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DonaldB. P$chke
{Bour rHls Issrf,. As soonas\re fi.ished
the SchoolhouseClock for this issue,$'e
d€cided to hansit onthewall in ourrecep-
tion area. Since $'e rcnt spacein a large
buildins,weoften set yisito$ lookinsin to
seewhat ihe latest project is. The daywe
put the SchoolhouseClockon the $,all,we
hadtwo requests to buyit o. the spot. . .
for $350.
Now I wasfacedrvith a toush decision.
Shoul.l I spend the s'eekend buikling
another.clockandpickup an easy$350? Or
shouldI do what I really want to do:mo{'
the lawn and pull weedsin the garden?
roo|,s. A commentI hed from a lot of
guys just siartjng out in $ood$'orkins
soes somethinglik€thisr " IU liketo builda
pmjecr likethat SchoolhouseClock. . . if I
And the best help I kDos'of is a router
table.Elersince we built therouter lable
(shown 'n lyoods,rillr No. 20),my router
hasspenta lot moretime makins dust. - .
inslead of collectins it.
Okay, Don, why the bis sal€s pilch on
As I mention€dabo!'e. I have this thirg
about using tools t|at our f€adeN are
likelx to }a!e. Althoughsevemlbrandsof
router tabl€sare on the market, I really
pr€fer our "home made"veNion.
I suess ilhat I'm galtingat is uris:I like
Lhisrouter table, so I usedit to build the
projects in this issue.But that soft ofim
pliesthatyou haleiobuild lherouteltable
befo.eyoucanbuild anl oftheseprojects.
Wlich is sort of tl.ue. So, I feel a little
suilty because you nay not rvanl to build
it- But I think it's a pretty good tool, so I
tend to encou?gebuildingil. And I drive
mys€lfcHzJ in the process.
LrrHE pRoJEcrs. Turning to a ne$ sub-
jecl, Ne're r€ceiled a lot of requestsfor
laure prcjects. And that plesents a prob-
lem. I don't hale much e\pe ence$ith
lathe work, aDdto be honest,I don'l get
that e\cited about it.
Ho!ve!er',Steve (ournew Assistanr Edi
tor) is pretty goodon a lathe, so he'sthe
onethal got us goingon the Turred FNit
Bowl in tlris issu€.In fact, h€'sno1lllork-
ing on a seriesof aticles on turning.
Whx did Ne choosea boNl (faceplate
tuming) to slalt this sedes?
Well, we d n't know rvhereto stat, so
NesatdoNnandtalkedaboutit. Stevesaid
tbat almostever! bookhe'sseenon rurn-
ing suggeststhat you shouldstart out \ th
spindle turdns (bet$eencenters)to leaD
I said, "Y€ah, bur spindl€turning
usually meanstulning legs, and ihen I
have to build a tableto go rvit} the legs."
Steye respond€d, "Well, wecouldtum a
simple bowl, bul it tak€s a little mom
patierce to leam tbe techniques.
Well, we built the clock,rhe Curio
Cabiner,ihe LazySusanandihe Tdlet (all
sho$n in this issue)$'ith only two maJol
lools: a Lablesaw and a router- That\
celtainly not muchin the way of tools.
Aclually, I'll hale to adnit thal you do
ncedonemoretool. Patience.All ofthe-.e
proj€cts involvemitered joinis. Although
one miter is not all that difficult to cut,
$'henyouhale to cutselemlnitels (for aD
ociagonalfrane, for instance),thex all
haveto mateperfecUy.Thai tendsto takc
a little tine. And maybea feNtrial cutson
somescrap$'ood. (Ourshopis litered$ith
QuestionrYou said you useda rcuter for
all ofthese projecrs. What kind of router
is published
bimonlhly (January March,Itay, July,Sep'
tsmber,Novemb€4by woodsnithPubrishing
(SSN 016+4114)
we have lbur routersin theshop (S.nrs,
Rock('cll, StaiLelt and ildlila). lt's not
that Ne Deededall of them. It's just that
rve\'cin the proccss oftrying then out-
BLrtto ans$,€rthe question, we useda
neri,S.ors C)vlts,u, I hp. router for most
ofthe sork. Surprised?I wanled to use
thisrouterfor lrvofeasons.First, I Liketo
usethe kindofequipmenithal mostofour
reade$ are lik€lx lo orvn. And second, I
ranted to useUreDe$'S€d)r edgeguide
My eyes lit up, "Patience, there's mr_
falol'itc *o1d. Lefs do il."
The ne\t day, Stele emergedfrom the
shop$ith aprototypeofthe bowlhehad jn
nind, and handedit to ne. No\{, usually
shen I seeas'oodsorkinspfojecl, I stand
back,crossmy arms, and stroke mx chin
with a sedouslook on n) fac€.
This time things \ele diffefent. As I
heldthe bosl, I couldseethe wood,but I
could also feel it. And I could fecl the
texture andthe shapeofit.
Thar'sallit took. Now l'mexcitedaboul
boNl tumiDs, andI think w€'ll be doins a
( No.25r?9,
$15). It's a pretty nicelittle gizmo.
No$ that we're on the subjecl of
rout€rs, I hale a fe$ olher commentsItl
like io make. I have lhe feelingthat
routeN are kind of "dream machines"for
\\ood\r'ork€l.s.Wiih all thosebits and af
tachments, you ought to be able to do
almostanything with them.
But theproccssofturning dr€amsinto a
finish€dprojectis not ahraysan easyone.
is a rcgislered
lradema*of lh€
tcopy ghl1982 by woodsmithPublishing
copy pric€, $2.50
(Canada andForejgnradd$2 poryear)
ChangeOlAddre$:Pleasebssu.elo includs
both your old and new addr€ssand a mailing
labellrcma fecenlissus.
Posrmasler:Sendchangeol add€ssnotice,
Fom 3579,toWoodsmilhPublishingCo.,2200
routersspendmostof then
In fact, I've cometo tbink ofa router as
just a fancy notor that ne€dssorne help.
NEXTnarl,r:{c,July, 1982
Subscrlptlotr3:One year(6 issues) $10, Two
yeaB(12 issues) S18. SingLe
Ttpr & T."htiques
IntheJanuary issueofWoodsrrilt, I found
an it€m that I waslery interestedinr the
markins sauge. Your design makes a
beautiful tool and it stnck a responsile
chod when I notedthat you useda rosan
insert to makethe clampingnechanismof
the saus€ block.But I $as suryrisedthat
you didnotuseasimilard€vicefor holdins
I wanted to mak€ a drawer fronL wiih a
router desjgn,without havingto usea lor
of €xp€nsive woodworki.g equipment.
The problem I kept halins was how to
achievea good go-degaee comer.
Tosolvetheproblem,I ppedaboardto
equal/, the$'idth ofthe dra$er front, and
After readingyour JanuarJissueondo!e-
tails, I thought xou misht be ableto use
this shop tip on cutting a rabbeled
I cui a mbber on the insideofone board
before cuttins either tbe tails or th€ pins.
Thismbber can b€anJdepth (I usuallycut
mine%'de.p),butthe\ dthmustexactlJ
matchthethicknessofthe otherpiec€.The
primafypulposeofthe rabbetis to provide
a shoulderto conceal
Here'smyidearslartby dlillingthe very
end of the arr for a %'rosan insel.t.B€
surethal there'senoughroom betweenthe
squarcmortiseandthe endoflhe am for
theins eseamof the
doletail. andto giveasharyappcadnghre
dowDthe insidecorner.
in the
the entirelengthofth€ rosaninsel.t.Then
insed the rosan insert and a %' thumb-
screwto securethe Nedge.
This sives xou a nechanismwhich Nill
makebladeadjustingmuchnore accurale
about 2v? tim€s as long as ihe actLral
draw€r.Then I routedagroove,usingthe
routertableanda S€dr3center point og€e
bit, the entire length of the board.
Aft€r it $as routed, I mitered (45') the
drawer front as shown, and glued the
pi€ces together. The results were ex'
cellent,andil rvasa lol easierto do than I
expected.By carefullyseleclingthewood,
it's possible to achiev€ perfect 90'turns in
coDer ofthe joint (in the
the should€rof a teDnoncolers the mof
tisc), the rabbet alsomakeschoppingthe
dolerail easier.FiNL, the $ood is thinner,
so there's lessNaste to cut. Second, the
shoukleroft}e rabbetcanbeuseilasastop
for the cbisel,makingth€ clampingof an
auxiLia\' board unnecessarxon the niside
of the dl-aNerfronl.
. l.xdtrd.f L. S,rtl,
Vi1 si)lio Beach,Viryntia
l\'e hied lo set oulside calipersNilh a
fuler Nhen mersurins spindletunings,
ard to be hon€st. il's nol rcalll a !c1J
E.lIir Ti.ttetur
Peh h(t (hie, ll ississi tpi
ltosdntrseriscd, b€ pr)rnas€d r!Dir T}e
WoodwofkersSrore ICulohg $1.t)A).
21ttl1lndutttiol Blt(l.. Ro(|ets.lliit-
|?.sota,iiJT!. Thelt\'e araiktble ii rrn
sl? es,
Johr rYilsor
Cha 0tte,Mi(higar
This is also a aoad,iq .li" tutt:tL -
inll lh.| a .|nlrer botloht ulter
rslrlt d thtorllhdoletail.
li' (rd'/;, andcost.28.ach.
Wlenever I m cutting blind dado'srvith a
routertableortabLesaN,I alNaysmakea
lineonihe tablesoI knowjusr hoir'far'lo
run the stock. wjth just one li.e I rvas
als,al's wonderinsrvhenil Nouldsho\yup.
I somelimes
andlechniqueswilh olherreadersoI vr'ood-
sm,rh.Wewillpayaminimumol Ss loratip,and
I lu cd a gauge Nirh stepsfor
different measurcn.nts. Each sl.p irl
creasesnr 'i,i" incremeDts, ranging flom
Jl" lo I't (the sizesI li.equently use).
It's lery easyto set youlcalipeN to the
corect size,usinglhe gauge. You also get
thesame "feel' ol thecalip€r'sslippi'rgover
lh. gaugeas Iou dowhenthelslip olerthe
piecebcins tuDed. Tlrishelpsinsurethat
let lheculterbum theslockin
anticipation,and soinetimesI cul too lar
beforcI sa$ the line.
Now I makefourparaliellinesin front of
my stopline, \dth equaLspacingbehreen
each line. The lines are visible befor€
rcachirgthe stopline.andwith the equal
spacing,almostalloN Xou to '\ee" thestop
lh€ prcperty oi Woodsmilh
Co.Upon paymenl,yougive Wood-
sdilhthenghllousethemale alinanymannor
ll your idsainvolvssa drawingor photo lo
makea newd.awiiq,o. buildlhe prcject or jig
and phorograph
ir. (Any drawingsor phoros
submned cannot be felumed.)
Sond yourideaslo: Woodsmr'lh,
Tips & Tech'
RonaLdT. Mau,tl
t,. .1.D. Coltin
Sdt.llite B ch.F k, nJa
Woinvits you lo shafe your woodworking
il do yolr besland,if necessary,
Schoolhouse Clock
This SchoolhouseClock is built just
two oakboards&feet lo.g. That's notrvhal
I would call a lol of lumber Hosever
th€seboardsmus! be cut up into 32 small
pi€ces oust the isht sizeandshape),and
car€fully joined tosethex
I tlink tlat's th€ mostintdgui.g thing
aboutclock-buikiing.It doesn'lrcquire a
lot of {ood . . . but it do€srequirea lot of
woodworking skill.
ror:{ERYJoin€ry js probablJ the most
impoftant aspecl of this clock. Almosl
every joint is on displaysoit must be cut
accumtelyHoweve4 that's not aasy be
causeihe piecesee somewbat srnall,and
rnost0fthem are mitered at 22'li".
This miter angle is the r€sult of the
octasonal (eisht-sided) designtherne.The
framesmoundins the dial,th€ part ofthe
caseextendingbelo! this frane, and the
frame for the slass door all requirc miters
crt it zzY,'.
SinceeachoflhesemiteN isjoined with
the aidof a spline, grooves must be cut in
all mitered pieces. Althoush this can be
doneona tableor mdial an saq I found
it was awholelot easieronamutertable. I
guess what I'n setting at hereis thai you
might sant to build the router table
(shown in WoodsDtt/lNo. 20) b€fore
tegmt€d pendulum movement,andatick-
tock sound. (Not€: The pendulum lensthis
measur€d differ€ntlyonthis movement-
youneeda 16"pendulum
l) The Dial. We ord€r€d an 11%"-
dianeter enameledmeial dial with a
Sl-daydateins from ltdson A Sllrli|'an
(Cat. No. ?4065, $9.95). Note: q'hen order-
ing, specify "key-hole puncled fo! 3341X
ihe Kloclit qua(z no!e-
me.t, you can still order th€ dial fron
Mdson d-Srlltdn, but there'snoneedfor
the datednsor th€ punched key holes,so
any 11/r"-diameterdial sill s'ork.
2) The bezel.This is the slass door and
bnss frane that ffts oler (and protects)
the clockface.Asain we used a,l4dsol &
Srllimn bezelCatalogNo. 4200B, $19.50.
3) Hinsesandknobs.In additionto the
clock works, you'll need some niscella-
neoushantwar€.Wewereableto purchase
alloflheseitemsat alocallardware store.
Howeve! r'e're also listins the catalog
number and price from nre Waoduorkers'
Sloz (Catalos $2),21801
Hndofexpense,you canalsouseabattery-
operate{lqu{tz movenent. The move
mentthatweknow\r'illfit thisclockisfron
theK/o.lii Company (Catalog: Free),PO.
Bor 629, Lak. Genela, wI 5314?.The
quartz novem€nt is Cat. No. 12005,
This movementhas provisions for houf
and minute hands (but not a calendar
hand),Bim Bam chimes (thalsound some,
thing like an elect c door bell), an in
Rosers,MN 553?4-
BrassButt Hinges, /i', tso pair (D30Il,
$.65 per pair)
BrassDoor Knob. (D3038, 9.55each)
Bullet Catch, %,,"diameter,%'long.
(D3601, $3.?0 per I0)
Tm Button Latch. (D305?, $.95 per r0)
BrassHanse! (D3009, $1.55 per 10)
4) Glassfor PendulumDoox W€ used
single-str€nsthwindow slass for the pen-
dulumdoorandcut it to fit thedoorftame
ouselves. Jon (our tut Dir€ctor) added
the blackand sold painted bordersaround
the edgeof the glass. This is a nicelittl€
touch, but not altogethernecessary it
rcquires a litUe more artistic talent than
I have.
Once the hardNare andclockworks are
ordered (and hopetullyin hand), tle wood-
workingcanbegin.I staftedwiththe case.
Tle case (sho$n in l'is. 1) has six sides,
vith the boltom three piecesforming a
laltial octason.To keep a continuous saain
pattem fromone piece to th€ ne\t, I cut all
six pieces fromon€boad (as sho$'nin th€
Cutting Dia$an).
First I cut each piece to rough length
(see MaterialsList), markinslhemto keep
themin order.Then I pped all pieces to
into this SchoolhouseClock.
There is one other consideration.The
woodworkingpalt of this project is both
fun andchallenging.However,ihe result
is nota clock.Rather,it'sjust th€ casefor
the real "guts" of ihe clock:rhe s,orks.
We desigted this schoolhouseclock to
accept two kinds of wo.ks: either the
traditional "g€ar and spring" movemenl,
or the modern r€placementra batlery-
operated quaft z movement.
l'or th€ clockshownhere, we went all
out and bought a Gerna.-made, solid
brass movement from the rudson &
Sriltro, catalos (586 HigginsCrowelRd.,
West Yamouth, MA 026?3).The move-
mentil e usedis listedin their catalog asa
"Calendar'Bjm-Barn' Key WindPendulum
A C... Sid6 1%. r 3tA t 2lY. 123)
B Cq.. !.t?om. t%, t 3V t 3v. (11h1
C Ca.. Lp \r.,3/. - AtA Ot
D FEm. Sid.. 1A ,16 - A'A |.,|ol
E lEm. lorroBr tA t ru. - 1%. (51
F Ftn.l.p 11r2-alrot
G DIdfFem. '*. t 3 - 6V,.lTth)
tf MofdingSrripr 1%. t'A - .!r b ftr
I DoorLp
All of t|at neans it's a l4-day spring-
driven movement that ddves both the
minuteandhourhands,aswell asa calen'
ddhand. Thismovenentalsocomeswith
atwo-tone (Bin Ban) chim€,a brass pen-
dulumrod and bob, and black serpentine
]rands.TheMdsor & Srlltuan CatalogNo.
is 3341X (r4%" pendulun). The cost:
lf your budset doesn't allow for that
1%.r? - 618'A)
J D@rsid.i
1\. , ,h - 74. $'/")
(|(0@r 6onom.
tq,, t,A - ztA lal2,
instead of I4%".)
DIAL,BEZEL.ETc. In addition to the
clock works, there are a few other
Ifyou choose
\ iihh.
( r r'|()r.ri\(;rII.f i\cofrhfs! |i.c!s {thc
Lro sirl.srDrlthrtf bl)r1rtrr
(ul t! rjrll lcnlth no\r. rlhr nrl)is rut
ht.rr. I "lrfl(l sith rhc t(. si(lf fircrs
1-lr.rutii'rgrh! t,,))fnrl sqLufc.Tht L',n-
1!.r en(L
rs.ut xt r l:'.'rnitd r, th. iDrl
ldrlth rlrrir rhc nlLrrrr.rrl to th. l(Dg
t!)iDt of ihc rriirrc(l or(lris:l -'.
\o\t. t|e thr.r blltr)n pi((e. (I:l)rfe
cut.Thfse | if. hjtercd
f ***,
::'._ otl
l!'lh rnds n) rh. iirrl lor$h rir',D llDr
l),,nn 1,,ll[g |oi ]is j ,'.
{rirx)\r foR sH,t\ES.\o\ thr {r.o!o.
ii)rth. slnih,srrr; l)r cLrt.
lr,h^\n in thf
,lclril in l i!. :i. the gf.,r1, ii I sili,rul
' i,tr thc lou |oirt of rh. Drit(! ti)
Nl|)\ f.rrnr n)r rIc ublrrs. OD(r Lhf
qfr.r.s u. rui. th. slrlinls rf! (tlL l,' lll.
l f liirl!drnitlLro
is (hsesn,rl iDDrD.rl,,iril
'l|f , j r,r'
rrbl)fr ,,! lhc lioDt ..lge i: ii' thr rl,trr'
ilrDx-.rn,llhcr : \ rubbrr!. rhol)r.]i
c,1!cisIi,rihe lnr\rrnl l)l(1,.f ir. :i. llso.
rt ":ilfctr rabbft oDthe t.l) !.ri:.f tht
r\. sitl. t)ircfs (-\rilurl(lbr rut . \nlr
it! Dul.h thc thi(lirrfsiol thc r,ri, 1)io( ).
r,rE(r. Dr) Nsi.rnblrtIt:c 11!r
| lnrii\r,rhclot)lromrle sufee\.fI
thing tit: Ifi,t)rrl. \!\ IirrL Dn,rrul'
m.Dtslof th. to! 1f ) cNl Lr Lrlicn.
lh. tr)l) |, i.j,,iffil 1,,thc t\o iirlfs
\ill, ! ubl,ct u(l rlxiloi,,iDt.scf fi!. :
aut r L ',lfcl, (lrd! firht al.D! thc
shNl(lor.f th. l.ll,b(,tTl)f I (r1 r ul,l,rt
,'f Lothcn( l,ir(! ((l).lc!\ irr r
n[g('f 1,,lil in thr gfo.r.. lhe kcr thnr!
hrrc ii thrt \tctr thf ro| isirsralhrl.rhc
r\o s!hs (,\) Dr'st lrc pafrllfl. ll lhis
lirf(c' thc Drit{r'er1
fou!h lorgthu"irr!in rhr .f,trenecrh,^\ |
n' thc ( uttiiu Dirgrrnrn)nriiDirjr i (,D,
ti[[i sfarr pNiLcrn.Nr\t,,,f
!rrh l)na1,
1l.l)-nrjleing bDthtnrlsrt :l:rr'. lh.r I
gl"!'.1il ir phcc.N.\t, I .ut thr t\r) othfr t,ir(s arxl glLrcdLh.nt!r l)hcf.
i'ig. l. (i,itirs lhcse Iic(cs rolit
liltlr I)hlr.! rrr,,Lrril.
j.iDt: ,n tIt thfre U,L-
l,tr) pic(csslightll .nt 1,f irLigDhtrl. its
b. ..!ffcd \ ith r Drn(hrrstlil)lrter.
\ss rxr..|.\llsi\ piccrs lin rhclAsr.rn
iro\ bcghr{l t.'getbff.I nrftc(l \irh lif,i! triccrs
sh,'!l(l l)! mit.f!.1 rt f\tr(l1\' ::,r'. ir
rcrlitr'llifrjrc cut to Iit soth. it)iDt liM
rh tjght rlInrlchuli$ith thcj.nrt lin's
rn.l\oflsl DrrNrt\',uru!l
tr)th! trt,. I riscdr\o bdrl t strrt rrlaDrIs
rnrrl th! |e$retcr,,l thr cxstlo hol(liL
tlrgcthcf (hil! theglLreNas (lrritrrj.
As thf llLrf \Ns tlrliDg or th! .!s!, I
.lrrt.(l\olt onthc (loor irnro th. si\
Ir1!cts l,rt\ eenthe c:rscaI1(l
f,r'th! snl{, l)i{rr,s ll)r,'rr cr,1 j. n)i-
tiiql (ul nbouL::rr") to mrti' \irh th! l)ifr,:s. IILrLLhcothrr.DtlLth.rol)
IrcG shl,Lrl(l
bf f,- lllnr l,ru
thc glNS.tloof.
ln,lit f shiDgth. snl(, ticr!s ir t,h!f. I
cut t\vr rrnchcsiDon.l)i!t. inf thf.l,tri'
hnrgls.l hrst rrn(hcsrr. IL \nl.1orrh.
\ i(lthof thehiDgesr
ri\ l)ifcts is:'\ nlc.fifst
I rittrd i: \irlc str|. l; 1,[A.
Iiotore cu i|s the sir l) to fough
leDglh. I rosa\re(l (riplrrl on cd1rfr Lhis
siritt.r ll thickness.
r)!l r',, 1lc.!.Onrh.
,,ihrrsjdc t)i|c. r ri h,,lf js ilfillfrl liif r
lhen I (Lrtoilr li)
lcDgthinr th! lop ficco r1.).ar.l |l)cdih.
l iDrll).thc :"'\ i(lrlirmr t.t) rl ) is.ut
lo fil bctn.!r th. l|bllrls ir Lhc (rrc. rntl
mitcfc(l (rt l; ) to nrit! \'ill) lIr sidf
1r- \'i(]r fof thc ti\o si.l.'s (Dl
ind lhfte bott.D tieces (E).
N.\. trch ofrhpre fl\'c t)itcls i! cur10 ;.
;1, il)rNl
1--\raDd tht thrrc l)otlonrpjfccs
1Br Lhrr.| is.otfrbhderl.
RrBIrrN fir)!lh. ul)b.ts Dmstb( rur
.n boththf t|,rn e,ltt rrrlbrclifrlgcri rhc
1\o sirL{,s
rrt i!i1f fr(1.
l $1thth. rfrl!f Lr,Ll!n)
l,r, )nudrof a Ifohlem r,i'(til'st
is niiefcrl nt lt . Thc ilDrll.ngth of
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin