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j{oll 'lI always !tave the lwfirlny recipes YOII /leed whell YOII add this hOllrly VOIIlIllt!
to YOllr kitcftell liumry! The Spirit of Ch ris tm as Cookbook ieatllres 337 of the /IIDst
deliciol/s recipes frolll ollr first five nlllllwl I/O/idny gllidebooks, allri it C(llIltelp YOII plall
n SCrll lIlptiOIl S lIIel/lI for n holiday Opell hOl/se, n IlIid-lIIorl/illg brlllle", or n traditiol/al
fn lllily di/lner. A/ld of CO llrse, IIl ere (lrc recipes for delec tab le good ies, as well as delightflll
desserts to sn tisjlj everyolle's swee t footh. Ideas 0001111(1 for gijf-g ivillg, too. Ea ch yllll/Illy
trea t, appetizer, side dish, 1110;/1 COllrse, (llId //lore ill this terrific collectioll has veell
tried, tested, (llId prove1l deliciolls. Allri we show fhem ill filII -co lor photographs to
CIlSllre sl/ccess!1I 1 results for YOII {l/Id n very merry celebra tiol1 for olle ami all.
May YOllr holiday seaso ll be filled with good food a/ld grmld compally!
Little Rock , Arkans.,s
Vice-I'reside nland Edito.·in-Ch ief: Ann.. V,ln \V,ISner-ChIJds
E~ec:utl"e Diredor. Sandra Cr.lham C.15C
EJrec:u l ive Edi tor. 5us<on Franu Wiles
l'ubliu tions Direc:tor. Carla Bentley
Cre. l ive Art Diredor. Gloria lk"rd\·n
I'roduct ion Art Director: McHnd a Stout
.'oods Editor: Celia Fah. Harkey, ItO.
Assis t.nt Food s Editor. Jane Kenn..r Pra t h.. r
Tes t Kitchen Home Economis t: ROS(>Gla~ Klei n
Test Kitchen Assist.. nl~: Nor,\ F.1),I'Spt'no.!rChFi
and u'slle Belote Dunn
Auoci.te Edi tor: tiOOd L Trimble
Se nior Editoli.IWliler: Robyn Sht'fficld-Edwards
Ed ito rial Assoxi"tes: Tilmml Wi lJ"lmson Srildk'V.
Terri Lemmg D.widson, and Oarlil BurdellI' Kt'lSi lY
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We "ould hl.e 1(1 ~'tmJ our thanlo.s III KdV Wnght , Mkah McC(Jnn<!IJ, Chrisly Kloldt"t, ;",..1 Su.Q" W.lTn.'f1 R..... '·.,.. R.D., for IMIT oomrobuliono:
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355634921.001.png 355634921.002.png 355634921.003.png 355634921.004.png 355634921.005.png 355634921.006.png
RRY Kt:I\( 11 ••.••••••••••••••••••••••6
Hearty Brunch l'il' .. . .. . ...................8
Raism -Eggnog Fren ch Toast ..................................8
Choro]<ltc-SoUT Cream Coffl'e Cak\.' ..
........9 Cookie Ornaments .. .. ..........33
Filbert Cookies .. .................... ...35
Almond C ris ps.. ..........35
C ream C hC'\.'S(' S prit7... .......... 35
Millt 1'"lIies .... . ........35
Ml'rinStlc [X-lights .. .... 35
C hamp;lglH' Apricot Creams .. .... . 36
I' l'ppcrmint Stockings .. . ..... 36
Almond Christmils Trt.'CS.... .......... 37
Sugilf C ookies .. . .................... . .......... 37
Fruitcilke C hris tmas Cookies.. ......39
C hocolate Gingerbread .... ....... .......................... ........ 39
While C hocol'lte Chunk Macildamia C ookh'S ...... 39
Citul"mon BolTS ..
Sherrilod Fruit Cobbler ..
.. 10
Chresy G.mlcn Cilsscrolc .. .
.................. 11
Qukhe Muffins ..
.. .......... 11
Brooch Eggs..
.. ........ 13
Colden Bre.lkf.lst Punch ..
. ...................... \ 3
TOm.1toes Stuffed with Spinach
and Artichokes .................... ......... .. 13
Brocco li Roulade wilh Ham .. ........... 13
Sweet Pota to Muffins.... ............... 15
Sugared Hamil .. ............... 15
Cranbe rry Breakf., st Rin gs.... .. 15
Pumpkin V"ast Bi o;cuits .. .. ......... 15
Oranse Ambrosia with I lolid<lY Wine S.'UC<' ..... 16
SPICY Gingcrbrcild .. ........16
Candied Pineapple Cookies.. ... ....... 17
Chilled As'lgus MousS('.. ..... .. 17
Sunrise Mimos.l s .. . .............. 17
.y\\ll\ SlIlll Sill II' ..................18
Christll1ilS U>mo n Cookies.. ................... 20
Butler I'cciln Cookics .. .............. 20
Chnstmils Ho ne), GrilhilffiS .. ............................ 2 I
Peanut Buller Cnmch B.itlis. . ... 21
CashewToffi'C .... .......... ................................. 21
Oove Cookil'S .. . ..........23
Date Ba rs .. ......... ... ..... ..... ... .. 23
Car,lmcl Gr"h.lm C ril ckers.. .... ..... ..... 23
ereilm Cheese Pn:.'s('rvt' Cookit.>s .. ... .. ..... 2.3
Triple Chip Cookies.. ..........23
Date I'inwhtoels ........................ .... ......... ....... 23
Checleroo.lru Walnuts .. .................. 24
Raspberry /'I: ut Bolrs .. .... 24
Hazelnut Lace Cookics ...........................................25
Macadamia Nut T,uts .. ..........25
Apple Sp l((' Coolies.. ................... 27
Chore],lte Bull er Brickle Ibrs .. .............. 27
Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies... . ....... 27
Pfanut Butler SurpriSt'S .. .. ... 27
Almond Fingers .. . . .................... 27
Marmaladl' Cookies.. ....... ......... 28
Cherry Cordiill Fudge... .......... 28
Apricot Fo ld o vers... . .. .................. ..... ..... ................ 28
Chocolate Br.mdy Drops .. ..... ............ ......... 29
Srotchies.. . ..................... 29
Chocolate-Rai sin Tofft..... .. ..............29
~li~':'r~i~t~··F~dg·~·:: ..................... :.............. :::::~:
Orifntal Sn.lcl Mh ..
Eggnog C ookies....
.. ......................
... 39
Sho rtbread ..
. .....39
5.1ntil Cookit.'s..
... ................ ........ ..40
PUlllpkin-W.,lnut Cookit"S ..
... .40
G ingl'rhrcild Toas ts ..
............... _..........41
t IO!idilY Sugilr Cookit"S..
..... .43
Mcxiciln C horo!iltc Cookies..
...... ...... ... .43
Wreilth C ookiL'S ...
.... .. ... .4]
Lelllon 13.1rs... .
... ...... 4]
Ch.....'5t'Cakc Bites. .
......... .4]
Milrshlllilllo w -Mint 5.1ndwichcs..
.......... 44
Coco.l Pceiln Meringues ..
C oconut Bells ....
........ ..47
.. ........ 47
..... 47
.9'61Il.lIl.IY OI'EN IIOI 'SE. ..............48
Aioli Dip ..
... ...... .50
Cht.'tSC Pockets.. .
.......... 50
Chint.'SC Chicken Wings. .
.... ...... 50
Soft Orcild s licks...
........5 1
Mildl'ir.l C heese Sprl'ad . ...................
....... .5 1
S,lUs,1ge il ild Appl;> Ap]X'ti zcrs ..
Monterey Ch~ C risps..
................... _..........53
Sugi\l'\.'({ Willnuts..
Milrmalilde Ml'il tbilJ\s ...
Sp ice Chl't.'SC Mold ..
....... .. 5]
Spicy PCCilns..
... ... ........ ......
Chicken Puffs ..
......... .55
.... i Frenc h LOilf. . ........55
Bu ffct Burgers.. ..... .55
Cold Shrimp, Artichokes, and Mus hrooms .. ......... 55
C hees<! C ril c ke r Vcgct.lhle Dip .. .. ...........57
S,WOT)' Stuffl'd t-.·Iu s hroom C.1PS ..........57
Iris h Co ffee Eggnog Punch ......... ...57
Hot Mil cildillllia Dip.... ..........57
L.l )'crcd Chris tmas Cheese Lo.lf. .. ................. ...... 58
Blui:' C ht.'CSe Mo u sse..
............3 1
Chocolat~~o\"ere..1 Cherries..
.......3 1
. .... 58
Honl')' T.lffy ..
.....3 1
B.lcon-Chccsc Ring..
Dill Dip with C rudit6; ..
Curril>d Almond-Cheese BilJ\ ..
C rab-Filled Ph)'110 Triilngles ..
Carilwil)' WilfeTS .. ..
...... .... 59
......... .60
... ...... 60
. ........ 61
ChocoIJtc Billionain.'S..
... .... 3 1
.. .... ............... ........... ......... 32
Belgi"n Nul Cookies ..
......... .32
Pecan Biscuits..
.. ............ 10
IIMd C "ndy and Lollipops...
Pcppcrmillt-Orilnge P,lllies ..
Rum-R.lis in Fudge ...
Ne\'c r- Fai! Divinity .. .
Gumdrops ..
Glazed G inger Pork ..
355634921.007.png 355634921.008.png
Ij '411lIi ll ut'll)
I'olalo Coms ..............................................................61
Ikd .lnd Gn.'Cn Vt.>gctable Medl ev
Ultimal.:- Chili DIp .....................................................63
Festive Rice Cups...
......... 91
Cronchy Sn,lC~ r.. lix..
. .................................. &3
PCil chy Sw~t Potatoes...
............. 91
Mexica n Quicht.'S..
.. .......................63
Lobster Bisque...
Fu zzy N,lVcl PUIlch ..
Smol..ed P;\Tmes.ln Almond~ ............................92
Tortlll., Roll-Up~ ........................................................63
Cid~'r·Ba\..ed /-lam .. .
Mar!lll'1ladc Chft.'SCTarls ......................................... 65
Corn llrc,ld Ln,lf..
Manniltl>d Oli\·~'S..
............ 65
Onion Casserole ..
ij.1COI1 il1ld Lettuce Stuffed TOll1ato..'S ......................65
Miniature Com Muffins with
Turkey and Relis h ...............................................65
Creamy P~'Sto Spinach.. . . ............................9-1
Ra s pberry Sotlffl{>..
. ..........9-1
Flaming Bread Ptldding...
. ........... 95
Kidb.l.s.l Palm1t~~ .....................................................65
AME RI CAN H ER ITAGE DI'\JNER ................... %
Ilot Seafood DIp ........................................................ 66
Ro.l~t Ttlrkey...
............... 97
Splllach Ptlffs.. ........................................................66
Com 8read Dre;.sing with Dried Fnllt ...........97
Froit Wreath with SwC('t Cht.... >se Dip .................... 67
Chri:.tmas Chicken Pie...
.. ..... 97
Boursin C hce.c Spread .............................................68
5.llmon MouSS(' .........................................................68
...... 97
Com Chowder .. ..
Fried Won To ns .........................................................69
Compound 5l11ct. .
................ 98
Plum Dipping 5.,uee ...
..................... 69
SI,'cct I'ot,ltocs ,1Ild ChL"Slnuts
.............. 99
Party [)il.l.a..
5.lck Posset..
.............. 99
Marin,lled Chicken ~ites... .................................. 71
SWl'('t Putato Pudding ........................................ 9'J
Puff Pastry Sticks ........................ 71
B.lcon.Apri oot Twi!>ts ..............................................71
Cnbb.lge with Rnisins.... ... 100
Almon,-j Humlllery .......................................... 100
B.lcon·Cheddar Cheese B.lll ...................................71
Brie En Cro(lte ............................................................71
Gi nscrCustard ................................... ............... 101
Uakcd Beans ................. ......... ..
.... n
. ............ 101
Layered C rab Taco Dip.. .
Pltlm C tls t.lrd ..
. ............................... 101
Cornmeal C hIcken Nuggets...................................73
KEEPI NG CHR ISTMAS ....................................102
Adooodo5.1uce.. ...... 73
Coug;:>re .......................................................................7-1
Standing Rib ROol s t
w ith Madeir.l II.ltlshmom Grav}'..
..... \03
....................... 74
S pinach 5.llad with WJrm Dn:.'SSlIlg
............ 103
Mini Bagels with Dilled Shrimp Spreild ................75
Stln·Dried TOIll.lto Spread ........................................75
Corn·Sluff~'CI TomaIOt'S...
........... IO.J
Caramelile.:l New PotJtocs ..
............ IO.J
C arnitilS ....................................................................... 76
Mus hroom "nd Chicken Pas tries ...........................76
ROol!>t Turkey Glazed with Iioney.. ..... \05
Acorn Squ.lsh Soup .............................•............ 106
Mushroom Croustades .......... ..................................76
Gn.'C1l Bea ns wilh DiU 5.1t1C\'
.......... .. 106
Chicken E lji tilS.........................................................77
Hot Croolc Scilfood Dip..........................................78
Sesame SpTC<ld with To.lsted Pita C hips ................ 79
London Broil ..............................................................79
CJ ndicd Ginger Bi scuits.. . ............ 106
Pumpkin-Apple Pic.. ................................ 107
Peach A!>pk with CI"l.~Jm ChCl'SC DI"l....... in g ... 107
SPECIAL FAMILY DINNER ....................... ..... 108
Lamb's \\'001...............................................................79
C rown ROol s t of Pork with Brown RI ce ........... 109
Fresh Vegct.lblc Tart ................................ .. ..........81
Cajun Can.lpes..
Fn'Sh Unxcoli-M,mdarin 5.1lad . .
.... ]09
C ream of Artichoke Soup..
............ 110
Corntlcopia Appetizers..
Brioche Rolls.. ..
.. 110
Ch<'CSC Blossoms........................................................82
C hris tnlJsCauliflower ..
............ 111
Snow 1'(,,15 wi th Curry Filling. .. .............. 82
i'l'S to Vegetable Dip .................................................83
Com Pudding..
.......... 111
Peas, Mus hrooms, ,md Onion~
Polynt.'S ian Meatb..l11s ................................................83
M ixed Grill with Cherry 5.1t1Ce .............................. 84
Ntltty Garlic Cheese Sprc<ld .....................................85
III C re,lm 5.1Uce..
. ......... 112
.. lby Carrots with Horseradish ........................ 112
TOlllato Mutl~~e 5.1lad .
. .. 113
Hot Cranberry Punch ................................................86
SWl'Ct Potato Pie with Rum C ream .................. 11 3
Smoked Oyster Spread ............................................86
A FESTIVE FAMILY DINNER ............................... 11-1
Spicy Pa!>trami Rolls ............... ..................................86
Twin Herb Turkeys ..
. ............... 115
Aorentine Dip ..
Corn Bread DresSin g.. . .............................115
Tortilla \\'l'CIgCS .........................................................87
..... 1]5
Ambrosia 5\\".....1 Potatoes..
.... 115
.jtF..\ TII'E !'.IIIII.Y FE.ISTS..•••.. ..••.. 88
Cream of Pumpkin Sotlp..
..1 16
RoIkd Herb Toost..
....... 116
Al mond Broccoli Ring ..
........................ 116
CHRISTMAS EVE DINNERS .................................. 90
Tcnd crloin of Bed in Pastry ................................ 90
English Trifle.....
..................................... 117
Shrimp Muusse..
..... 90
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