Phil Hine - Aspects of Evocation.pdf

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Credits & Acknowledgements
Firstly to Arawyn, for bugging me to put something together
for the Zee-CD project. Also to Stephen Sennitt, editor of Nox
magazine for much encouragement, to the members of Circle of
Stars, the Esoteric Order of Dagon and finally to Fra. GosaA for all
those evenings spent standing in a circle made out of masking
Aspects of Evocation version 1.1 March 1988
Phil Hine can be contacted at:
Introduction ......................................................... 5
Howling ............................................................... 7
Servitors ............................................................. 13
GoHu Servitor ................................................... 19
Functional Spirits .............................................. 22
Some Observations from the Goetia Project ..... 25
Evoking Yog-Sothoth ......................................... 27
Also Published:
spasms. Symptoms such as these have been described by
Michael Persinger as possible side-effects of encounters with
Earth Light phenomena.
Unbeknown to me at the time, (which was later discovered
when I related this tale) two friends of mine who were members
of the West Yorkshire Earth Mysteries Group had experienced
a strange encounter at the then newly-uncovered Backstone
Stone Circle. Their experience included seeing Earth Lights,
small dwarf-like shades, and lines of energy around the stone
circle that they spent a night sitting in. It seems strange, on
reflection, that the appearance of the entity claiming to originate
from a newly-disturbed site seems to relate to their experience.
What this experience did do, was to lead me to making a more
intensive study of Earth Mysteries and Magic.
Condensed Chaos, New Falcon Publications 1995
Prime Chaos, Chaos International 1993
The Pseudonomicon, Dagon Productions 1997
In Adobe Acrobat For mat (Somewhere on the WWW):
Oven-Ready Chaos
Running Magical Workshops: Notes for Facilitators
Group Ego-Magick Exercises
Touched by Fire (Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol.3)
Paul Deveraux - Earth Lights Revelation, Places of Power
Fra. Choronzon - Chaos Invocation, Liber Cyber
H.P. Lovecraft - The Dunwich Horror
John Keel - Strange Creatures From Time & Space
Marlene Dobkin De Rios - Hallucinogens: Cross-Cultural
Awaiting Conversion:
Walking Between The Worlds: Techniques of Modern
Shamanism Vol.1
Two Worlds & Inbetween: The Worlds: Techniques of Modern
Shamanism Vol.2
Chaos Servitors: A User Guide
interfaces, or personae through which we may glean
information, we can attain further insights into the way we
interact with our universe. Having theorised thus far, what only
remains is to go forth and evoke!
Postscript: From the ancient hills I come
This essay is largely the result of reading other peoples research
and shaping it together with my own ideas. One event last year
however, served to elevate the field of Earth Mysteries from a
minor interest to a subject that I am increasingly drawn to.
On the night in question, I was with my boyfriend (also a
magician), and he returned from the toilet and informed me
that there was an entity lurking in the stairwell that leads to
my flat. This was unusual, but not sufficiently unusual to cause
undue concern and so picking up my thunderbolt, I went out
to see what was what. In the stairwell, we both agreed on seeing
a black, amorphous shape. Since my friend had first noticed
this, I asked him if he would be prepared to try and open his
mind to it, so that I could question it, using him as an interface,
which was one of his particular talents, and also a fairly accepted
procedure for questioning strange entities. The entity declared
I have come from the ancient hills. It also stated that it had
been awakened only recently, due to activity around a sacred
site. It said that it had come to give me power with which I
could do something, but was reticent about the exact nature of
this. When I asked what it would if I rejected this, it said that it
would return, screaming, to the hills. When I asked it to
identify itself, it gave the name of Azathoth - which could well
have sprung from the mind of my friend, though he had no
particular knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos entities. At the
time, I found it difficult to credit that such a powerful entity
would be hanging politely about in the stairwell, waiting to be
noticed. Being unable to obtain a direct answer to my
questioning, I told it to go forth, which it apparently did. I later
had to perform an intensive banishing ritual upon my friend,
who was suffering from symptoms such as feeling cold, a tight
pressure on the chest, and personality displacement, and motor
This collection of essays, written between 1988-95, deals with
aspects of the practice of magical evocation. My first lengthy
foray into this much-misunderstood aspect of magic was a
personal magical retirement inspired by accounts of magicians
working the Abra-melin system, but perhaps more influenced
in execution by the work of Austin Osman Spare and the
Industrial art movement. My experiences in this retirement are
recounted in the first essay, Howling. At the core of this essay is
the identification of cognitive-emotional-behavioural constructs
as discrete entities - Personal Demons, if you will - a subject
which I have dealt with in more user-friendly detail in Condensed
Chaos (New Falcon Publications, 1995). The next phase of work
concerned the evocation of Servitors (lit: a person who serves
another), prompted by a brief paragraph in Peter J. Carrolls
book, Liber Null (Morton Press, 1978). Working with the magical
group, Circle of Stars, I developed a simple, generic approach to
creating and evoking magical servitors. The basics of this
approach are presented in the Servitors essay, followed by both
an example of a rather successful servitor, and an approach to
what I have chosen to call, Functional Spirits which requires
no ritual trappings whatsoever. The third phase of work
concerned the more traditional forms of evocation. Together
with a colleague, Fra. GosaA, I embarked on a Goetia Project
- the aim being to experiment with various approaches to the
evocation of spirits, beginning with the Lesser Key of Solomon
the King. Some observations on our results with the entities of
the Lesser Key of Solomon are enclosed.
During this project, I found my interests returning to a recurrent
obsession - the entities of the Cthulhu Mythos. The final essay,
Evoking Yog-Sothoth, (originally written for the journal of the
Esoteric Order of Dagon) is an attempt to pull together a
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