Stephen Tucker - Fork Bending Routine.pdf

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Stephen Tucker presents . . .
handle of th€ fork
uisibly straightene
with no finget
In cabaret...
his roulinc hasbconconstnrled for clo6e-upor cabaret
pcrformance but ... even closa-Dpwrsare occtsioi4llJ
callcd uponto cnte.lic cabarctarcnaand you will often
audiencowill soethat it is bentvirtually io half. This is a g/eat
gag bur what follows ... is magic!
Stalethat you wereonly joking and you'll now sFaigbten
out ihe fork with ju$ the power of your mind. Slowly release
the thumb/fingers pressure on $e bent fork and the it will
viribl] s|janto unbend!
Oncethe fork hascomplerclystmightenedout ... a rwit ,
*ould seemto be a good idea (though it is not compulsory!).
Drop a rorndl fork inlo your lcft sle€vounder your arm-pil as
you remove6e/a*€ fork from your pocket at lhe slan of lhe
roulinc and kccp yorn lcft arm bcnt ltuoughoul At the finale
of therc$i,rE apparentlypassthe fakefork into your left hand,
really bend il in half and hide it in (he right baod.The lef!
handbrings $e fork, just droppedftom the sleeve,into vicw.
Now ditch the fakefork in your righr side jacket pocket as you
remove one of thos€ re-sealableplastic bags (like the one this
rri-krJnc in)rndin.nriLh.6.rBh tJrkinLo
of a mini-cabaretnarure.
The followingowesa lot ro theAmedcanlecturcrJ.C.
Tahoe.I watcheda British dealer,who will remainnaneless,
perform $e bare-bonesof $e following andwastold dut he'd
se€nsomeAmericanlecturcl pc orm thisandthoughthc'd
makesome up to s€ll. No comment!
To cut a long slory shon. I'vc
a little sorvthing to
J.C. Tah(E's original and come up with, whal I considerto be
a very vlsal andfunny fork bcndingrouline.
The headof ihe enclosedfork hasb€€nsnappedfrcm the
hadle and rie two arc held togetherwith a small sectionof
clcar plastic lubing. * Nolc:you may have becnsuppliedwifi
ihi brc.l.jalu
up andhandit to anaudiencemcmber!o lc4p asa souvcnir.
Bc certainto addthc costof thc fork 10 your fccl
If you wanl to cnd examinablcwithout a swit h - work the
bcadof thc fork out of thc tubcandallow it to droDto tho table
asyourubit again.Finally,witi your$umb-nail,dragtie rest
of fie tube off the handle and handit out for exarnination as
well. The fork canbere-assembled
CONJURER'SCHOICE IDEA: to crealethe$oughr
thal thefork is normal,wilhourhavingit examined.Holda
normal spoonin one handand lhc faked fork in lhc olher and
asli someone,"whi.h v'ould you prcfer?" lf tltry reply, "Thc
r')ron." ... hand/toss them the spoonfor them to try and
emrlaie your foa(s) with and you perform wilh th€ forkl If
thcyt ply, "The fo*." ...Say,"OktJ,we'll usethe fork." al]d
(if workingclos€-up)setthc spoondownon thetableor (if
working cabarct)tossil ro somconcwilh a commentsuchas,
"As u'edon't rcei thespoon.Keepit as a souvenir."
CABARET ADDITION ... Pull lie headof the fork out of
the plasiic tubing,insertoneendof a 2" lengthof black cotton
thrcadthcn rcplace the hcad, cffectivoly trappinglhe tlread in
the obe. Try ro position the thread so that it exits ftom the
rubecentrailyasyoulookarLhebackolrhc lork.
Perform the previous mutine up to lhe point where you
havebent the fork in half. Now, look at the fork and spot the
thrcad.Positionit so that you can pin the endof it dgdiru, lhe
backof the haodlcwith your forefinge..Hold the fork up,
conccnfatclhcn slowlyrclcase your finger prcssure on lhe
thrcad and .... thc fork will visibly slraightcnout WITH NO
The addilion of the threadand the gags are my
contributionsand I haveusedthis shonroutine in my comedy
cabarq mind rcading pcrformancesquite a few limes and can
assure you that thc vi.firle natureof the fork slaight€ning h6s
a lerific effecton lhc audience. vi4uallyguaranlc€ing
... "Not t,le fo* ...the frnget !!!
This is a good gag so, soal up lhc laughlcrthcn continuc.
"Uri Gcllelwas hospitalisedtheother dar. Apparentlt he had
a setreneck, rubbed it and ... hisheadfell of! '
Explain that you arc atrcutto usethc powcr of your mind,
and lhe &wer of your mind dlond, !o beodthe fork. Hold the
fork out bcforc you, at shouldcr hcighl, and adopl a look of
concertration.Pausefor a few s€condsthenDresstie hoadof
the fork against your foreheadand, with suitable grunts and
Foans, bcndlhc fork virlually in half.
Grip tbe plastic tubirg ,!f/rl) botweenfingersandlhumbas
rhis prcvcnts the fork ftom un-hending prematurely!
You can now pause and hold the fork out againad your
you a
Copyrighrby SiepheoTuckerApril 1998.
find that mdny r, .a[€d close-upbmkings acbally lapseinto
CLOSE-UP Performance ... Rcmovethe fork from your
pocket and toss it from hand to hand as you patter that you
saw Uri Geller do this on television one nighl He rubbed the
fork with his finger for a few secondsand ir benL You do the
samcthcn .... hold your bent right forcfinger up al hcadhcight
as you c)(claim
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