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Dragons of Desolation
All traps are triggered by a tripwire
or by walking past them.
Ball: Damage = 2d8;
Save vs Petrify to avoid.
Blade Damage = 1d10;
When activated starts chopping;
Dexterity check to pass or pass
to right or left of wedge shaped blade.
Flame: Damage = 2d6,
if fanned out in some way.
Ice Falls: Damage = 1d6;
Save vs Spells or encased in ice,
3 turns to thaw.
Spiked Pit: Damage = 2d6;
10' deep, trapdoor snaps shut.
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Official Game Adventure
Dragons of Desolation
by Tracy Hickman and Michael Dobson
Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Wherein the tale is told, and the story is explained.
Chapter 14: The Doors of Thorbardin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
In which the heroes dream dark dreams and seek the entrance to the long-lost dwarven
Chapter 15: The North Gate of the Dwarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
In which the heroes enter Thorbardin, encounter ancient evils, and meet a legendary dwarf.
Chapter 16: The Honor of the Hylar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
In which the Council of Thanes meets, and the heroes receive a quest.
Chapter 17: Kalil S’rith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
In which the heroes enter the Kingdom of the Dead seeking a great mystical treasure.
Chapter 18: Dark Realms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
In which Verminaard returns, and the heroes make their final stand.
Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Wherein this book of Dragonlance comes to an end, the beginning and end of life is
celebrated, and shadows of the future fall on the present.
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 and Inside Cover
Here are the tools of the story That which is new is explained, as are encounters governed by
fate alone.
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random
House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Dis-
tributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distrib-
uted in the United Kingdom by TSR(UK)Ltd.
are trademarks of TSR, Inc.
Story: Tracy Hickman
Game Design: Harold Johnson, Bruce Nesmith,
Michael Dobson, Tracy Hickman
Development/Editing: Michael Dobson and
Anne Gray
Product Design: Elizabeth Riedel
Cover Art: Keith Parkinson
Interior Art (Pencils): Larry Elmore
Interior Arts (Inks): Jeff Butler
Cartography: Dave “Diesel” LaForce and
Billy Clemons
This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the
material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of TSR, Inc.
1984 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
TSR, Inc.
POB 756
The Mill‚ Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva
WI 53147
Cambridge CB1 AD
United Kingdom
Printed in U.S.A.
ISBN 0-88038-089-6
Permission granted to photocopy or
print this product for personal use.
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since the Cataclysm. Curse the High Priest
of Istar for his pride! For in trying to
command the Gods rather than begging
humbly for their aid, he called down their
wrath. The Gods punished Krynn with fire
Innfellows sought the secret of the staff. Their
quest led them to the ancient sunken city of
Xak Tsaroth, there to confront an enemy out
of nightmare: a Black Dragon.
The crystal staff was indeed a gift of the
Gods. With its power the dragon was
destroyed. The Innfellows recovered the Disks
of Mishakal, the writings of the Gods, and so
did knowledge of the True Gods return to
Now armed with powerful weapons of the
spirit, the heroes returned to Solace, only to
find it overrun by the Dragonarmy. The
people had been taken to a terrible Text
and flood, and much is forever lost. The
greatest loss was knowledge of the Gods
themselvesthe world of Krynn has sunk into
blasphemy lo these many generations and
clerics have lost the power to heal.
Mankind? separation from the True
Gods opened the door to renewed evil.
Dragons, thought to be only a myth to
frighten children, are once again in the world.
They are commanded by humans called
Dragon Highmasters, and assisted by strange
creatures called Draconians.
the fortress of Pax Tharkas.
At grave risk and through great heroism,
the heroes crept into Pax Tharkas, foiled the
plans of the Dragon Highmaster Verminaard,
and rescued over 800 slaves.
The Dragonarmies have now conquered
much of Krynn, and soon all the land will be
under their sway. Evil it seems. may soon
triumph over good.
Through the trackless wilderness, pursued
by the tireless draconians, they sought passage
Through my Crystal Globe of Wisdom,
I can send my spirit across the land to gather
knowledge. And so I have found a glimmer of
through the long-lost dwarven kingdom of
Thorbardin to the seaport of Tarsis in the
south. Temporary refuge for the escaped slaves
was found in the Hopeful Vale, and the heroes
braved the dangers of Skullcap, the fortress of
the evil wizard Fistandantilus, who perished in
the Dwarfgate War.
On that trek, the Seeker priest Elistan
became the second true cleric of Krynn. Text
Five years ago, seven adventurers set out
from the town of Solace to seek the True
Gods. They did not succeed. In time, six
returned: Tanis, Flint, Tasslehoff Raistlin,
Caramon, and Sturm. Of Kitiara, the
seventh, beloved of Tanis, nothing was heard.
did the High God Paladine reenter the world
On their return, they met Goldmoon, a
of Krynn.
princess of the Que-Shu tribe, and her lover
And there, deep beneath Skullcap, was
found the key that would unlock the gates to
Riverwind. Goldmoon had a blue crystal staff
that could heal by magic.
A S the Dragonarmies marched, the
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notes for the dungeonmaster
“Dragons of Desolation” is the fourth in the
epic DRAGONLANCE series, and con-
cludes the First Book of Dragonlance: Tales of
Autumn Twilight.
DRAGONLANCE is a story. The
modules in this series should ideally be played
as a continuing saga. Players are encouraged
to take on the roles of the main heroes in this
epic; the Character Cards can be cut out and
used by the players.
You may allow players to bring other
characters into this adventure. If so, adjust
those characters so they conform to the world
of Krynn, which is unlike most AD&D
worlds. (See THE WORLD OF KRYNN,
If you allow players to bring in other
characters, but still want to play the epic‚ the
DRAGONLANCE characters must be either
player characters (PCs) or non-player charac-
ters (NPCs). If players wish to play multiple
characters, make sure that they play each char-
acter as an individual. Some characters can be
used as Henchmen NPCs—for example, one
player should play both Goldmoon and
Riverwind, one (their choice) as a
Henchman NPC.
If players do not choose to take all of the
DRAGONLANCE heroes, you should keep
the others in the background as NPCs. All of
the pre-generated characters figure promi-
nently in future modules.
In any case, it’s a good idea to keep the
party to a manageable size.
Three NPCs require particular attention.
Laurana, Princess of Qualinost, was res-
cued from Pax Tharkas in DL 2. In DL 6
she becomes a PC. Although she should be in
the background in DL 4, make sure the other
PCs (especially Tanis and Gilthanas) are aware
of her presence.
Elistan was converted from the false
Seeker religion to the worship of the true
gods, and is now a powerful cleric. In DL 6, he
becomes a PC. In this module, he enters the
dream world to battle Verminaard, and does
not reappear until the climax.
Eben Shatterstone, the third important
NPC, is a traitor, an agent of Verminaard.
Eben is self-serving and greedy rather than
actively evil, and so his alignment is neutral.
Eben was introduced to the party in DL 2 as
the victim of a draconian attack. The attack
was a fake. Until he betrays the heroes in the
final chapter of this adventure, he appears to
support the party in every way. Give his Char-
acter Card to one of the players to run as an
NPC. Overrule any obviously out-of-character
behavior. When Eben’s treason occurs, take
the card back and run him for the remainder
of the adventure.
If you don’t want to play the
DRAGONLANCE epic, you can adapt this
adventure to your own campaign.
DRAGONLANCE is a complex saga. To
run it well, you must read this module care-
fully to visualize the story, and to think of
what players may do. You must motivate the
players subtly so that they follow the right
path. Sometimes, you must improvise to keep
the story on track.
Because DRAGONLANCE is a story,
both heroes and villains often figure promi-
nently in later modules. If “name” charac-
For example, a character tumbles down a 500
foot shaft to certain death. Several modules
later, the character reappears with a story about
how he landed on a ledge and was knocked
out. Much later, he came to, and spent weeks
recovering and escaping. Some characters can
die permanently. When a “name” character no
longer plays a part in the story, his death can
occur. Player characters brought into this
adventure from outside can be killed normally.
The player characters are variously
referred to as PCs, adventurers, heroes, and
companions. Boxed sections of text are read
aloud when the PCs experience that
Encounter or Event.
If you are playing DL 4 without having
played the previous DL modules, you must set
the stage for the current adventure by using
the chapter of the Iconochronos on the oppo-
site page. If you have played the DL modules
up to this point, no additional background is
needed-the story starts the morning after the
end of DL3.
Sometimes, a character must make an
Ability Check against one of his Character
Abilities (Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, etc.).
The player rolls 1d20. If the result is equal to
or less than the player’s Ability score in the
appropriate area, the Check succeeds. For
example, a PC with a Dexterity of 15 makes a
Dexterity Check by rolling 1d20. If the result
is 15 or less, the Check succeeds; if the result is
16 or more, the Check fails.
the world of krynn
There are important differences between the
world of Krynn and standard AD&D cam-
paigns. Characters who have adventured in
previous DL modules know the following
information. Players and characters new to the
world should be given this background.
alignment and worship one of these two gods.
All PC elves in this adventure are from
Qualinesti elves. Other elves—the Sylvanesti
—appear in later modules.
The equivalent of a halfling in Krynn is a
Kender. Kender look like wizened 14-year-
olds and (unlike halflings) wear shoes. See
Tasslehoff Burrfoot’s Character Card for more
The values of gold and other trade items
are completely different in this world. Gold is
much less valuable; steel is the main trade
metal. One steel piece (stl) is equivalent to 1
standard gp in purchasing power. PCs that
enter Krynn from other campaigns do not
automatically trade their gold pieces for steel
pieces—they may find their personal wealth
greatly altered!
The following exchange rates apply in all
lands encountered in this module:
1 gpw (gold piece weight) of steel=10 gp,
or 20 sp, or 100 cp, or 2 ip (iron pieces),
or 1/5 pp, or 2 bp (bronze pieces).
Finally, dragons have been absent from
Krynn for nearly 1,000 years. They are consid-
ered merely legends by all who have not per-
sonally beheld them. Characters may be
thought foolish, or liars, if they talk about
dragons to the wrong people.
clerics wear a Medallion of Faith bearing the
symbol of a god or goddess. When a new true
cleric comes into being, the medallion mag-
ically duplicates, and the new medallion bears
the symbol of the appropriate god or goddess.
Only two of the true gods are currently
known: Mishakal, goddess of healing, and
Paladine, the high god of good. All PC clerics
brought into the campaign must be of good
ters or villains should be killed, arrange
“obscure deaths” for them. Their bodies
should not be found. Think up a creative
explanation for their “miraculous” survival.
True clerics have been unknown in Krynn
for centuries. Most clerics do not have spell
powers, since they worship false gods. True
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