Would like, could, restaurant.doc

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Would like i could

Would like i could


Wyrażenie I would like odpowiada mniej więcej polskiemu wyrażeniu Chciałbym lub Miałbym ochotę na. Może po nim występować rzeczownik lub czasownik w bezokoliczniku poprzedzony słówkiem to.


I would (I'd) like an apple.              Miałbym ochotę na jabłko.



I would like to drink tea. / I’d like some tea.             



Would you like to drink tea?              / Would you like some tea?



He wouldn't like to drink tea.


- would + not = wouldn't



Forma could może występować w zdaniach nieodnoszących się do przeszłości, a mianowicie:


a) w prośbach o przysługę

Could you lend me some money?             


b) w prośbach o zezwolenie


Could I open the window?             

Couldn't I get something to eat first?             





1. like / at / Christmas? / would / What / you

2. like / to / Italy. / would / visit / Mike

3. you / your / I / to / like / homework. / would / do

4. They / move / like / Paris. / would / to / to

5. cheese? / you / Would / like / some



1. Do you like / would you like some tea? No, thank you.

2. It's very hot. I like / would like to have a shower.

3. He likes / would like skiing in the winter.

4. Mike would like to / likes visit Italy.

5. I’m hungry. I like / would like a sandwich.

6. What would you like / do you like to drink now?

7. Do you like / would you like to see that film?

8. Would you like / do you like some cheese? Yes, please.

9. Do you like / would you like Ella? Yes. She’s very nice.

10. I’m tired. I would like / like to go to bed.

11. Can I help you? Yes, I / I’d like some stamps, please.



1. Would you like some more ice-cream?              A              Would you like sparkling or still?

2. Could you pass the potatoes, please?              B              Yes, please. It's delicious.

3. Could I have some water, please?                            C              Yes, of course. I think it's in my bag.

4. How would you like your coffee?                            D              Yes. Would you like a drink to start?

5. Can I see the menu, please?                            E              Black, no sugar, please.

6. Can I borrow your pen?                                          F              Yes, of course. Here you are.







Borsch – barszcz

Chicken soup – rosół z kurczaka

Onion soup – zupa cebulowa

Tomato soup – zupa pomidorowa

Vegetable soup – zupa jarzynowa

Cauliflower soup – zupa kalafiorowa



MEAT – mięso


Beef  - wołowina

Pork – wieprzowina

Veal – cielęcina

Chops – kotlety

Fried chicken – pieczony kurczak

Meatballs – klopsy

Roast beef – pieczeń wołowa


Medium – lekko wypieczone

Well-done – dobrze wypieczone





Cabbage – kapusta

Carrot – marchew

Cucumber – ogórek

Lettuce – sałata

Tomato – pomidor





Apple pie – szarlotka

Cheese-cake - sernik

Fruit and cream – owoce w śmietanie

Ice cream – lody



Good evening. Do you have a reservation?

a)              No. We'll take the table over there.

b)               Yes, we booked a table for 6.

c)               No. Can we make one please?

d)               Yes, waiter.


2. Ah, I'm afraid we have no record of any reservation

a)              Well, we booked in the name of Marshall

b)               Why not? Didn't you write it down!

c)               Can we make a reservation now please?

d)               Find us a table now.


3. Well, I do have one table; it's next to the kitchen

a)              Why don't you tell some people to leave?

b)               That's no good. We'll go somewhere else!

c)               Don't you have any other table?

d)               Where's the manager? I want to complain.


4. I'm afraid not. That table is the only one we have for four people.

a)              Can we sit outside?

b)              Well, I suppose we'll have to take it.

c)              OK. But we expect a discount on the bill.

d)              Well you should have more tables!


5. Would you like a drink while you are waiting?

a)              No.

b)              Yes. Get us a bottle of wine now.

c)              Can you bring us the menu please?

d)              Yes, please.



Have you got a table for two?

Can I have the menu, please?

Are you ready to order?

May I take your order?

What do you recommend?

Would you like anything else?

I think I’ll take...

I’ll start with... and then I’ll have...

Excuse me. I wanted the steak well-done.

I'm sorry. I will change that right away.

Can I have the bill, please?

Is service included?


Waiter: Hello, Can I ­­­­­­­­­­­­_________ you?

Kim: Yes, I'd like to ____________ some lunch.

Waiter: ____________ you like a starter?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of _________ _________, please.

Waiter: And what would you like for a main course?

Kim: I'd like a grilled ____________________.

Waiter: Would you like ____________ to drink?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a ___________ of Coke, please.

Waiter... After Kim has her lunch. Can I bring you ______________?

Kim: No thank you. Just the _____________.

Waiter: Certainly.

Kim:I don't have my glasses. _______________ is the lunch?

Waiter: That's $______________.

Kim: _________________. Thank you very much.

Waiter: You're welcome. __________________.

Kim: Thank you, the ______________ to you.





What's the best restaurant in town?


Midnight Sun. Can I help you?


Does it get crowded here? Around eight o'clock?


I want to make a reservation. ­­­­­­­­­­_________Perkinson. _______________  Two.


Are you ready to order?


How would you like your steak?


Baked, fried or mashed potatoes?


Excuse me. I wanted the steak well-done.


I wonder if I should make a reservation if I want to eat dinner here later.


What do you recommend?


Something to drink?


Can I serve you anything else?


How about another drink?


Will there be anything else?


Let me pay this time.



A bottle of Budweiser, please.

How many in your party?

I want to make a reservation for three at 7:00.

I'd like steak, but no carrots, please.

I'm sorry. I will change that right away.

It's hard to tell.

Ivy Restaurant, of course.

Lobster is very good.

Mashed, please.

Medium, please.

No, thank you. I've had enough.

Not right now, thanks.

OK. The next round is on me.

Yes, I'd like another coffee.

You don't have to, but you can if you'd like.

Your name?

Booking a Table                            Placing Your Order                                          Complaining






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