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Chinese women can give birth in Hong Kong if

There are four tasks in this test.


Task One

You are going to hear 5 extracts from radio news. You will hear each extract twice. For questions 1 to 5 please choose the best answer A, B or C.


  You now have 1 minute to look through the questions for Task One.



1.       The improvement of China-Vatican relations was initiated by …

A.     the Chinese Catholic Church

B.      the Vatican diplomats

C.     the Beijing politicians

2.       The skull discovered in Romania …

A.     has features of the two different populations

B.      confirms the arrival time of humans in Europe

C.     shows reasons for the Neanderthals’ dying out

3.       Chinese women can give birth in Hong Kong if …

A.     their pregnancy is heavily endangered

B.      they have arranged it with the hospital

C.     they turn up at the border with money

4.       The boy called Noah …

A.     was born in Louisiana during hurricane Katrina

B.      was rescued from a hospital flooded by Katrina

C.     was born from an embryo rescued after Katrina

5.       The man has been charged with …

A.     giving funds for terrorist activities

B.      publishing Islamic propaganda

C.     receiving funds from terrorists


Task Two

You will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will be asked a question about what was said. You will hear each conversation and the question that follows it twice. For questions 6 to 10 choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.


There will now be a pause of 30 seconds for you to look through the questions.



6.       The man thinks the match will …

A.     only involve adults playing

B.      show who the good players are

C.     show who the older players are

D.     divide the players into two teams

7.       Mark said John …

A.     had been given bad news

B.      had been given a difficult job

C.     had lost his job recently

D.     had bad things happen to him

8.       Dave apologised for …

A.     speaking his mind

B.      disliking the child

C.     using bad language

D.     insulting the boy

9.       The woman thinks the personnel manager …

A.     looks very old and is not attractive

B.      looks too young to be a manager

C.     wears clothes meant for the young

D.     dresses in unconventional clothes

10.   Anne’s boyfriend is …

A.     a trainee

B.      a success

C.     a failure

D.     a manager

Task Three

You are going to hear 1 radio piece. For questions 11 – 14 choose the best answer A, B or C. You will hear the piece twice.


There will now be a pause of one minute for you to look through the questions.



11.   The Indian Ocean’s dipole involves changes in …

A.     the temperature of water

B.      the temperature of air

C.     the strength of El Niño

12.   The dipole phenomenon …

A.     has recently been discovered

B.      has been thoroughly examined

C.     has only recently appeared

13.   Corals have helped to show that …

A.     the monsoon was weaker in the past

B.      water plants grow similarly to trees

C.     the Indian Ocean’s dipole is very old

14.   The researchers forecast more rain in …

A.     Indonesia

B.      Australia

C.     India

Task Four

You are going to listen to an officer giving a briefing. You will hear the briefing twice. For questions 15 to 20 complete the notes by putting short phrases into the boxes. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look at the notes.




15.   The new battle simulation system is called …



16.   The Army will be able to measure …



17.   To be informed about the enemy, troops will use …



18.   The modern computer software allows copying …



19.   Observers will know if anyone tries to …



20.   After the exercise, troops will be shown (what?)






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