Regardie, Israel - The Complete Golden Dawn.pdf

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The Complete Golden Dawn
as revealed by
The 6th Edition, Revised and Enlarged
Complete in One Volume with New Comprehensive Index
"Howbeitwe know after a time there will now be a general reformation,
both of divine and human things, according to our desire and the
expectation of others; for it is fitting that before the rising of the Sun
there should appear and break forth Aurora, or some clearness or
divinelight inthe sky. And so, in the meantime, some few,which shall
give their names, may join together, thereby to increase the number
and respect of our Fraternity, and make a happy and wished for
beginning of our Philosophical Canons, prescribed to us by our
Brother R.C., and be partakers with us of our treasures (which can
never fail or be wasted) in all humility and love, to be eased of this
world's labours, and not walk so blindly in the knowledge of the
wonderful works of God."
Just about 100years ago (in1887)we had the beginnings of The Hermetic Order
of the Golden Dawn. It was then that (accordingto history and "myth") Dr. William
Westcott discovered a cipher manuscript that led to the founding of anEnglish branch
of Die Goldene Dammerung in 1888.
It was this Golden Dawn that attractedsome of the most talented personalities of
the time - including W. 8. Yeats, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, Florence
Farr, Annie Horniman, A. E. Waite, S. L. MacGregorMathers, Dion Fortune and Aleis-
ter Crowley. And it was this Golden Dawn that itself provided a NEW DAWN for
"occultism" in the early 20th century.
In the early 1900s, the original Order began to fragment. First Crowley pub-
lished many of the G.D. rituals in The Equinox and left to form his own order, the A.A.,
in 1905.The original Isis-Urania Temple expelled Mathers, and then - as The Stella
Matutina - under the direction of Waite, put more emphasis on mysticism than had
the original G.D. Later Dion Fortune broke off from this Temple to form her own
Inner Light group.
It was as a member of the Stella Matutina that Israel Regardie first published a
nearly complete set of the rituals and teachings in 1937-40as the first edition of this
present work. Later he sold the copyrights for this and most of his other books at that
time to the Aries Press,and I purchased them in 1968and brought out the second edi-
tion, with new material from Regardie, in 1969.
As Sam Webster points out in the Epilogue to this fifth edition, this book has been
the foundation for much of the "occult revival" of the last half of the twentieth cen-
tury. It has provided resource materials for Wicca, the New Paganism, various magi-
cal groups, and for tens of thousands of serious students.
And as Cris Monnastre points out in her Introduction, it is now beginning to pro-
vide a structure into which modern psychology can flow to bring about a solution to
the present world crisis which demands a dramatic expansion of consciousness and
of the 'tools' of awareness.
It is the actual "structured"experience of magic - whether it be attained through
group or solitary work - that is vital to the accelerated evolution of human con-
sciousness beyond present limitations, and to the expansion of human awareness
from communal to global dimensions. And it is this that is essential to avoida~ce
nuclear rw3r and to the restor~tionof Nature to the environment and of humanity
lo Nature.
The Golden Dawn is a curriculum of study, a workbook to the Great Work, and
CrisMonnastre has provided guidelines to the practical approach to the Work. I can-
not emphasize enough the importance of personal work, for it is that - whether
undertaken alone or with a group - that is important. Only personal work can
accomplish true initiation.
And The Golden Dawn is a valid curriculum for personal work even for those
associated with other than Golden Dawn groups or systems of magical study. One of
the great messages of the New Age is that of eclecticism - if it works, use it! There are
many other valuable and valid resources for our evolution, and in this time of "quick-
ening", all are pertinent. But it is a personal and regular program of meditation that
brings order to what otherwise might prove chaotic. Such a program, combined with
the simple magical exercises of "The Middle Pillar" and "Banishing Ritual of the Pen-
tagram", and the keeping of a journal will initiate your own journey to the Light!
I want to give special appreciation to the writers who have added important
materials to this new edition, but I also want to give personal appreciation to Israel
Regardie for having recognized in 1937 that the "time for secrecy" was over. The
twentieth century is a time in which the knowledge of the past has to be brought for-
ward and integrated into a new "common sense" upon which a new humanity
can be built.
Once, years ago, when I first talked about buying the Golden Dawn copyrights
from the Aries Press, another occult writer made a statement to the effect that no one
could "own" this knowledge -for it all came originally from God! I think that concept
describes exactly what we are dealing with: true Spiritual Technology, Treat it as
Throughout this edition we have retained the originalpaginationsothat referen-
ces to the original four volume edition could still be identified. I have made correc-
tions to the original where they were needed, but unless important to the readers'
perception Ihave not made changes to the style.In addition, I am very much indebted
to Cris Monnastre, MaDhyan Anupassana, George Wilson, Hal Sundt and Sam
Webster for their help and their contributions. In most cases these are identified by
initials, along with my own, in footnotes.
And it is with a great deal of pleasure that I announce that Cris Monnastre has
been instrumental in bringing together these, and other G.D. practitioners,who will
be producing a future series of "Golden Dawn Manuals" to develop individual
techniques and exercises for study and use.
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
St. Paul, July 10, 1986
About the Contributors
Cris Monnastre,born April 2,1946, is currently finishinga doctoral program in psy-
chology with a specialty in clinical psychology. She is a therapist in the Eos Angeles
area and combines traditional therapy with Golden Dawn techniques. She is a poet,
musician, and composer, and lives with her two sons, Aaron and Adam. She is
interested in inquiriesregarding Golden Dawn work and therapy. Please address let-
ters to her care of Llewellyn Publications.
Hal Sundt, born August 14, 1950, B.A. in History presently working on Master's
thesis regarding the Gnostic influence on Jacob Boehme and the Rosicricians. Has
been studying/working with Golden Dawn groups for 12 years.
Sam Webster, 25, B.A. in English. A student of symbolismand consciousness.He is a
practitioner of ThelemicMagick and affiliatedwith severalbranches of the O.T.O. and
other Thelemic groups. During 1983-84 he traveled to study with magickal prac-
titioners scattered around the country. Presentlyhe is involved in generating grimoires
for Egyptian and Thelemic Magicks.As a poet and storyteller,heattendsfestivalsand
gatherings to share his art.
George Wilson, 39, B.A. Philosophy, B.S. Nursing. Professionallywas an RN with a
psychiatric specialty. Recently retired to devote full time to occult studies.A student
of mysticism for 20 years, "Kabbalah led to G.D. Obtained The Golden Dawn in 1970
and this was the focus of occult interests from that time on." Currently engaged in
projects focusing on Color Scales, the Outer Order rituals, and the generation of
Magic Squares.
Ma Dhyan Anupassana, aka Suzan Wilson, born August 26, 1954, Sannyasin of
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, has studied Eastern Religion at San Diego State University
and practiced various occult systems since 1972. Also a student and teacher of
Iyengar Yoga. She is married to George Wilson. They have three sons and plan to
emigrate to New Zealand as soon as possible where they will continue personal
magickal work, writing, and teaching yoga.
Carl L Weschcke, born September 10, 1930, B.S. in Business Administration, work
toward doctorate in Philosophy, D. Ph. Mag. (Honorary),Certificatein Clinical Hyp-
nosis. Lifelong student of the occult, starting with Theosophy, several years of work
with Crowleymaterialsand as a correspondence student with the Societyof the Inner
Light, study of Jungian psychologyand yoga. High Priest in Wicca, and Administrator
General Aurum Solis. President of Llewellyn Publications since 1960.
David Godwin, born in 1939 in Dallas, Texas, is a long-time student of esoteric lore.
Learned and knowledgeable about cabalistic practices, he has successfully mastered
them and written a classic treatise on the subject entitled Galwink CabalisticEncyclopedia.
Out of print for several years, popular demand dictated that it be reprinted. It is now
available again with new additions and information, from Llewellyn Publications.
Godwin has worked as a manual laborer, a newspaper reporter, an editor for a petro-
chemical magazine, a technical editor for two NASA contractors during the Apollo
missions, a typesetter, a free-lance writer and a practicing astrologer. He has never
been to a writers'workshop, owns no cats, and is entirely ignorant of the martialarts.
Godwin believes in maintaining the open-minded, balanced attitude advocated by
the middle path of cabalism.
Donald Tyson of Halifax, Nova Scotia,was born in 1954. His work on the sigils drawn
from the planetary kameas (magic squares) has been incorporated into this printing
of The Golden Dawn and is presented in depth in an appendix to his annotated version
of The Three Books of Occult Philosophy of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, forthcoming
from Llewellyn.
Tyson is the author of many books and articles on such subjects as the philosophy of
magic (The New Magus), the history and use of runes (Rune Magic), and the occult
revival in the Renaissance. He is the creator and designer of the RuneMagic cards and
rune dice as well as a new system of runic astrology. A regular contributor to the Pallas
Society News and the LlewellynMagickal Almanac, his articlesoccasionallyappear in Fate
and other periodicals dedicated to Neo-Paganism and the modern occult tradition.
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