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Dragons of Light
Official Game Adventure
Dragons of Light
Jeff Grubb
Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Wherein the tale is told, and the story explained.
The Elves of Krynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Dragon Dargent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 6: Awash on Ergoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
In which the Heroes of the Lance are shipwrecked on a distant isle.
Chapter 7: Into the Wild Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The heroes flee the elven lands, seeking to deliver the Orb to the Knights.
Chapter 8: Foghaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
In which the heroes find the Castle Foghaven and a curious gnome.
Chapter 9: The Stone Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
In which the heroes find the tomb of the hero Huma and the secret of the Dragonlances.
Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Wherein the heroes reach the lands of the Knights.
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 28-32
In which special items, characters, and monsters of note are explained for the
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uted in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR Inc.
Editor: Mike Breault
Product Design: Elizabeth Riedel
Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Interior Art: Diana Magnuson
Cartography: David Sutherland
Typography: Linda Bakk
Keyline: Colleen O’Malley
This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United
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© 1985 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
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ISBN 0-88038-093-4
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since the Cataclysm. Curse the High Priest
of Istar for his pride! Trying to command the
Gods, he called down their wrath. Krynn was
punished with fire and flood, and much is
forever lost. The greatest loss was knowledge of
the Gods themselvesthe world of Krynn has
sunk info blasphemy these many generations,
and clerics have lost the power to heal.
Mankinds separation from the True
Gods opened the door to renewed evil.
Dragons are once again in the world,
commanded by human Dragon Highlords and
assisted by bestial Daconians.
Dragonarmys fortress of Pax Tharkas.
The heroes entered Pax Tharkas and
rescued over 800 slaves, foiling the evil
designs of the Dragon Highlord Verminaard.
Refuge for the escaped slaves was found
in the Hopeful Vale, and the heroes braved the
dangers of Skullcap, fortress of the evil wizard
Fistandantilus, who perished in the Dwarfgate
On that trek, the Seeker priest Elistan
became the second true cleric of Krynn. And
thus the High God Paladine re-entered the
world of Krynn.
The Dragonarmies have now conquered
The heroes entered the secret gates of
much of Kynn, and soon all the lads will be
their sway. Evil, it seems, may soon
triumph over good.
Through my Crystal Globe of Wisdom,
I send my spirit to gather knowledge. And so I
have found a glimmer of hope.
Five years ago, seven adventurers set out
from the town of Solace to seek the True
Thorbardin. There they found the tomb of
Derkin and defeated the Dragon Highlord
Veminaard. The Hammer of Kharas was
recovered and the dwarven tribes were reunited.
The newly-crowned dwarven king allowed
the refugees to pass through his kingdom to
safety. The Innfellows pressed south to Tarsis,
looking for ships to bear their people westward.
They found a city landlocked by the
Cataclysm, under attack by another wing of
the Dragon Highlords armies.
The heroes were sundered, one group
returning to their lodgings to discover the others
gone and dragons destroying the Inn. The
Heroes of the Lance fled south, seeking a
Dragon Orb, a powerful icon that defeated
the dragons during the first Dragonwars.
They found the Orb in Icewall Castle, a
forbidding ruin ruled by a bark elf and his
white dragon mount. Escaping with the Orb,
the heroes set sail in an ancient ship and
headed west for Sancrist Isle...
Gods.. They did not succeed. In time, six
returned: Tanis, Flint, Tasslehoff, Raistlin,
Caramon, and Sturm. Of Kitiara, the
seventh, beloved of Tanis, nothing was heard.
They were joined by Goldmoon and
Riverwind. Goldmoon possessed a gift from the
Gods: a crystal staff that healed any wound.
With its power, the Innfellows recovered the
Disks of Mishakal, the writings of the Gods,
and thus did knowledge of the True Gods
return to Krynn.
Armed with these powerful weapons, the
heroes returned to Solace, only to find the
people taken to a terrible slavery in the
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Notes for the Dungeon Master
“Dragons of Light” is the seventh module in the
epic DRAGONLANCE series. It continues the
second book of the DRAGONLANCE saga:
Tales of Winter Night, begun in “Dragons of
ters, each representing areas the PCs might
Some characters die permanently in the
story. This is noted in the text and the charac-
ter may die in this or later encounters. The
character will not reappear in later modules.
On occasion, an Ability Check is called for
using one of a character’s abilities (Strength,
Wisdom, etc.). Roll 1d20 and compare it with
the appropriate ability. If it is less than or equal
to the ability, the action succeeds; if greater than
the ability, the action fails.
If you are playing DL7 without having
played previous modules, set the stage for the
players by reading the Iconochronos on page
2. If you have played the DRAGONLANCE
series up to this point, this adventure follows
DL6, and begins a week later as the heroes are
making their way to Sancrist on the good ship
Some of your players may have read the
DRAGONLANCE novels. The information
related there is similar, but not identical, to
that in the modules. A secret door in the
module may not be in the same location as the
book, and the heroes in the modules will not
act the same as their counterparts in the book.
This allows the game to have its own feeling
and texture.
Remember that the DRAGONLANCE
story is a complex saga. To run it well, read the
module carefully, anticipate your players’
actions, and think of how to motivate them to
move in certain directions. In DL7, the moti-
vation to get them to Foghaven Pass is sim-
ple-it is the only way to reach the Solamnic
colonies and the route to Sancrist. Do not be
afraid to improvise to make the adventure
enjoyable for your players.
For both Events and Encounters, those
portions of the text enclosed in boxes are to be
read aloud to the players.
These modules recreate the conditions of
the DRAGONLANCE story with the player
characters cast in the roles of the epic’s heroes.
Thus, it is recommended that the module be
played as part of the series using the player
characters provided. If players wish to use
their own characters, however, you should
allow them to do so.
The characters listed on the cover of the
module are some of the heroes of the
DRAGONLANCE epic. The equipment they
begin the adventure with is listed on their
character cards. Depending on their success in
previous DRAGONLANCE adventures, your
PCs may have different equipment.
In DL6, “Dragons of Ice,” the party was
split into two groups. This module deals with
the group that goes south-the Heroes of the
Lance. The remaining heroes will return in
DL10, “Dragons of Dreams.”
If you do not have enough players to take
all the DRAGONLANCE heroes as PCs, use
the others as NPCs, or allow players to run
more than one character. (All of the pre-gen-
erated characters figure prominently in future
modules.) In any event, it’s a good idea to
keep the party to a size you, the dungeon mas-
ter, are comfortable with.
Each chapter in this adventure begins by
listing several Events that occur at the times
indicated, regardless of the actions of the PCs.
Following the Events come the Encoun-
Two NPCs require special mention:
Theros Ironfeld was briefly introduced in
DL2 as a friend of Gilthanas and the
Qualinesti elves. He paid for that friendship
with the loss of his right arm to the draconian
invaders. In DL7, he reappears in the camp of
the Qualinesti with a magical arm replacing
the lost limb. Theros has a tale to tell regard-
ing the arm (see Appendices), and will accom-
pany the party to Huma’s Tomb.
Fizban the Fabulous is a powerful wizard
of indeterminate level. His powers are appar-
ently hampered by his befuddled mental
state, as his spells often result in spectacular
failures. Play him for laughs, but employ the
“obscure death” rule in situations where he
appears to die.
In the DRAGONLANCE multi-module
epic, some heroes and villains figure promi-
nently in later adventures. If “name” characters,
such as Fizban, Theros, or Theodenes the gnome
should be slain, invoke the “obscure death”
rule. This rule states that, as in Saturday after-
noon matinees, the circumstances of the death
of an important character should be confused
and the body should not be found. Later, the
hero or villain may reappear, usually with a story
about how he miraculously survived. Sivaks, a
new draconian race introduced in this module,
polymorph into their slayer’s likeness when
killed, providing a new way to explain the appar-
ent death of important characters.
The World of Krynn
There are several important differences
between the world of Krynn and the standard
AD&D ® campaign. While players who have
played previous DL modules are familiar with
these changes, new players should be made
aware of this information.
True clerics have been unknown on Krynn
since the Cataclysm, a mighty catastrophe that
destroyed the civilized nations and changed the
face of Krynn. Most “clerics” have no spell abil-
ity as they worship false gods. True clerics of
good, including Goldmoon and Elistan, wear a
medallion bearing the symbol of their god or
goddess. Only two of the true good gods have
been revealed, Mishakal, goddess of healing,
and Paladine, leader of good, the Celestial Pala-
din. All PC clerics brought into the campaign
must be of good alignment and follow
one of these two faiths.
pieces for steel-though they will find their
personal wealth greatly reduced.
Lastly, dragons have been absent from
Krynn for nearly 1,000 years. They are still
considered legend by people who have not yet
met the mighty juggernaut of the Dragonar-
my’s forces. Those who have seen the dragons
know them all too well, and their fear expands
the tales of the might of the draconian foes,
striking fear into the hearts of listeners.
All PC elves in the adventures are
Qualinesti elves. Two other elven races,
Silvanesti and Kagonesti, are discussed in this
All PC dwarves are hill dwarves. Other
dwarven races were introduced in DL4.
The equivalent of halflings on Krynn are
Kender. Kender resemble wizened 14-year-
olds and (unlike halflings) wear shoes. See
Tasselhoffs character card for more informa-
tion on Kender.
The value of gold and other trade items
are completely different in this world than in
familiar campaigns. Steel is the main trade
metal and 10 gold pieces are worth only 1 steel
piece. PCs who enter Krynn from other cam-
paigns may be allowed to trade their gold
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