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Psionics Handbook
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Introduction ........................................................... 4
What Is Psionics ................................................. 4
The Psionics Handbook ........................................ 4
What’s New? ................................................... 4
Special Abilities ................................................ 40
Psionic Combat................................................. 40
How does Psionic
Combat Work?........................................ 40
A N UTSHELL ............................................. 41
Psionic Attack and
Defense Modes ............................................ 42
Intellect Devourer......................................... 150
Neothelid ......................................................... 150
Phthisic ............................................................. 151
Psion-Killer...................................................... 152
Puppeteer ......................................................... 153
Temporal Filcher ........................................... 154
Thought Eater................................................. 154
Udoroot ............................................................ 155
Chapter 1: Psionic Classes ............................... 5
Class Descriptions .............................................. 5
Psion ....................................................................... 6
Game Rule Information .............................. 8
D ISCIPLINES ...................................................... 8
Class Skills ....................................................... 9
Class Features ................................................. 9
Psion Starting Packages .............................12
Psychic Warrior.................................................13
Game Rule Information ............................14
Class Skills .....................................................14
Class Features ...............................................14
Psychic Warrior Starting
Multiclass Psionic Character ........................16
Chapter 5: Powers .............................................. 45
Psion Powers...................................................... 45
Psychic Warrior Powers................................. 49
Power Format .................................................... 50
Powers ................................................................. 51
Index ..................................................................... 157
Character Sheet ................................................ 159
List of Tables
Table 3-2: Experience and Level-
Dependent Benefits (reprinted
From the Player’s Handbook )........................ 6
Table 1-1: The Psion ........................................... 7
Table 1-2: Psion Bonus Power
Points................................................................. 7
Table 1-3: Disciplines and
Associated Abilities....................................... 8
Table 1-4: Psicrystals ........................................10
Table 1-5: Psicrystal Special
Table 1-6: The Psychic Warrior ....................15
Table 2-1: Psionic Character Skills ..............18
Table 3-1: Psionic Feats ...................................22
Table 4-1: Psionic Combat DC
Table 4-2: Psionic Attack Modes ..................42
Table 4-3: Psionic Defense Modes ...............42
Table 6-1: The Metamind ............................ 110
Table 6-2: The Pyrokineticist...................... 111
Table 6-3: The Slayer ..................................... 112
Table 6-4: The Soulknife .............................. 113
Table 6-5: Random NPC
Alignment................................................... 115
Table 6-6: Random Psionic
NPC Class ................................................... 115
Table 6-7: NPC Psion (Egoist).................... 116
Table 6-8: NPC Psion (Nomad) ................. 116
Table 6-9: NPC Psion (Savant) ................... 117
Table 6-10: NPC Psion (Shaper) ................ 118
Table 6-11: NPC Psion (Seer) ..................... 119
Table 6-12: NPC Psion (Telepath)............. 119
Table 6-13: NPC Psychic Warrior ............. 120
Table 7-1: Magic-Psionic
Equivalencies ............................................. 122
Table 7-2: Random Psionic Item
Generation .................................................. 123
Table 7-3: Armor Special Abilities ............ 123
Table 7-4: Shield Special Abilities............. 124
Table 7-5: Melee Weapon Special
Abilities........................................................ 126
Table 7-6: Ranged Weapon Special
Abilities........................................................ 126
Table 7-7: Crystal Capacitors ...................... 128
Table 7-8: Dorjes............................................. 129
Table 7-9: Powers Encoded in a
Power Stone ............................................... 129
Table 7-10: Stone Power Level ................... 129
Table 7-11: Psionic Tattoos.......................... 130
Table 7-12: Universal Psionic
Items............................................................. 131
Table 8-1: The Psionic Template ............... 140
Chapter 6: Characters .................................... 109
Prestige Classes............................................... 109
Metamind.................................................... 109
Pyrokineticist ............................................. 110
Slayer ............................................................ 112
Soulknife ..................................................... 113
Psionic NPC Statistics .................................. 115
Random NPC ............................................. 115
Handcrafted NPC ..................................... 115
D ESCRIPTIONS ........................................ 115
NPC Psion (Egoist)................................... 115
NPC Psion (Nomad) ................................ 116
NPC Psion (Savant) .................................. 117
NPC Psion (Shaper) ................................. 118
NPC Psion (Seer) ...................................... 118
NPC Psion (Telepath) .............................. 119
NPC Psychic Warrior .............................. 120
Chapter 2: Skills ..................................................17
Skill Summary ...................................................17
Skill Descriptions .............................................18
Autohypnosis ................................................18
Knowledge (psionics).................................19
Remote View.................................................20
Stabilize Self ..................................................20
Use Psionic Device......................................20
Chapter 7: Psionic Items .............................. 121
Using Items ..................................................... 121
Saving Throws against
Psionic Item Powers............................ 122
Damaging Psionic Items......................... 122
“Magic” Items for Psionic
Characters .............................................. 122
Psionic Item Descriptions........................... 122
Random Psionic Items ............................ 123
Armor and Shields.................................... 123
Weapons ...................................................... 125
Crystal Capacitors ..................................... 128
Dorjes............................................................ 128
Power Stones .............................................. 129
Psionic Tattoos........................................... 129
Universal Items ......................................... 130
Universal Item Descriptions................. 130
Cursed Items ................................................... 136
Psionic Artifacts.............................................. 136
Creating Psionic Items ................................. 138
Chapter 3: Feats ...................................................21
Acquiring Feats .................................................21
Types of Feats.....................................................21
P SIONIC F EATS ...............................................23
Feat Descriptions ..............................................23
Chapter 4: Psionics ............................................31
Manifesting Powers .........................................31
W HAT IS A P SIONIC P OWER ?.......................32
A GAINST P SIONIC P OWERS .....................33
Manifester Level ..........................................35
Special Power Effects .................................35
Psionics-Magic Transparency ..................36
Psionic Powers...................................................37
Psions and Psychic Warriors....................37
Using Stored Power Points.......................37
P SIONIC D ISEASE ...........................................37
Psychometabolism Powers .......................38
Psionic Disciplines ...........................................38
Psychometabolism ......................................38
Psychoportation ...........................................39
D IFFERENT .................................................39
Chapter 8: Monsters ....................................... 139
Psionic Creatures ........................................... 139
Creating a Psionic Creature ................... 139
Astral Construct ............................................. 140
Blue..................................................................... 142
Brain Mole ....................................................... 143
Caller in Darkness ......................................... 144
Cerebrilith........................................................ 145
Crysmal ............................................................. 146
Folugub ............................................................. 146
Githyanki.......................................................... 147
Githzerai ........................................................... 149
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You’ve read the Player's Handbook , the D UNGEON M ASTER 's
Guide , and the Monster Manual, and yet you are not satisfied.
Why? Because you have an idea that magic is only part of the
equation. You saw hints of another kind of power in the
Monster Manual and the D UNGEON M ASTER 's Guide . That tan-
talizing word: psionics! The power of mind over matter. You
knew there had to be more. And you were right.
Welcome to the marvel of the mind.
along with providing rules for adjudicating situations. The
default rule allows magic and psionics to work with and
against each other, but optional rules for making psionics and
magic different are also provided. Redesigned rules for
psionic combat reside here as well, including five psionic
attack modes and five psionic defense modes. Nonpsionic
characters have little to fear from psionic attack modes,
except for the dreaded mind blast .
Powers (Chapter 5): This chapter reveals almost three
hundred psionic powers rated from level 0 to level 9 for
psions and psychic warriors. Many powers will be familiar to
readers familiar with older rules, though these have been
retooled, while many of the powers are completely new.
Psionic Characters (Chapter 6): This chapter shows you
how to take your psionic characters in exciting directions
with four new prestige classes: the metamind, determined to
amass as much psionic power as possible; the pyrokineticist,
who doesn’t think that playing with fire is at all dangerous;
the slayer, who devotes his life to ridding the world of the
despicable illithid; and the soulknife, knows how to manifest
mental power in a blade of semi-solid psychic energy. This
chapter also provides guidelines for creating psionic NPCs of
1st through 20th level (the six varieties of psion plus the
psychic warrior) that your characters may encounter,
befriend, or fight.
Psionic Items (Chapter 7): Both psionic and nonpsionic
characters might be interested in some of the items described
here. Psionic weapons, armor, dorjes, psionic tatoos, crystal
capacitors, power stones, and wondrous items are presented
in a format similar to that of the Magic Items chapter in the
D UNGEON M ASTER 's Guide . New categories of wondrous items
include crawling tattoos, third eyes, and psychoactive skins.
Here’s where you’ll find out about superpowerful psionic
artifacts such as the Staff of Ancient Penumbra and the Annulus .
This chapter also contains rules for creating your own psionic
Psionic Monsters (Chapter 8): Here you’ll find psioni–
cally endowed monsters to challenge all characters, non–
psionic and psionic alike. Favorites from earlier versions of
the game, including the githyanki and the githzerai, are
provided, as well as several new monsters. Most importantly a
psionic template in the front of this chapter allows you to
make almost any D&D monster into a psionic creature.
Simply put, psionics is the art of tapping the mind’s potential.
A psionic character is blessed with a form of innate ability
that enables him or her to use mental power to achieve goals
or perform tasks that nonpsionic characters can only
accomplish—if they’re even capable of doing them at all—by
using gross physical skills such as brute strength or raw
agility, or by using intellect or force of will as distinct from
the natural power of the mind itself.
Your character’s mind is an infinite metaphorical plane, on
which all things are possible. It may be that all characters
have within them the potential for harnessing the energy of
the mind, but only those who succeed in tapping into that
potential can become psionic characters. A psionic character
knows how to navigate the mental pathways that lead to
amazing edifices of thought and energy. Knowing the path,
the psionic character walks it. Like a flare thrown off a star, a
psionic power is manifested from the psionic character’s
energy of consciousness.
Now, you hunger to learn the psionic art. With this hand-
book, you can. Then let all the world stand in awe of your
character’s mental might. As you will it, so it is done.
This book gives you everything you need to create and play
psionic characters, including psionic items and psionic foes.
It features the following chapters:
Psionic Classes (Chapter 1): This chapter introduces two
new character classes: the psion and psychic warrior. The
psion comes in six different “flavors,” each of which follows
the call of one of the psionic disciplines: Psychometabolism,
Psychoportation, Psychokinesis, Metacreativity, Clair-
sentience, and Telepathy. The psychic warrior melds psionic
arts with martial arts, and all fear her crystal blade. Psionic
characters can multiclass with standard character classes
found in the Player's Handbook .
Skills (Chapter 2): Psionic characters can use all the skills
introduced in the Player's Handbook , plus they have exclusive
access to a few new skills detailed here, including
Autohypnosis, Knowledge (psionics), Remote View, Stabilize
Self, and Use Psionic Device.
Feats (Chapter 3): Yet more special abilities for psionic
characters, such as Deep Impact, Improved Psicrystal, Iner-
tial Armor, Psionic Shot, Fell Shot, and Up the Walls (to
name only a few). Most of these feats are exclusive to psionic
Psionics (Chapter 4): This chapter discusses how psionic
characters discover, choose, and manifest psionic powers,
If you’ve played earlier editions of the D&D game, you’ll
notice that this psionics system features elements of previous
D&D game psionics systems. That said, those features were
stripped out, laid out on a game-mechanic work bench, then
rebuilt from the ground up.
Some people do not use psionics in their D&D games. This
reluctance is usually due to the way previous editions have
handled psionics rules. In previous editions, psionics rule sys-
terns are add-ons that do not dovetail well with the core rules.
In contrast, psionics rules for the new edition of the D&D
game are integrated into the core mechanics of the game. A
psionic character will be balanced with a nonpsionic
character of equal level. You’ll be able to multiclass into and
out of the psionic character classes like you can with the core
Do not fear for the balance of your game when you use the
Psionics Handbook . Have at it, and enjoy.
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sionic characters tap the power of the mind and body.
Every sentient creature produces bioenergy that
generates consciousness. This “bioenergy” has many facets.
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are direct elements of
consciousness, but Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution also
contribute. Each element of consciousness is like a color split
out of pure white light. The psionic character classes embrace
the total energy of consciousness directly, utilizing this inner
reservoir of power to effect change in the real world. The
thoughts and dreams of normal beings race impotently within
the gray confines of their minds, but a psionic character’s
mental desires are made manifest.
Alignment: Presents alignment restrictions, if any. Al-
Though the basic psionic classes are open to characters of
any alignment, prestige classes may have an alignment pre-
requisite. The pyrokineticist (see Chapter 6: Characters) is
one such class.
Hit Die: The type of Hit Die used by psionic characters
determines the number of hit points gained per level.
A psionic character rolls one Hit Die each time he or she
gains a new level, adds or subtracts the results to his or
her hit point total. Thus a character has the same number
of Hit Dice as levels. For his or her first Hit Die, a 1st-
level character gets the maximum hit points (4 or 8)
rather than rolling (although Constitution modifiers
still apply).
Class Skills: The number of skill points the psionic
character starts with at 1st level, the number of skill
points gained each level thereafter, and the list of class
skills. To this number, add or subtract the character’s
Intelligence modifier for the total points gained each
level (but always at least 1 skill point per level, even
for a character with an Intelligence penalty). Re-
member that a 1st-level character starts with four
times this number of skill points. Since the maxi-
mum rank in a class is the character’s level +3, at 1st
level you can buy up to 4 ranks in any class skill, at a
cost of 1 skill point per rank.
This chapter describes the two psionic character classes: the
psion and the psychic warrior. You’ll first find a general
discussion in “game world” terms (Adventures, Characteristics,
Alignment, and so on), the sort of description that individuals
living in the game world could understand and the way a
psionic character might describe himself or herself. These
descriptions are general. Individual characters may differ in
their attitudes, outlooks, and other characteristics.
Game rule information follows the general class
Abilities: The Abilities entry explains which ability scores
are most important for a psionic character.
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