Controversies regarding Jehovah's Witnesses.pdf

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Controversies regarding Jehovah's
Jehovah's Witnesses have beliefs and practices that are commonly
regarded as controversial by mainstream Christians for their doctrines that
differ from mainstream Christianity, by governments for their refusal to
participate in 'patriotic' activities and by the general public for their beliefs
about blood transfusions and their treatment of members who "disassociate".
The most prominent divergences from mainstream Christianity are in regards
to their disputing the doctrines of the Trinity and hell . Many believe that their
version of the Bible, the New World Translation , has several errors when
compared to original Greek and Hebrew as well as other widely accepted
Fast Facts on Jehovah's Witnesses
Date founded
Place founded
Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916)
6.4 million practicing members in 2003 {1}
Brooklyn, New York
Main location
Major sects
Sacred text
New World Translation of the Scriptures
Other texts
The Watchtower; Awake!
Original language
Body of elders supervises a congregation of up to 200 members.
About 20 congregations form a circuit, 10 circuits form a district.
Highest authority is governing body of elders at Brooklyn headquarters. {2}
Meeting place
Kingdom Hall
Strict monotheism
The Son of God, God's first creation
Ultimate reality
Jehovah God
Human nature
Sinful since Adam
Purpose of life
Live forever after death instead of being annihilated
How to live
Live morally and in accordance with Jehovah's commandments, spread the
good news of the Kingdom to others.
144,000 elect will reign in heaven and have spirit bodies. Other Witnesses will
live forever on a restore paradise on earth. All others will be annihilated. Hell
does not exist. {3}
The watchtower. Cross rejected as a pagan symbol.
Major holidays
Memorial of Christ's death, celebrated annually. All Christian or other
religious-based holidays are rejected as unbiblical and pagan.
Divorce only in cases of adultery, no premarital sex, no homosexuality. {4} No
gambling or drinking to excess. Against abortion. {5}
No blood transfusions, no celebration of non-JW holidays, no use of crosses
or other religious images. Baptism of initiation, worship once per week, strong
focus on evangelism.
Doctrinal differences
Jehovah's Witnesses have a number of doctrines that differ from those of
mainstream Christianity ( Roman Catholicism , Eastern Orthodoxy and
Protestantism ). Some of these doctrines differ on points which are
considered to be of central importance; others are relatively minor. The
table below shows a comparison of a number of doctrines of Jehovah's
Witnesses vis-à-vis those of mainstream Christianity which are
considered to be controversial, and of major importance.
These Witness beliefs are typically considered by mainstream Christians
to be blasphemous or heretical in nature. For this reason, many Christian
denominations consider these beliefs to place Jehovah's Witnesses
outside of true Christianity, often labeling them as a cult in the sense of a
non-Christian religion.
Mainstream Christian teaching
(Roman Catholic, Eastern
Orthodox and Protestant
churches) [1]
Corresponding Jehovah's
Witnesses teaching
Nature of God
God is a unity of three equal
persons, the Father being God, the
Son being God, the Holy Ghost
being God, but there is only one
God. ( see Trinitarianism )
The Father of Jesus, Jehovah, is
the only true God. [2]
Jesus (the Son) is God in the flesh.
During his life on earth he was both
fully God and fully human. He is
eternal and equal in power to God.
Jesus is God's Son, but not God
the Almighty. [3]
The Holy Spirit is a person of the
Trinity. The Holy Spirit is eternal
and equal in power to God.
The holy spirit [4] is God's
impersonal, "active force", always
subject to his will. [5]
Jesus is God's Son. He is God in
the flesh.
Jesus is God's firstborn Son; he
has divine nature but he is not
equal to God. Jesus was the "angel
of Jehovah" in Exodus 23:20-22,
archangel Michael [6] , the Word, or
Logos, as well as
Apollyon / Abaddon , mentioned in
Revelation 9:11. [7]
Jesus was crucified on a cross.
Jesus was nailed to a torture stake .
The religious significance given to
the instrument of Jesus' execution
and torture is a heathen heritage. [8]
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