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ーーアイコ The Dos Navigator: history since v1.30  コイイイアアアアアアアーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

  [] Important note
  [+] New feature
  [-] Bug fix
  [*] Bug fix and/or improvement

   Version 1.51

[] Dos Navigator is now FREEWARE.

   Version 1.50 Build 002: changes since Build 000

[-] Fixed a bug with UUEncode, that could corrupt the configuration file.

[-] Fixed a bug with adding dummy empty lines to the end of descripytion files.

   Version 1.50: changes since 1.42


[!] DN is now using extended (AT) keyboard so this version is not possible
      to run on old machines...

[!] Code is optimized for 286+ CPU, so now works slightly faster, but is not
      able to run on 8086-based computers.

   New HotKeys

[+] 'Hotkey Overview' topic added to 'Help on Help'

[*] Ctrl-K toggles descriptions in file panel.

[*] Ctrl-Y toggles full display mode in file panel.

[*] Alt-F11 runs Navigator Link.

[*] Shift-F11 opens Spreadsheet.

[*] Ctrl-F11 runs CD Player.

[*] Alt-G in editor - 'goto line number'.

[*] Quick Dirs came back in Tree Panel.

   UU Decode / Encode

[+] "Recover Broken Files" option.

[+] Can process LowNoizeUUE.

[-] Fixed bug with decoding binary files and single-line sections.

[-] Prefix 'table' is now processing without troubles.

[-] Fixed bug with encoding on large sections (>700 lines)


[+] Possible to edit fields while viewing DBF-files (by pressing F4 on field).

[*] Date in DBF Viewer is shown accordingly to Country setup.

[*] Shift+F2 hotkey for saving changes in Hex mode in Viewer and Disk Editor.

[-] Some bugs in DBF Viewer causing Share Violation and 'forgetting'
    temporary files in the TEMP directory.

[-] Structure of empty database files is displayed without dropping to
      hex-view mode.

[-] Fixed bug, caused crashes while viewing files with more than 128 tab
      characters in a row.

[-] While Tracking Viewing History, file could be truncated (by another
      process), and DN tried to achieve unexisted data beyong end-of-file,
      displaying "dirty memory dump".

[-] Fixed crash when trying to scroll down emty file by mouse.

[-] Fixed bug with loosing last character on line while scrolling up
      UNIX-style text files (0A as a new-line character).

[-] Bug in when wrapping lines with Tabs.

[-] Fixed percent calculation while searching substrings.


[!] Confirmation about modifing files with Read-Only attribute is now asked.

[+] "Optimal Fill" in local editor options.

[+] Tab size in Editor Setup.

[*] Alt-G hotkey came back - 'goto line number'.

[*] Improved speed of Vertical Block Sorting.

[*] It is now possible to save large blocks in editor

[*] Autobrackets facility is working only if the cursor character is space
    or the cursor is beyond the end of the current line.

[-] Bug with moving block in "freshly" edited line.

[-] Heap memory blocks have not been allocated correctly - it caused
      memory losses.

[-] The first line of text file might have been lost while loading within
      invalid XMS/EMS environment.

[-] Fixed autowrap - DeltaX allways corresponds to Left Side.

[-] AutoWrap/AutoIndent local and global setting might have been ignored.

[-] Fixed bug with calling 'Undo' by clicking the menu item.

[-] The following block commands came back:
       Mode    ウ Ctrl-B V
       Justify ウ Ctrl-B J
       Rigth   ウ Ctrl-B R
       Left    ウ Ctrl-B L
       Center  ウ Ctrl-B ・
    (Ctrl-B called ASCII table before)


[+] Size of '..' entry indicates the total amount of bytes of all files in
      current archive directory.

[*] Speed of reading archives improved.

[*] "Archiver Setup" dialog box (Options|Archives) now have displayed on its
      title the name of archiver currently being setting up.

[-] Fixed multiple-volumed ARJ archives reading.

[-] Fixed bug, which caused to determine wrongfully some files as ZOO or ARC

[-] TDRs being extracted from archive for viewing no more stay in temp dir

[-] Options|Archives|Current archiver setup did not work properly - it
      was always tuning ARJ's settings, instead of "Archive Type" checkbox
      value of "Archive Files" dialog.

[-] RAR archives with dot-ended directory names (e.g. 'DN.\*.*', created
      using 'rar a -r dn dn.' command) are now viewing OK.

[-] Fixed "Swap when unpack/del/test" option in archiver setup. Now an
      archiver can be safely called without swapping DN (but in shorter
      memory space), and it significally improves the speed of archives

[-] Turning on QuickView on open archive, and extracting a file, caused
      system crash, until desktop file was not erased from elsewhere.

[-] After extracting files from an open archive, or executing DOS commands,
      archive date ('..' entry) became undefined.

[-] Fixed percent calculation of large files in archive viewer.

   File Manager / Panels & Drives

[+] File|Unpack diskette images (Ctrl-I).

[+] "Do not kill descriptions" option added to Options|File Manager|Setup
      dialog box. It's now possible to control whenever the descritions
      should be preserved or removed from "descript.ion"-like files, when
      the descripted panel elements (files/directories) are removed by
      Erase/Move operation.

[+] Shift-Enter works on TEMP/List panels as well as on Find one.

[+] Seconds are now used in time comparing, also DN would not be confused
      with dates in 21'th sectury.

[+] Added Ctrl+R hotkey for re-reading tree.

[+] Del key for removing directories from Tree Panel (if appropriate option
    is set).

[*] It is now possible to call Directory Tree dialogue from Archive/Find/
    Branch/Temp file panel.

[*] File Manager: it's not possible to drop a directory to itself
    (if confirmation of mouse operations is switched off).

[*] Full-new 'Advanced Filter' (Alt-Del) logic.

[*] 'All drives' option of FileFind doesn't scan CD-Drives when not
      necessary as well as floppies.

[*] The dot does not appear after directory name when dropping it to cmdline
      by pressing Ctrl+[Shift]+Enter.

[*] Directories history can be obtained also from archive/find/temp drive

[-] "Long Descriptons" in info panel disappeared after rereading (Ctrl-L) or
      changing "Columns Setup" (Alt-K) or "Description Mode" (Ctrl-K).

[-] Long descriptions are taken considerably to contens of Options|
      File Manager|Setup field, unlike 'files.bbs', hardcoded into previous

[-] File manager did not operate huge numbers (>2^31) - now fixed due to
      large drives and archives/TDRs.

[-] Confirmation about launching AUTOEXEC.BAT no more asked from FileFind

[-] DN could not operate with files, which has percent characters
      in its names - bug in earlier versions took these characters as
      string format specifiers.

[-] Fixed bug with reading empty root directories (e.g. formatted diskettes).
      In some cases it could corrupt the heap.

[-] Fixed bugs, caused system crashes and memory losses of 'Change Directory'
      Tree Dialog (Alt-T).

[-] Bug with dragging files with tilda characters in the name.

[-] Quick file rename with Alt-F6 doesn't lose file descriptions anymore
    (if the description was visible during renaming).

[-] Weird bug with cursor appearing in both panels after a disk error.

[-] Directories descriptions are no longer forgotten in the source directory
    during copy/rename operation.

[-] Fixed bug with Copy / "Refresh old files".

[-] Was unable to call Copy/Move and some other dialogs just after making list


[+] Long time operations (loading files for edit, scanning drive trees,
      directory branching and sizing) can be cancelled by pressing ESC key.

[+] 'Multilanguage' critical errors.

[+] Options|Configuration|Startup|TimeSlicing Options
      [ ] DOS Idle (Int28)     ト  periodically returns to DOS remainings of
           time intervals by calling Int28. This option alone is compatible
           with timeslicing mechanism of previous versions of DN.
      [ ] Sleep when inactive  ト  when it is nothing to do, and no key
           pressed during several seconds, DN falls asleep.

[+] Options|Configuration|System Setup|Options|Flush disk buffers - if set on,
      DN forces File System Manager to flush immediately all write-back
      buffers after copying/erasing files

[+] Options|Configuration|System Setup|Options|Advanced copy
      [ ] When this options is set off, DN doesn't use EMS/XMS memory
            for filecopy buffering (the only conventional - all amount).
            It always copies only one file at a time - doesnt open
            a next file for reading before finished writing the current one.

[+] "Autodetermine" checkbox in Make List File dialog. If this option is set
      "on", every call to this dialog will make to determine the necessaty
      of paths (and set "Store path names in list files" automatically).
      Considered path names are useful only on Branch/Find/Temp-Drives,
      instead of a similar diskdrive panel. If "Autodetermine" option is set
      "off", the value of ...
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