
(2 KB) Pobierz
Icy Tower v1.3.1 - log file
Game started with the following commands:
Working directory is:

Creating hiscore tables
Initiating controls
Loading config file
Setting windowed mode 640x480
Installing timers
Installing keyboard
Installing sound
Installing joystick/gamepad
 gamepad has 0 buttons
 getting values from gamepad.txt
Reserving memory
Loading data
Initiating player
Creating color maps
Checking available characters
 disco_dave: ok
 harold_the_homeboy: ok
 template: ok
 getting palette from <(1) harold_the_homeboy>
Loading SFX
 loading ogg datafile
 sfx13.dat loaded
Getting sounds from data file
Releasing ogg datafile.
Cleaning up
Initiating scroller
Initiating menu controls
Resetting menu

 new game selected
 init new game
 setting up for replay recording
 creating map layout
 loading custom character: harold_the_homeboy
  loading from datafile
    loading jump lo
    loading jump med
    loading jump hi
    loading yo
    loading wazup
    loading falling
    loading edge
 cc done
 setting up play data
 play started
 play ended
 replay_menu launched
  play again selected
 freeing custom data
    destroying datafile
    destroying jump lo
    destroying jump med
    destroying jump hi
    destroying fall
    destroying edge
    destroying yo
    destroying wazup
 init new game
 setting up for replay recording
 creating map layout
 loading custom character: harold_the_homeboy
  loading from datafile
    loading jump lo
    loading jump med
    loading jump hi
    loading yo
    loading wazup
    loading falling
    loading edge
 cc done
 setting up play data
 play started
 play ended
 replay_menu launched
 freeing custom data
    destroying datafile
    destroying jump lo
    destroying jump med
    destroying jump hi
    destroying fall
    destroying edge
    destroying yo
    destroying wazup

Showing credits

Saving config
  saving config and scores
Freeing sound memory
Freeing custom character memory
Unloading datafile
Free buffer memory
Free highscore tables
Free player
Exiting Allegro

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