Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E02 (26) Loved To Death.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  512x400 23.976fps 233.1 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2474}{2529}Good evening, felons.
{2531}{2615}Yime to assume the position,|if you know what I mean...
{2617}{2719}and prepare for another assault|and battery on your senses.
{2735}{2836}Yonight's seamy saga|is about a nice young man...
{2843}{2898}with a very bad attitude.
{2905}{2978}In fact, it's positively criminal.
{3056}{3147}I call this little game of chops|and clobbers...
{3163}{3202}Carrion Death.
{3354}{3381}Move, bitch.
{3609}{3646}Out of the way!
{4006}{4058}Arizona's still under a heat wave...
{4060}{4107}with dust storms|expected later in the day.
{4109}{4149}We interrupt this program|with an update...
{4151}{4190}on the manhunt for Earl Raymond Diggs...
{4192}{4273}who escaped Yuma prison just hours|before his scheduled execution...
{4274}{4343}for the brutal murders|of three Phoenix nursing students.
{4345}{4402}Diggs apparently feigned illness|during the night...
{4404}{4483}and when the prison doctor was called,|seized him as a hostage.
{4485}{4533}Diggs killed both the doctor|and a prison guard...
{4535}{4593}before escaping|in the doctor's late-model Cadillac.
{4594}{4659}State and local police in five counties|ha ve been alerted...
{4661}{4697}to be on the lookout for Diggs...
{4698}{4754}who is believed to be headed|for the Mexican border.
{4756}{4834}Digs is described as 5' 11",|dark hair and blue eyes.
{4836}{4882}He is armed and extremely dangerous.
{4883}{4913}And very rich.
{4915}{4948}Let's be careful out there, folks.
{4950}{5026}Now let's return|to our regular scheduled program.
{5285}{5337}Son of a bitch is on my tail.
{6438}{6473}Okay, copper.
{6550}{6592}Let's play chicken.
{8091}{8129}Look who's dead.
{8131}{8232}It's all right. I got 25 miles to Mexico.
{8234}{8285}I can do that. Shit!
{8397}{8465}I stay off the roads, away from the cops.
{9204}{9250}Yen-four, asshole.
{9274}{9310}Over and out.
{9345}{9405}See if there's maps somewhere.
{9432}{9474}It's fallen off the...
{9478}{9522}Yeah, okay.
{9638}{9670}All right.
{9693}{9769}Yhis is west. Face...|Yhese mountains must be...
{10060}{10113}no, right there.
{10134}{10188}Mexico's right over that hill.
{10394}{10431}Sorry, birdie.
{10446}{10497}Yhis buffet's been canceled.
{10511}{10608}But there's civil servant lunch|over that hill.
{11502}{11573}Looks like our friend Diggs|took off on foot.
{11632}{11664}All right.
{11710}{11753}Now, just remember...
{11858}{11901}I saw him first.
{12658}{12694}Look who's back.
{12696}{12753}Eat your heart out,|you goddamn scavenger.
{12754}{12798}You're not eating me.
{12801}{12873}I'm too tough to digest.
{13438}{13493}What's this, Diggs, a bribe?
{13634}{13679}I know you can hear me!
{13702}{13751}I will take you down!
{13995}{14089}I'm taking every one of those|dead presidents out of your hide.
{14302}{14334}You again?
{14368}{14420}Little piece of feathered shit.
{14457}{14540}You're just waiting around for me to drop,|aren't you?
{14542}{14633}Why didn't you go after that cop|when he was flat on his back?
{14646}{14717}Made my life a whole lot easier. No.
{14748}{14801}I guess you're chicken, vulture.
{14850}{14901}I better keep my eye on you.
{14953}{14997}What the fuck is that?
{15223}{15289}"Only two miles to Jose's border. "
{15318}{15350}Ywo miles?
{15498}{15547}Ice-cold beer...
{15627}{15668}maybe even a taco.
{15738}{15789}Let's get this up.
{15882}{15913}Come on.
{15965}{15998}All right.
{16054}{16111}Patch it up. Yhis ain't right.
{16340}{16400}Waitress, two beers.
{16498}{16549}Which way did you go, Diggs?
{16560}{16611}Which way did you really go?
{16697}{16762}You trying to tell me something, Lassie?
{17004}{17046}Yhanks, partner.
{17388}{17456}Well, I hope you enjoy your meal, Diggs...
{17484}{17544}because it's gonna be your last.
{17586}{17653}Yhe executioner's waiting.
{18936}{18983}What are you looking at?
{19113}{19161}End of the road, Diggs.
{19198}{19241}You ain't getting me.
{19427}{19467}God damn it!
{19508}{19542}You're mine!
{20321}{20398}Like I said, Diggs, I'm taking you in.
{20450}{20481}Fuck you.
{20741}{20771}fuck you.
{21068}{21109}Holy shit.
{21250}{21299}I don't believe this shit.
{21326}{21422}No water, no food, no bullets.
{21424}{21493}Nothing to get these fucking handcuffs off.
{21541}{21620}I didn't bust out of death row|to end up like this.
{21712}{21744}You again!
{21760}{21834}You know,|you're really starting to piss me off.
{21844}{21879}Where's that gun?
{21920}{21985}Coming up, one dead vulture.
{22048}{22090}It's fucking empty.
{22222}{22253}Six miles?
{22298}{22393}Okay. All right. I can do that.
{22398}{22456}All right, pal, on your feet.
{22458}{22529}Come on, we're walking to Mexico.|Oh, yeah.
{22553}{22588}Not a problem.
{22601}{22660}Yhis is going to be a walk in the park.
{22756}{22807}Grab that for me, will you?
{22859}{22902}Oh, boy.
{22904}{22953}Mexico's going to be great.
{22955}{23026}Hey, you speak any Spanish?|Oh, that's right, I forgot...
{23027}{23075}you don't speak at all.
{23150}{23230}And you know what's worse|than the goddamn lawyers...
{23232}{23280}and the goddamn judges?
{23285}{23343}It's the fucking newspapers, man.
{23349}{23404}Yhey tried me in the press.
{23420}{23517}Yhey called me a sick, perverted sadist.|Yhat's just total bullshit.
{23547}{23625}I didn't mutilate|a single one of those girls...
{23627}{23687}until after they were already dead.
{23708}{23792}Of course, if they knew about the five|I killed in Kansas...
{23794}{23839}I'd still be on trial.
{23974}{24073}Can't live with them, can't fit|more than one in a trunk at a time.
{24148}{24198}How much do you weigh, anyway?
{24234}{24294}You're a lot heavier than you look.
{24461}{24537}Come on, Diggsy, get motivated.
{24637}{24679}Sixty, sixty-one
{24714}{24771}Shot her eight times with a gun
{24773}{24803}Yhat's right.
{24858}{24932}Ate three more and 62
{25224}{25256}Oh, shit.
{25268}{25315}What are you looking at?
{25415}{25498}Well, Alex.
{25559}{25599}You got any ideas?
{25650}{25695}No, I didn't think so.
{27322}{27358}What a night.
{27432}{27466}Oh, my God.
{27489}{27529}I'm almost there.
{27554}{27595}I can't believe it!
{27622}{27684}We're almost there. Just about...
{27742}{27778}want to dance?
{27906}{27936}Come on.
{28075}{28111}And we're off.
{28290}{28323}I beat you.
{28398}{28483}Five more minutes,|you're going to have to extradite me.
{28550}{28606}Come on, Diggsy. Let's get them.
{28697}{28754}Boy, you're really getting stiff.
{28795}{28825}Come on!
{28874}{28910}You can do it!
{28949}{29009}You're doing great. Come on, now.
{29066}{29118}Yhat's right. Almost got it.
{29151}{29181}Come on.
{29196}{29267}Just almost there, over the top of the hill.
{29323}{29368}God, I'm proud of you.
{29466}{29499}All right.
{29876}{29918}I can't believe it.
{29937}{30022}Mexico!|Our friendly neighbor to the south.
{30055}{30122}I couldn't have done it without you, pal.
{30137}{30201}Oh, my God. It's all downhill from here.
{30523}{30570}You feathered fuck.
{30698}{30762}You want some lunch? Here.
{30798}{30876}Lighten my load. Hey, I'm talking to you.
{30907}{30960}Isn't he good enough for you?
{30996}{31043}What do you want, bird?
{31070}{31104}You want me?
{31122}{31204}No. You ain't getting me, bird.
{31215}{31300}You ain't getting me!|God damn it, you ain't getting me.
{31342}{31381}I got to get out of here.
{31382}{31436}I got to figure something out.
{31702}{31738}I got an idea.
{31825}{31849}Come on.
{31851}{31940}You lost, vulture! I'm getting away.
{32014}{32058}Okay. Here.
{32090}{32141}Hold this for me, will you?
{32398}{32430}Come on.
{32607}{32670}Let's do a little dance, huh? Come on.
{32804}{32840}All right.
{33153}{33258}Yhis is going to work great.|You're a genius, Diggsy.
{33562}{33619}Yhis baby is going to cut fine.
{33663}{33722}It's been nice traveling with you, cop...
{33729}{33780}but this is where we go|our separate ways.
{33782}{33806}Believe me.
{33808}{33867}Yhis is going to hurt you|more than it hurts me.
{33869}{33907}Hang on, Diggsy.
{33926}{33974}Don't black out on me now.
{34013}{34045}All right.
{34066}{34166}One. Ywo. Yhree.
{34282}{34322}Oh, my God!
{35156}{35191}I can't move.
{35265}{35321}God, my neck's bust.
{35330}{35395}God, I can't... Help!
{35408}{35498}Help! Somebody! Somebody, help me!
{35518}{35563}Get me off this rock.
{35590}{35638}God, I'm paralyzed!
{35661}{35701}Oh, God.
{35760}{35802}Oh, Jesus, not you.
{35846}{35909}Get away. No, get away.
{35923}{35960}No. I'm not really dead.
{35962}{36053}You can't! You don't want me! I'm still-|Oh, God, no!
{36074}{36122}Don't you come down here!
{36141}{36188}Go away! Go, get...
{36220}{36258}I'm not dead.
{36321}{36351}I'm not-
{36452}{36506}I'm not dead.
{37227}{37260}Poor Diggs.
{37271}{37357}Here today, leftovers tomorrow.
{37373}{37445}Boy, talk about flipping someone the bird!
{37513}{37580}Personally, I'm with the buzzards...
{37588}{37696}except I like my meat|a little more well-done.
{37711}{37754}Cook them, Danno!
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