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Get it Ripe
jae offers practical advice and truly delicious recipes in her friendly, never-judgmental voice.
This book is a breath of fresh, yummy air.
— Jessica Porter, author of The Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics
Get It Ripe is awesome! Here is a book that tells us how eating luscious foods will make
us healthy. jae pays homage to Eastern traditional understandings of the body and the
most recent indings of Western nutritional science. Her enthusiasm for healthy eating is
contagious. With her simple-to-follow and uncomplicated recipes, she creates dishes that
will tempt vegans and omnivores alike. In this book, packed full of culinary tips for beginners
and seasoned chefs, jae has gone well beyond the basics of vegan eating, afirming that we
vegans never have to compromise on taste.
— Ruth Tal, owner of Fresh restaurants (Toronto) and
author of Juice for Life, Fresh at Home , and reFresh
get it ripe
A Fresh Take on Vegan Cooking & Living
jae steele
Copyright © 2008 by jae steele
2nd printing: 2008
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form by any means – graphic, electronic or
mechanical – without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may use brief excerpts in
a review, or in the case of photocopying in Canada, a license from Access Copyright.
200 – 341 Water Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6B 1B8
The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing
Industry Development Program and the Government of British Columbia through the Book Publishing Tax Credit
Program for its publishing activities.
The author and publisher assert that the information contained in this book is true and complete to the best of their
knowledge, however it is intended as a reference volume only, and not as a medical manual. The information provided
here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any
treatment that has been prescribed by your doctor. If you have concerns regarding your health, we urge you to seek
competent medical help.
Text and design by Electra Design Group
Cover photography by Kristin Sjaarda
Food photography by Roderick Chen
Food styling by Alison Lush
Illustrations by David Powell and Ann Powell
Author photograph by Michelle Clarke
Editing by Bethanne Grabham
Printed and bound in China
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication:
Steele, Jae, 1980-
Get it ripe : a fresh take on vegan cooking and living / Jae Steele.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-55152-234-0
1. Vegan cookery. 2. Cookery (Natural foods) 3. Veganism.
I. Title.
TX837.S84 2008 641.5’636 C2008-901630-0
table of contentS
7 Acknowledgments
part 4: diSh it oUt
104 eleven : Drink Up
9 Preface
12 GF, SF, NF & R: What the
Symbols Mean
112 twelve : Breakfasts
124 thirteen : Mufins, Quick Breads &
part 1: informed eating
13 one : The Way We Eat: Food Choices
137 fourteen : Dips & Spreads
145 fifteen : Salads & Dressings
22 two : Eat Ripe: A Manifesto for a Vegan
Whole Foods Diet
155 Sixteen : Sauces, Gravies & Marinades
37 three : Break It Down: The Ins & Outs of
163 Seventeen : Soups
179 eighteen : Main Dish Bowls & Additional
54 four : When a Peach Ain’t Just a Peach:
Organic, Local & Other Food Quality
201 nineteen : Cakes, Pies & Crumbles
222 twenty : Cookies, Puddings & Other
Sweet Treats
part 2: Stocking Up
63 five : Your Pantry: Essential Ingredients
part 5: fUrther healing
247 twenty-one : Cleansing
& Detoxiication
70 Six : Where to Shop: Navigating Food
Co-ops, Farmers’ Markets & Your Local
Grocery Store
76 Seven : Your Tools: Essential Kitchen
253 Appendix
253 Mouth-Watering Menu Ideas
256 Resource List
part 3: the SkillS
84 eight : Getting Started: Reading Recipes,
Measuring, Prepping Methods
258 Index
88 nine : Preparing Vegetables, Grains &
Legumes: Cooking & Sprouting Methods
97 ten : Making Great Baked Goods
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