6914}That's a rule.|Nothing starts with an "X".
{6921}{6957}That's not my problem.
{6963}{6993}You can challenge.
{7000}{7035}- I challenge.|- Bullshit!
{7040}{7100}Give me one dead celebrity|that begins with an "X".
{7187}{7259}There is one.|I know I thought of one before.
{7297}{7370}Break was over four minutes ago.|Who's up front?
{7603}{7636}I am.
{7856}{7928}Some dead pharaoh guy,|and his name starts with an "X".
{7934}{8007}That wasn't it.|Never heard of fucking Xerxes.
{8028}{8081}Pharaoh could've saved your ass.
{8087}{8126}There's an opera about him.
{8175}{8224}I took Music Appreciation twice.
{8236}{8331}What do you mean, he's snowed in?|What's he doing in Chicago anyway?
{8337}{8400}Look, just call me|when you get to a landline.
{8407}{8469}He can't get out of the airport.|We're fucked.
{8476}{8510}Is the British guy still here?
{8522}{8558}He went to Vegas for the weekend.
{8780}{8814}Ronna. Right?
{8858}{8927}Where can I get something|to go with this juice?
{8933}{8971}Doughnuts, aisle four.
{8977}{9034}I was hoping for something|more euphoric.
{9040}{9085}The British guy hooks us up.
{9142}{9162}How much?
{9169}{9215}- Twenty at $20.|- You're overpaying.
{9220}{9318}We're desperate. We're going to|a party at a warehouse. What is it?
{9343}{9373}"Mary X-mas Superfest".
{9386}{9441}- You going?|- We had a pre-party planned.
{9448}{9525}But it's all or nothing|because there's 20 of us.
{9531}{9622}My friend's stuck in Chicago.|He was supposed to come through for us.
{9628}{9677}We're dead.|If you could do anything...
{9707}{9743}to help us out....
{10019}{10055}I'll see.|Give me your number.
{10075}{10133}Kick ass! Thank you.
{10172}{10214}So you wanna buy all this OJ?
{10419}{10453}You know Simon's in Vegas?
{10459}{10513}I don't need Simon. I'm going to Todd.
{10522}{10554}Todd Gaines?
{10562}{10592}Who's Todd Gaines?
{10598}{10639}That's Simon's dealer.
{10645}{10701}You can't go around Simon like that.
{10713}{10798}Listen, if Simon were here,|which he's not, he'd charge $15...
{10804}{10881}when he gets it for $10.|Times 20 hits, that's $100.
{10887}{10984}It's a leap. You're moving up|the drug food chain without permission.
{10994}{11028}You shouldn't do this.
{11034}{11130}Why can't you chill the fuck out, okay?|It's just once.
{11136}{11222}When Simon gets back, we can still|overpay if it makes you happy.
{11228}{11263}But this is my deal.
{11269}{11318}Just sit back and watch.
{11934}{11981}- Speak.|- Todd, it's Ronna Martin.
{11987}{12030}You know me through Simon.
{12078}{12114}Can I come up?
{12656}{12721}I thought you bought|quarters off of Simon.
{12727}{12783}At least, what Simon|pretends are quarters.
{12789}{12831}I keep him honest.
{12865}{12931}At that level, you should pinch.|It's the economics.
{12937}{12982}You leaving?
{13358}{13393}Be good.
{13463}{13514}I take it this is not a social call.
{13589}{13626}I need a favour.
{13632}{13696}I didn't know we were|such good friends.
{13702}{13775}If we were, you'd know|I give head before I give favours.
{13781}{13837}I ain't giving my best friends head...
{13843}{13915}so your chance of getting a favour|is pretty slim.
{13926}{13967}Tell me what you wanna buy.
{13973}{14016}Twenty hits of Ecstasy.
{15238}{15314}You come here out of the blue|asking for 20 hits...
{15320}{15423}when 20 is the magic number where|"intent to sell" becomes "trafficking"?
{15429}{15523}- I'd never fuck you like that.|- How would you fuck me?
{16002}{16031}This is real.
{16037}{16115}Pharmaceutical grade,|not that crunchy, herbal rave shit.
{16124}{16209}Don't let anybody double dose.|They'll fry in the emergency room.
{16215}{16281}- Understood.|- Only one hit per headbanger.
{16369}{16409}Twenty at $15 is $300.
{16503}{16562}I was thinking more like 10.
{16575}{16623}I know you charge Simon 10.
{16629}{16682}Inflation is a bitch.
{16732}{16800}There are 20 of us.|I need all of this.
{16806}{16877}But I only have $200.|That's all I have.
{16922}{16957}No, no. Hear me out.
{16963}{17040}Hear me out, okay?|This $200 is like a down payment.
{17048}{17101}All right?|You give me the stuff...
{17107}{17182}I go to them, get the extra $100,|come back and pay you.
{17188}{17292}That would be doing you a favour.|And you know how I feel about favours.
{17298}{17341}I could leave something with you.
{17410}{17471}I already got a fucking Swatch.
{17478}{17545}I need something|I know you'll come back for.
{17577}{17628}- I'm not going.|- It's 45 minutes.
{17634}{17675}Hour, tops. Just sit there.
{17681}{17708}He's a drug dealer.
{17714}{17773}Jesus, Claire.|Don't get 8-1-8 on me here.
{17779}{17819}How much have I done for you?
{17825}{17886}No. You're making me an accessory.
{17895}{17979}Claire, my bracelet you're wearing,|that's an accessory.
{17985}{18049}You're just some chick|sitting in an apartment.
{18059}{18091}I'm not.
{18139}{18182}Okay. No bullshit, okay?
{18211}{18299}I don't get this money, I get evicted.|My ass is on the street.
{18390}{18468}Claire, I don't have anyone else|to go to, okay?
{18474}{18544}I'm coming to you|and I am asking for help.
{18731}{18790}Fine. 45 minutes.|That's 8:00.
{18796}{18851}We'll be back by 8:00. I promise.
{19058}{19102}It's 237.
{19120}{19182}Jesus! Next time, ask for directions.
{19496}{19521}You're a pro.
{19527}{19574}I'm a top-seeded amateur.
{19663}{19724}And I'm a very happy man.
{19947}{20035}Come on in.|Damn glad to meet you, Rhonda.
{20068}{20143}When I heard Philly got snowed in,|I told these guys...
{20149}{20220}it was getting loose there.|I'm glad we found you.
{20254}{20291}Work, work, work.
{20309}{20358}Friday must be a busy night.
{20386}{20430}That was just a friend.
{20456}{20493}What can I get you to drink?
{20523}{20574}Some of that orange juice|would be great.
{20826}{20855}All right.
{20930}{20968}I understand...
{20995}{21047}this party's gonna be huge.
{21082}{21115}Traci Lords is a promoter.
{21121}{21147}She is.
{21189}{21228}That's what I heard.
{21297}{21371}Ron, hon, we are fresh out of OJ.|Cerveza?
{21468}{21556}Hey, we bought a bunch|of orange juice tonight.
{21562}{21628}I just left it in the car.|But I can go get it.
{21704}{21782}Zack tells me that you've got 20 at $20.|Is that right?
{21862}{21890}You got a bathroom?
{21906}{21950}It's down the hall on the right.
{21956}{21980}Let me show you.
{22036}{22087}Maybe we could do this first?
{22362}{22464}We said Chicago. You said Philly.|I mean, maybe she didn't notice.
{22471}{22520}Everybody just keep it calm.|We're good.
{22711}{22736}You're fine.
{23078}{23123}Everything all right?
{23586}{23621}It's all yours.
{23784}{23848}Ronna, hon, do we got|a deal here or not?
{23877}{23979}No, actually, we don't. I came|to tell you I couldn't get anything.
{23985}{24053}A resourceful girl like you?|I don't believe that.
{24065}{24096}It's true.
{24148}{24208}I just wanna make a deal here.|Can we?
{24214}{24263}Who the fuck are you? Monty Hall?
{24355}{24399}Did you know I'm only 17?
{24427}{24508}I probably shoul...
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