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Test 1 A


                            Snapshot Pre-Intermediate – Test 1A

Test 1 A .


Units 1 - 2


  Grammar                      .


1 Complete the sentences with the present

simple or the present continuous

form of the verbs in brackets.                                           [5 marks]

              Karen   is cycling  today because she missed the bus. (cycle)

1 I come from Rome but I ……………………..

in Penzance for two weeks. (stay)

2 My aunt ……………… in a hotel all the time.


3 Eva and Hans ………………… in England

at the moment. (study)

4 Our class ………………… English on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday. (have)

5 We ………………. to the cinema every week on

Tuesday evening. (go)


2 Complete the dialogues using echo

questions.              [5 marks]


A Do you live here?

B No, I don't. I live in London.

A Do you?  Which part do you live in?

1 A There are eighteen people in my English class.

B ………….……. ? There are ten in my class.

2 A Look! It's the number fourteen bus.

              B ……………………… ? I can't see from here!

3 A Incubus are my favourite band.

              B ……………………….. ? They're my favourite

band, too.

4 A I love going to the cinema.

              B …………………………. ? Let's go together sometime.

5 A I've got four English dictionaries.

              B ……………………….. ? I haven't got one!





[Total 80 marks]



3 Here are some sentences about why

people are doing things. For each

question, complete the second sentence

so it means the same as the first.              [5 marks]

We're learning English. That's why we're in Penzance.

We re in Penzance to learn English.

1 He's earning some extra money. That's why he's working in a café. He …………………………….

some extra money .

2 I'm working in a surf shop. That's why I'm living in Penzance. I ………..………………………………

in a surf shop.

3 She's learning Italian. That's why she's living with

an Italian family. She ……………………………

…………………………………… Italian.

4 I'm saving money. That's why I’m bringing sandwiches for lunch. I ……………………. …………………………………… money.

5 I'm meeting my friend. That's why I'm

waiting outside Penzance station. I ……………

……………………………………… my friend.

4 Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the past simple. Use

the verbs in brackets.               [5 marks]

              Did she meet Matt at the bus stop? (meet)

1 I ……………..… at 7.30 a.m. this morning. (wake up)

2 Jake ………… on the cat - it made a terrible noise! (step)

3 The bus ………..……… three hours to get here.  (take)

4 I ………………………. the one o' clock train because I was too late. (not catch)

5 …………….. they ………………. on the train? (sleep)



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5 Put so or because in the correct place in

each sentence.              [5 marks]


I arrived early I \  had a cup of coffee.

1 She waited three hours the train was late.

2 It was very late we didn't watch the video.

3 He telephoned her he liked her.

4 I didn't know the word I looked it up in my dictionary.

5 It was hot we went to the beach.

6 Use the linkers in the box to complete the

paragraph. There is one extra word.               [5 marks]

after              before              finally              first             

last               later              the next day

The next day   I got up at 6.30. (1) ……… of all I ate some breakfast and (2) …………. that I went to the beach. (3) …………… I went in the sea, I put on my swimming costume. (4) ………… in the afternoon I went into town to meet Laura. I (5) …………….. got

back to the hostel at 7.00 p.m.

Vocabulary                       .

7 Complete the occupations with -or, -er or -r.

                                    [5 marks]

       build er              

1 report ………       2 dive ………    3 act ………

4 conduct ………    5 manage …………

8 Match the occupations with their definitions. There are two extra words.               [5 marks]

              reporter               carpenter              dentist              hairdresser

              plumber              receptionist              sales assistant              waiter

Someone who works in a shop   sales assistant   .

1 Someone who makes tables, bookcases and chairs from wood.               ……………………………

2 Someone who cuts and colours hair ………………………

3 Someone who works in a hotel and meets the visitors when they arrive.


4 Someone who brings the food and drinks to the tables

  in a restaurant.               …………………………

5 Someone who works with water pipes in kitchens and bathrooms. …………………………… .



9 Circle the correct word.               [5 marks]

I went there last

morning / [year] / a week.

1 We were all late this

afternoon / two hours / midday.

2 She went to the beach two

hours / afternoon / week ago.

3 I had a party at / on / in May.

4 I finished my work at / on / in midnight.

5 There was a disco at / on / in Friday evening.

10 Match the people with their means of

transport. There are two extra words.               [5 marks]

bicycle              plane                  racing car              coach

motorbike      boat                         horse              bus



                            Snapshot Pre-Intermediate – Test 1A


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