12 Minutes to Modnight - Last Rites Of The Black Guard + Initiative Cards.pdf

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Last Rites
Last Rites
o f t h e B l a c k G u a r d
Written by: Ed Wetterman
Edited by: Gerald Blakemore, Preston DuBose, Carri Ramsey, Mark Ramsey, and
Tracey Wetterman
Cover Illustration by: Anneth Lagamo (http://anneth.sairyn.com)
Maps by: Craig Largent
Photography and Interior Illustrations by: Preston DuBose and Ed Wetterman
Layout by: Preston P. DuBose and Ed Wetterman
12 to Midnight Iconics by: Woody Hearne (www.gucomics.com)
Actors used in Photography: Julie Croy, David Wetterman, J.W. Chapman.
Playtested by: Robert Mesecher, Julie Croy, Landon Gregory, Micah Mogle,
and Rose Spradlin.
Savage Worlds Conversion by: Shane Lacy Hensley
The writer and developers of this adventure wish to express our thanks to those who
purchase this module and we hope it gives you and your playing group many hours
of horrific fun.
We also wish to state that we do not take the Holocaust lightly and mean no disre-
spect to the victims of that horrible episode of history.
Never again.
We remember…always.
Savage Worlds, the Savage Worlds logo, Smilin’ Jack, Great White Games, and the Great White Games logo are Copyright 2003, Great
White Games, and are used with permission.
©2003 12 to Midnight. All rights reserved. 12 to Midnight and the 12 to Midnight logo are trademarks of 12 to
Midnight. All rights reserved. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of 12 to Midnight.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. Made in Texas, USA.
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Last Rites
o f t h e B l a c k G u a r d
by Ed Wetterman
Section I: GM Preparation ................................ 4
Introduction ........................................................................... 4
Levels ....................................................................................... 4
GM Background .................................................................... 4
Synopsis .................................................................................. 6
Character Hooks ................................................................... 7
Setting the Mood ................................................................... 7
Rosetta, Texas ........................................................................ 7
The Home of Lisa Gray ..................................................... 8
Home Defense ....................................................................... 8
Section II: The Investigation ............................ 9
Introductory Scene ............................................................... 9
GM Notes ............................................................................... 9
Arrival ...................................................................................... 9
Introduction to Lisa .............................................................. 9
Part One: Walkthrough of Lisa's Home .......................... 10
Entry Way ................................................................................ 10
Office ........................................................................................ 10
Dining Room ........................................................................... 11
Kitchen ..................................................................................... 11
Living Room ............................................................................ 12
Laundry Room ........................................................................ 12
Garage ....................................................................................... 12
Storage Room .......................................................................... 12
Bathroom ................................................................................. 13
Matthew's Bedroom ............................................................... 13
Mathew's Closet ...................................................................... 14
Marissa's Bedroom ................................................................. 14
Marissa's Closet ....................................................................... 15
Lisa's Bedroom ........................................................................ 15
Master Bathroom .................................................................... 15
Master Closet ........................................................................... 15
Part Two: Interviews with the Grays ............................... 15
Lisa Gray .................................................................................. 15
Marissa Gray ............................................................................ 17
Matthew Gray .......................................................................... 17
Part Three: Sightings ........................................................... 18
Time Independent Events .................................................... 18
The Séance ............................................................................... 19
Kitchen Poltergeist Event ..................................................... 20
ABE Type II Attack ............................................................... 21
Calling the Police or EMS ..................................................... 21
Section III: Into Darkness .............................. 22
Introduction ......................................................................... 22
GM Notes on Heimglimmer's Home .............................. 22
Garage ....................................................................................... 24
The Living Room .................................................................... 24
The Office ................................................................................ 25
Section III: (cont’d.)
Downstairs Guest Room ....................................................... 25
The Dining Room ................................................................... 25
The Kitchen ............................................................................. 25
Laundry Room ........................................................................ 26
Restroom .................................................................................. 26
Living Room Closet ................................................................ 26
Staircase .................................................................................... 26
Upstairs Balcony ..................................................................... 27
Upstairs Guestroom ............................................................... 27
Upstairs Guestroom Closet .................................................. 28
Secret Room ............................................................................ 28
Master Bedroom ..................................................................... 28
Master Bathroom .................................................................... 29
Master Closet ........................................................................... 29
Chamber of Osirus ................................................................ 29
Final Confrontation ............................................................ 30
Final Scene: The Mummy Risen! ...................................... 30
How to Wrap it Up ............................................................. 31
What if the Party? ............................................................... 31
Section IV: What's Next ................................. 32
NPCs ...................................................................................... 32
NPC: Lisa Gray ....................................................................... 32
NPC: Marissa Gray ................................................................. 32
NPC: Matthew Gray ............................................................. 32
NPC: Ahuva Shapiro ............................................................ 33
NPC: Detective Hector Martin .......................................... 33
NPC: Dr. Irwin Revinowitz ................................................ 34
NPC: Aimee Resnick ............................................................ 34
NPC: Rabbi ............................................................................ 34
NPC: Joseph Vitrik ............................................................... 34
Creature Collection ............................................................... 35
Atmospheric Balls of Energy ABE ..................................... 35
Poltergeist ................................................................................ 35
Risen Revenant of Osirus ..................................................... 36
Ectoplasmic Mist .................................................................... 36
Lexicon of Terms used in Last Rite .................................... 37
Map #1: Lisa Gray's Cul de Sac ........................................... 38
Map #2: Lisa Gray's Home ................................................. 39
Map #3: Dr. Heimglimmer's Home (1st Floor) .............. 40
Map #4: Dr. Heimglimmer's Home (2nd Floor) ............. 41
Map #5: Chamber of Osirus .............................................. 42
Player Photo Handouts ................................................. 43-46
News Article .......................................................................... 47
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Last Rites
Last Rites of the Black Guard
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Last Rites of the Black Guard
Section One: GM Preparation
This module is divided into four sections: GM Preparation, The Investigation, Into Darkness, and What’s
Next. The Investigation is divided into three parts—Walk-Through, Interviews, and Sightings. What’s Next
details NPC and creature information, player handouts, ghost-hunting lexicon, and the Open Gaming License.
The Nazis left their cruel mark on the world more
than 50 years ago, and some of those wounds still
bleed. Hitler and other high-ranking Nazis were en-
amored by the idea of using the Occult in their at-
tempt at world domination. In their quest for power,
horrific experiments were conducted on Jews, Gyp-
sies, Homosexuals, the infirm, and the physically and
mentally disabled. Many of these experiments were
done on helpless children, whose innocence was con-
sumed in a furnace of pain and humiliation. With the
defeat of the Nazis and the freeing of the experi-
ments’ survivors, humanity thought that their evil
would never rise again. They were wrong.
To play this adventure module, the Game Master
needs a copy of the Savage Worlds Role-playing Game.
Last Rites is a scenario designed for introducing char-
acters to the world of 12 to Midnight. We recom-
mend that 2 to 4 characters play the adventure, but
it can be scaled for any number of players. To get
started, make copies of all player handouts and be-
come familiar with the contents of this adventure.
We also recommend that you visit our website,
www.12toMidnight.com, as new materials and ex-
tras may be found there concerning this module.
and women were proven as the finest in their fields
of study. Together, the Black Guard investigated and
experimented in the realms of ESP (extra-sensory
perception), demonology, auras, spontaneous healing,
vampirism and other dark mysteries. They were
among the first to investigate EVPs (electronic voice
phenomenon), and some evidence asserts they were
successful in performing magic derived from the an-
cient Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations.
One of the most influential of the Birkhuhn was a
medical doctor and Egyptologist named Franz
Heimglimmer. After the Allies drove the Nazis from
North Africa, Franz moved to Bergenvalden, a Pol-
ish concentration camp. From that location he
frequently met and corresponded with Dr. Mengler,
one of the most infamous of Nazi doctors. These dis-
cussions and letters centered on experimentation with
the prisoners of Nazi aggression and hatred. Franz’s
work convinced him that immortality could be
achieved by controlling the spirits of the dead. It has
been estimated that he murdered over 3,000 prison-
ers in the labs of Bergenvalden. From a recreated
Egyptian crypt under the camp, he conducted rituals
GM Background
The Nazis entertained many occult ideas in their de-
sire for world domination. In September of 1939,
Hitler gave the go-ahead to create a special unit of
the Gestapo known as the Birkhuhn, or the “Black
Guard.” The Birkhuhn sought information on the
supernatural and paranormal, and attempted to gain
control over powers of the occult and shadow.
Birkhuhn members were recruited from academia,
science, and the practitioners of the Arcane, such as
warlocks, spiritualists, and summoners. These men
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Last Rites of the Black Guard
of immortality using ancient religious relics in the
sacrifice of camp prisoners. Franz sought to control
the souls of those he murdered and channel them
into the acquisition of dark, arcane powers.
Franz’s efforts were partially successful and 169
souls were permanently bound to him. Unfortunately
for Franz, the Russian army liberated Poland and he
was forced to flee before completing his transforma-
tion to immortality. However, Franz made use of his
supernatural powers and escaped the Nazi War
Crimes Trials. He fled first to Argentina where he
used his power on several American diplomats, en-
abling him to enter the US under the assumed identity
of Frank Manz.
Frank Manz continued to use his dark powers to
acquire wealth, and he bought a comfortable home in
Rosetta, Texas. There he delved into the occult for
the rest of his life but could never complete the Ritu-
als of Immortality. He started a secret Neo-Nazi
organization, called the Neo Birkhuhn, dedicated to
the control and study of occult powers. Members of
this group came from many walks of life and many
serve in government positions in South Texas.
Dr. Heimglimmer/Frank Manz died of natural
causes at the age of 97. The authorities discovered his
body several weeks later. During routine investigation,
police discovered a secret room containing various
religious relics and archaic items. These included a
large golden Star of David, canopic jars filled with
undecomposed human organs, along with several
books, diaries and manuscripts relating to spells, rituals
and the occult. The investigators were shocked to find
Nazi-era documents revealing his true identity and
linking him to the Black Guard.
Investigators were further puzzled by the lack of
decomposition of the body. What the police did not
understand is that the Ritual of Immortality had been
partially successful. The ritual prolonged Manz’s life,
and under the right conditions would allow his mum-
mified body to awaken. The 169 souls under his
control cried out for release, but even after his death
they remained bound to him.
After the accidental discovery of the Nazi docu-
ments, the investigation was turned over to veteran
detective Hector Martin. Ironically Detective Martin
belongs to the Neo Birkhuhn and had studied for the
last few years under Dr. Heimglimmer. He believed
his mentor’s death provided him a unique opportu-
nity to study rare books, relics, and artifacts previously
denied to him. Another Neo Birkhuhn member,
Doctor Irwin Revinowitz, the leading Forensic Inves-
tigator for the city of Rosetta, Texas, aided Martin.
Together they covered up much of the investigation,
stole what they wanted from the crime scene, and
attempted arcane rituals to gain power and control
over the spirits of the dead.
Who are 12 to Midnight?
Jackson Green
Lance Carson
Jackson is a true believer
in the Paranormal, and
has done extensive inves-
tigations of Hauntings
and ghostly activities. He
offers help and aid to the GM in
his sidebar notes. He is currently
hard at work on Green’s Guide
to Ghosts!, a must-have for all
modern horror role players and
Game Masters.
Lance is a skep-
tic, but is open to
the possibility of a
world beyond the
one we see. He
offers advice on facts, rules
and guidelines.
The professor is an expert researcher
and investigator. He offers aid regard-
ing the use of skills and paranormal
history facts.
“I carry a prism around with me for
ten years, and the one time I need it
it’s in the truck!”
“We’re facing murder
charges, and you guys are
worried about pizza?”
12 to Midnight
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