My Fair Lady (1964).en.txt

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{269}{388}I deliver perfection...|and don't brag about it! :D
{7072}{7131}Freddy, go and find a cab.
{7137}{7227}Do you want me to catch pneumonia?
{7466}{7537}Don't just stand there, Freddy.|Go and find a cab.
{7543}{7637}All right, I'll get one.
{7977}{8050}Look where you're goin', dear.|Look where you're goin'!
{8056}{8089}I'm so sorry.
{8095}{8220}Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.|A full day's wages.
{8224}{8329}- Freddy, go and find a cab.|- Yes, Mother.
{8365}{8406}He's your son, is he?
{8412}{8463}If you'd done your duty|as a mother should...
{8469}{8560} wouldn't let 'im spoil a poor girl's|flow'rs and run away without payin'.
{8566}{8608}Go about your business, my girl.
{8614}{8684}And you wouldn't go off|without payin', either.
{8690}{8794}Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
{8825}{8890}Sir, is there any sign of it stopping?
{8896}{8956}I'm afraid not. It's worse than before.
{8962}{9011}If it's worse, it's a sign it's nearly over.
{9017}{9080}Cheer up, Capt'n,|buy a flow'r off a poor girl.
{9086}{9116}I'm sorry, I haven't any change.
{9122}{9181}I can change 'alf a crown.|Take this for tuppence.
{9187}{9243}I told you, I'm awfully sorry.|Wait a minute.
{9249}{9322}Oh, yes. Here's three ha' pence,|if that's any use to you.
{9328}{9398}Thank you, sir.
{9550}{9604}You be careful.|Better give 'im a flower for it.
{9610}{9653}There's a bloke here behind that pillar...
{9659}{9764}...takin' down every blessed word|you're sayin'.
{9811}{9871}I ain't done nothin' wrong|by speakin' to the gentleman.
{9877}{9939}I've a right to sell flow'rs|if I keep off the curb.
{9945}{9995}I'm a respectable girl, so help me.
{10001}{10081}I never spoke to him except to ask him|to buy a flow'r off me.
{10087}{10144}- What's the bloomin' noise?|- A tec's takin' her down.
{10150}{10190}I'm makin' an honest livin'.
{10196}{10281}Who's doing all that shouting?
{10288}{10354}Sir, don't let 'im charge me.|You dunno what it means to me.
{10360}{10428}They'll take away me character|and drive me on the streets...
{10434}{10470}...for speakin' to gentlemen.
{10476}{10565}There, there. Who's hurting you,|you silly girl? What'd you take me for?
{10571}{10611}On my Bible oath, I never spoke a word.
{10617}{10659}Shut up! Do I look like a policeman?
{10665}{10741}Why'd ya take down me words?|'Ow do I know you took me down right?
{10747}{10844}You just show me|what you wrote ab'ut me.
{10994}{11043}That ain't proper writin'. I can't read it.
{11049}{11068}I can.
{11074}{11208}"I say, Capt'n,|now buy a flow'r off a poor girl."
{11250}{11318}Oh, it's cause I called him "Capt'n".
{11324}{11422}I meant no 'arm. Sir, don't let him lay|a charge against me for a word like that.
{11428}{11506}I'll make no charge.|Really, sir, if you are a detective...
{11512}{11583} needn't protect me|against molestation from young women...
{11589}{11607}...until I ask you.
{11613}{11666}Anyone could tell the girl meant no harm.
{11672}{11742}He ain't no tec. He's a gentleman.|Look at his boots.
{11748}{11792}How are all your people down at Selsey?
{11798}{11854}Who told you my people|come from Selsey?
{11860}{11906}Never mind, they do.
{11912}{12023}How do you come to be up so far east?|You were born in Lisson Grove.
{12029}{12107}What 'arm is there|in my leavin' Lisson Grove?
{12113}{12186}It weren't fit for pigs to live.|I had to pay four and six a week.
{12192}{12230}Live where you like but stop that noise!
{12236}{12317}Come, come, he can't touch you.|You've a right to live where you please.
{12323}{12375}I'm a good girl, I am.
{12381}{12436}- Where do I come from?|- Hawkestone.
{12442}{12503}Who said I didn't?|Blimey, you know everything, you do.
{12509}{12586}You, sir, do you think|you could find me a taxi?
{12592}{12633}Madam, it's stopped raining.
{12639}{12708}You can get a motorbus to Hampton Court.
{12714}{12739}Isn't that where you live?
{12745}{12791}What impertinence!
{12797}{12919}Tell 'im where he comes from,|if you wanta go fortune-telling.
{12933}{13021}Cheltenham, Harrow...
{13027}{13109}...Cambridge and...
{13149}{13180}Quite right.
{13186}{13238}He ain't a tec, he's a bloomin' busybody.
{13244}{13308}Do you do this sort of thing|for a living at a music hall?
{13314}{13361}I have thought of it.|Perhaps I will one day.
{13367}{13443}He's no gentleman, he ain't,|to interfere with a poor girl!
{13449}{13486}How do you do it, may I ask?
{13492}{13614}Simple phonetics. The science of speech.|That's my profession. Also my hobby.
{13620}{13690}Anyone can spot an Irishman|or a Yorkshireman by his brogue...
{13696}{13743}...but I can place a man within six miles.
{13749}{13838}I can place 'im within two miles in London.|Sometimes within two streets.
{13844}{13907}Ought to be ashamed of 'imself,|unmanly coward.
{13913}{13954}- Is there a living in that?|- Oh, yes.
{13960}{14046}Let him mind his own business|and leave a poor girl alone.
{14052}{14110}Cease this detestable|boohooing instantly...
{14116}{14198}...or else seek the shelter|of some other place of worship!
{14204}{14274}I have a right to be here if I like,|same as you!
{14280}{14342}A woman who utters such disgusting,|depressing noises...
{14348}{14405}...has no right to be anywhere,|no right to live.
{14411}{14450}Remember, you're a human with a soul...
{14456}{14518}...and the divine gift of articulate speech.
{14524}{14592}Your native language is the language|of Shakespeare and...
{14598}{14735}...Milton and the Bible. Don't sit there|crooning like a bilious pigeon.
{14755}{14826}## Look at her, a prisoner of the gutters #
{14832}{14908}# Condemned by every syllable she utters #
{14914}{14984}# By right she should be taken out and hung #
{14990}{15099}# For the cold-blooded murder|of the English tongue #
{15115}{15152}Heavens, what a sound!
{15158}{15217}# This is what the British population #
{15223}{15286}# Calls an elementary education #
{15292}{15351}Come, sir, I think you've picked|a poor example.
{15357}{15397}Did I?
{15403}{15490}# Hear them down in Soho Square|Dropping H's everywhere #
{15496}{15570}# Speaking English any way they like #
{15576}{15618}# Hey, you, sir, did you go to school? #
{15624}{15660}# What ya tike me for, a fool? #
{15666}{15754}# No one taught him 'take' instead of 'tike' #
{15760}{15839}# Hear a Yorkshireman, or worse|Hear a Cornishman converse #
{15845}{15923}# I'd rather hear a choir singing flat #
{15929}{16006}# Chickens cackling in a barn|Just like this one #
{16012}{16044}# Garn! #
{16050}{16088}# Garn! #
{16094}{16167}# I ask you, sir, what sort of word is that? #
{16173}{16249}# It's 'aoow' and 'garn'|that keep her in her place #
{16255}{16344}# Not her wretched clothes and dirty face #
{16350}{16430}# Why can't the English|teach their children how to speak? #
{16436}{16520}# This verbal class distinction|by now should be antique #
{16526}{16608}#If you spoke as she does, sir,|instead of the way you do #
{16614}{16673}# Why, you might be selling flowers, too #
{16679}{16700}I beg your pardon.
{16706}{16790}# An Englishman's way of speaking|absolutely classifies him #
{16796}{16882}# The moment he talks he makes|some other Englishman despise him #
{16888}{16959}# One common language|I'm afraid we'll never get #
{16965}{17054}# Oh, why can't the English learn to... #
{17060}{17189}# ...set a good example to people|whose English is painful to your ears #
{17195}{17274}# The Scotch and the Irish|leave you close to tears #
{17280}{17388}# There even are places|where English completely disappears #
{17394}{17478}# Why, in America|they haven't used it for years! #
{17484}{17557}# Why can't the English|teach their children how to speak? #
{17563}{17645}# Norwegians learn Norwegian,|the Greeks are taught their Greek #
{17651}{17741}# In France every Frenchman|knows his language from 'A' to 'Z' #
{17747}{17791}# The French don't care|what they do actually #
{17797}{17857}# As long as they pronounce it properly #
{17863}{17945}# Arabians learn Arabian|with the speed of summer lightning #
{17951}{18035}# The Hebrews learn it backwards|which is absolutely frightening #
{18041}{18117}# Use proper English,|you're regarded as a freak #
{18123}{18205}# Oh, why can't the English #
{18217}{18348}# Why can't the English learn to speak? ##
{18503}{18537}Thank you.
{18543}{18591}See this creature|with her curbstone English...
{18597}{18661}...that'll keep her in the gutter|till the end of her days?
{18667}{18764}In six months I could pass her off|as a duchess at an Embassy Ball.
{18770}{18838}I could get her a job as a lady's maid|or a shop assistant...
{18844}{18884}...which requires better English.
{18890}{18934}What's that you say?
{18940}{18993}Yes, you squashed cabbage leaf!
{18999}{19065}You disgrace to the noble architecture|of these columns!
{19071}{19156}You incarnate insult|to the English language!
{19162}{19265}I could pass you off as the Queen of Sheba.
{19280}{19324}You don't believe that, Capt'n?
{19330}{19424}Anything's possible.|I, myself, am a student of Indian dialects.
{19430}{19543}Are you? Do you know Colonel Pickering,|the author of "Spoken Sanskrit"?
{19549}{19604}I am Colonel Pickering. Who are you?
{19610}{19678}I'm Henry Higgins, author of|{y:i}Higgins' Universal Alphabet.
{19684}{19742}I came from India to meet you!
{19748}{19837}I was going to India to meet you!
{19882}{19922}- Where are you staying?|- At the Carleton.
{19928}{19992}No, you're not.|You're staying at 27 A Wimpole Street.
{19998}{20061}You come with me.|We'll have a little jaw over supper.
{20067}{20111}Indian dialects have always fascinated me.
{20117}{20157}Buy a flower. I'm short for me lodgin'.
{20188}{20241}You said y...
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