NuvvostananteNenoddantana cd2.txt

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00:00:01:We are busy with wedding and...
00:00:03:she is busy with attracting Santosh.
00:00:06:Don't say so. | Santosh liked her.
00:00:10:Very intelligent of her! | - Uncle.
00:00:13:Shut up. Let's elders take charge.
00:00:15:Father... | - l said shut up.
00:00:17:Go away if you have any | shame left. Go.
00:00:22:Go and find someone else.
00:00:49:See, l told you she | cannot stay away from me.
00:00:53:Look at the tears on seeing me.
00:00:56:Don't worry. | Your brother has come.
00:00:58:Crying like a baby. | Stop crying.
00:01:05:How are you, bride? | l've brought the saree.
00:01:08:You will wear it | during the ceremony.
00:01:11:Take it, dear.
00:01:20:Greetings. You are | Lalita's father, l presume.
00:01:23:l saw you when l was a kid.
00:01:24:l've brought you a silk 'pancha' | lt's woven in our village.
00:01:37:What's this, brother? | - Wait.
00:01:42:What happened, dear?
00:01:46:Even the brother | is like his sister!
00:01:50:You are invited to | bless the married couple.
00:01:54:Not try to trap rich boys.
00:01:57:What are you saying! | - l don't know your name.
00:02:01:Don't act innocent.
00:02:03:Would your sister trap a millionaire...
00:02:05:without your knowledge?
00:02:10:l'll kill you if you say | one more word about my sister.
00:02:13:lf you know what | happened here...
00:02:16:you will beat up your | sister and take her away.
00:02:39:Don't do it, brother.
00:02:45:lt's your mistake and | show temper on others!
00:02:48:You are after all a farmer.
00:02:51:Not deserve even to be | our labour.
00:02:57:You people aim for my son!
00:03:00:Get out of here. | - She said get out.
00:03:03:She has done enough dirty | work. Take her away.
00:03:10:Let's go away, sister.
00:03:20:Forgive me, brother.
00:03:22:l consider it as my | sister's wedding.
00:03:27:Don't want to disturb it.
00:03:30:Here, l'm leaving | with humility.
00:03:33:Else l'd have taught a lesson | to all, one by one. Let's go.
00:04:21:Stop eating and keep the | bunch in the car.
00:04:24:What is taking them so long? | - Here they come. Come on.
00:04:27:Ladies doesn't have | sense of time.
00:04:34:Take care. Phone us up | when you reach.
00:04:38:Let me say bye to Santosh. | - Do it fast.
00:04:47:l've to tell you something | before l leave.
00:04:52:You listen to your heart. | Nothing else.
00:04:57:You think Sri left you. No. | She left behind her heart.
00:05:04:Go, have a look in her room. | - lt's time to leave, daughter.
00:05:45:This horse is with me | since my childhood.
00:05:48:lt's precious to me. | lt has always been with me.
00:05:56:What are you doing here? | Everyone is downstairs. Come.
00:06:03:You proceed. | l'll join you.
00:06:07:We are leaving tomorrow. | Do you remember your promise?
00:06:13:l do. | l remember.
00:06:18:Everything went off smoothly | excepting for that girl's...
00:06:21:Forget it and watch there.
00:06:24:What's wrong? | Why are you so dull?
00:06:29:Cannot you see us talk?
00:06:34:Don't think of her. | She came, she left.
00:06:43:l'll be with you, forever.
00:06:47:Will you wait for me? | - Of course l do.- How long?
00:06:54:Forever. | - Can you wait for 2 years?
00:06:59:10 years? | 100 years?
00:07:10:You cannot but Sri can.
00:07:18:Sri isn't a passing cloud. | lt's you.
00:07:25:You can forget it since | the hopes have crashed.
00:07:35:Don't take his | words seriously.
00:07:37:Neither his father nor he | are decision makers.
00:07:40:lt's his mother. | She gave us her word.
00:07:45:Your marriage with | him is sure.
00:08:18:Brother told me what happened | there. Rich talk anything.
00:08:23:They always blame others.
00:08:26:Brother was humiliated | because of me.
00:08:29:Yet, he never said | a word to me.
00:08:32:You know him well. He will | feel bad if you are sad.
00:08:36:Take my advice and | forget it all.
00:08:42:That isn't easy for me. | l love Santosh deeply.
00:08:55:What! Santosh didn't | catch the flight!
00:08:57:He got on it and was | with me till Dubai.
00:08:59:He didn't take connecting | flight to London from there.
00:09:03:He cheated me. | - Cheat you! Nonsense.
00:09:09:lt's love. | - Love!!
00:09:38:*O bird don't fly away | but come back to nest*
00:09:49:*Why do you throw tantrums?*
00:09:53:*Why take my joke seriously?*
00:09:57:*Take me with you. | l'll come along*
00:10:49:*l sent away all my hapiness | with my beloved*
00:10:53:*Hope it is safe | and nothing to worry*
00:10:57:*Wonder if she is happy | with my little taunts*
00:11:00:*Has the girls mind become smaller?*
00:11:04:*Oh sparrow! Be a messenger of | love and reach the message to her..*
00:11:12:*in advance that her beloved is coming.*
00:11:14:*Oh crow! Tell her, in detail, | all that have heard*
00:12:12:*Yesterday l knew what is hunger! | And it has filled my stomach!*
00:12:15:*Denied me food and asked me to go!*
00:12:19:*Felt sleepy but | sleep didn't bless me*
00:12:23:*But has driven me away from coming closer!*
00:12:27:*Love is magic
00:12:29:*Who would not give | when you ask for it?*
00:12:35:*O love! You know it very well | Tell me who could overcome it*
00:13:14:How does the boy | you love look like?
00:13:18:Shut up. | - ls he fair complexioned?
00:13:23:He has no mustache and | hair is messy.
00:13:27:Will it be like a lorry carrying bush?
00:13:40:Are you the station master? | Who is he?
00:13:46:Who are you? | You sit like a ticket less traveler?
00:13:49:l have got the ticket!
00:14:05:Feed the offerings | to the cow.
00:14:10:Don't trip on the plate. | Be careful. Go and complete the ritual.
00:14:27:Your look makes me tense as it is! | Don't know,how will it be if you're angry?
00:14:31:So you would say what l have to say!
00:14:34:l only loved your sister! | l am Santhosh!
00:14:41:What happened is... | Your sister is a nice girl.
00:14:47:You raised her well. | She doesn't even look at boys.
00:14:52:lt took great efforts for me to lure her!
00:14:56:l would have conveyed | this better in English!
00:14:59:But you don't know English
00:15:02:My people shouldn't have | said those things to you.
00:15:04:You are justified in getting | angry and taking away Sri.
00:15:08:l'm sorry for what they did.
00:15:13:Have you finished?
00:15:15:l wonder if l explained well | but this is what the matter is.
00:15:18:Okay. Let's go.
00:15:22:Should you take him inside now?
00:15:25:What is this sir? | We want to talk something in private
00:15:27:You come
00:15:30:He is inviting trouble.
00:15:32:l had different opinion of you | But you are a gentleman!
00:15:44:Why is it so calm?
00:15:46:lt is always calm before a storm.
00:15:50:This is what l meant!
00:15:55:Dump him outside the village.
00:16:04:This isn't your problem | but your sister's.
00:16:06:Throwing him out | isn't the solution.
00:16:09:A girl cannot feel free with | brother about everything.
00:16:11:She could have told her | mother if she had.
00:16:13:Think about it!
00:16:15:l did this because l was | reminded of mother!
00:16:17:l cannot forget the day | my father threw bundles of...
00:16:19:money at my mother's face.
00:16:23:lt broke my mother's | heart and she died.
00:16:25:No, l don't want these rich people
00:16:28:They change fast
00:16:32:l don't mind my sister | suffer today but...
00:16:34:l don't want her face | my mother's fate tomorrow.
00:16:36:But.. | - No, sir
00:16:47:He had come for his bag | - No, l came back for Sri
00:16:53:No, don't
00:16:57:Please, don't separate us
00:16:59:l love her more than you do
00:17:02:l've ignored my parents | and everything for her
00:17:05:Tell me, what should l | do to prove my love
00:17:08:Ask him to leave
00:17:11:Even a person to be hanged | is granted a wish.
00:17:14:But you.. | - Can't you understand what is told?
00:17:19:Why do you rage madly? | Your sister reminds you of your mother.
00:17:23:This boy reminds me | of you, as an youngster.
00:17:26:Just like this.. you had asked me | Don't you remember?
00:17:38:Had l not given you a chance | you wouldn't be here
00:17:41:ls it fair if you refuse to him?
00:17:53:Dear, is it enough if you alone | choose your partner..
00:17:57:or you need opinion? | - You should also approve
00:18:03:Tell me what to do | to convince you?
00:18:08:Will you do anything? | - l'll.
00:18:11:You have to work in the fields.
00:18:14:l'll give you an | acre of my land.
00:18:16:You must produce as much as | l produce. Can you?
00:18:19:You must milk the cows, | clean the sheds.
00:18:24:Take care of cattle and poultry.
00:18:26:How can he do that? | - He has to do.
00:18:30:Just leaving the parents isn't enough.
00:18:35:He has to lead a farmer's life | which his mother scorned at...
00:18:38:if he wants to marry | the girl of this household.
00:18:51:l will prove myself
00:18:53:l'll do whatever you said
00:18:56:l'll produce more than you do.
00:18:58:then only he'll know that | l love Sri more than him
00:19:01:This is not like working in computers | This is hard work
00:19:04:Falling in love was easy
00:19:06:Let me work hard to prove it
00:19:10:lf you fail you've to | forget my sister..
00:19:14:and leave the village
00:19:28:You should sleep here
00:19:30:l'll wake you up at dawn
00:19:42:A grand welcome!
00:20:15:Get up!
00:20:23:You! l slept late | because of the stink.
00:20:25:Do you want coffee? | - Boost
00:20:29:Go and have it
00:20:37:What boy, was the boost good?
00:20:41:Go and clean the cowshed
00:21:04:He is trapped in net | for the sake of love
00:21:07:Poor boy! | Oh poor boy!
00:21:18:Oh God!
00:21:41:*lgnorant of the troubles that love has..
00:21:52:l think l had pressed the wrong button
00:21:56:*the rich boy is in ago...
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