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Fantasy Roleplay
Scenario of Investigation
& Intrigue
I ask again: are those blessed with noble birth
not also burdened with obligations? And is not
chief among these obligations the duty to
provide succor to those less fortunate?
Jakob Creutzfeldt
Written & Designed by Charles Morrison
Artwork by TJ Adamowicz
Cover Portrait Colors by Alfredo Lopez, Jr.
Introduction ................... page 1
In Media Res .................. page 1
Pressed Into Service .... page 3
A Few Questions ......... page 5
All Good Things ....... page 15
Experience Awards .... page 17
Fold-over Cards ......... page 18
Player Handouts ........ page 22
GM Information ....... page 23
Acknowledgments .... page 24
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Noblesse Oblige is a non-linear, investigative adventure
for four to six Player Characters of any experience level.
It is set in southern Hochland, but with little effort can
take place on any major road in the Empire.
to kill a prominent Durrenbach presents itself. Represent-
ing the Durrenbachs are 1) Brigita Durrenbach, daughter
and heir, and suspected member of the cult of Slaanesh,
2) Ruprecht Durrenbach, eldest son (and whose only
obstacle to inheriting the Durrenbach fortune is Brigita),
3) Darathee Durrenbach, widowed priestess of Shallya,
and 4) Everd Setzingen, mercenary captain, who hopes
the talks will fail so that his income will rise. Each of
these people have their own reasons for wanting the
peace negotiations to fail; indeed the families would al-
ready have waged war had the Elector Count not inter-
The PCs happen upon the rear of this caravan and
soon find themselves fighting for their lives against what
appears to be a random attack by a band of mutants.
Later, however, it becomes
obvious that the attack
served to provide a diver-
sion for the murder of the
Elector Count’s representa-
tive, the Priest of Sigmar. It
should be clear to everyone
that the best -- perhaps the
only -- hope of finding the
killer is an immediate in-
vestigation. Since no sur-
viving member of either
party can be trusted, and the
nearest Roadwardens are hours away, this burden is
foisted upon the PCs by an inexperienced Initiate who
wishes to avoid trouble with the nobility. Together the
PCs must sort through various noble intrigues and false
leads to discover the reason behind the murder, and fi-
nally unmask the true culprit. The investigation is fraught
with much risk and offers little reward, for whomever is
responsible for the priest’s death will likely murder again
to avoid being discovered; and while the PCs may gain
an ally if they clear one family, they will certainly gain
the undying enmity of the family deemed responsible.
The PCs must keep their wits about them, for as they will
soon discover, very few things in Noblesse Oblige are as
they appear.
The roadway that connects Hergig and Talabheim also
acts as the border between the land-holdings of two
lesser noble families, the Creutzfeldts and the Durren-
bachs, who have been bitter rivals for generations. The
recent Storm of Chaos and the absence of Elector Count
Aldebrand Ludenhof from his seat of power in Hergig
has emboldened both families. Indeed, outright war be-
tween them would have occurred but for the Count’s
unexpected return from Talabheim; he has now explicitly
forbidden any
“private wars”
until the current
crisis has
passed. To re-
solve the strife
in the southern
portion of his
lands (as well as
send a message
of strength and
Count Ludenhof
has dispatched a Sigmarite Priest as a neutral third party
to broker what he hopes will be a lasting peace between
the two families.
Reluctantly following the Count’s orders, each
family has sent a group of representatives to attempt rec-
onciliation, or at least keep up appearances while placat-
ing the Count. The Creutzfeldt representatives are 1) eld-
est son and heir Jakob Creutzfeldt, who has recently dis-
covered that he is a mutant, 2) youngest son Friderich
Creutzfeldt, who blames the Durrenbachs for the death of
his first love, 3) mercenary captain and longtime friend
of the family Arent Stretstorpe, who believes in recon-
ciliation but does not trust the Durrenbachs, and 4) Frid-
erich’s “consort,” Grethe Rozenow, a trained assassin
who is present in case things go awry and an opportunity
Brigita Durrenbach
The adventure proper begins as the PCs are traveling
along the Hergig-Talabheim roadway. Above the ambient
forest noises, a light breeze carries soft sounds of music,
muted lulls of speech, and the intermittent creaking of
multiple wheels from ahead, just past the curve in the
road. As the PCs advance, a caravan of three coaches
comes into view, replete with brightly colored flags bear-
ing heraldry of nobility: a stylized “C” embedded within
a shield and diamond flies from the final coach (nearest
to the PCs), the middle coach bears a flag with a
~ page 1 ~
“I wish you to understand, first and foremost, that I
answer your questions, low-born, not out of any moral
obligation, nor fear of reprisal, nor sorrow for our dear
departed priest. On the contrary, I answer them because
I am blameless, and my family is blameless, and you
will report that to the Count.”
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~ Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Noblesse Oblige ~
quartered-shield surrounding a “D,” and two flags fly
from the first (one red-and-green with a Horn and Bow --
the easily-recognized symbol of the Elector Count of
Hochland -- and the other bears a twin-tailed comet). It
should be obvious to the PCs that they are witnessing a
procession of Important People .
At the rear of the caravan is a group of stragglers,
soldiers, and hangers-on: two tall troubadours with long,
straight blonde hair and lutes, a beautiful brunette woman
(Grethe Rozenow) who laughs as
she exchanges stories with the
troubadours, and two bored sol-
diers. The troubadours, milling
about lazily at the rear of the cara-
van, are the first to catch sight of
the PCs. One of them smiles gre-
gariously and waves the PCs forward, yelling “Come!
Walk with us!” He introduces himself as Mathias
Neltzen, troubadour extraordinaire for the Creutzfeldt
noble family. He explains that he and his brother Gunnar
were brought along to entertain the entourage during
their journey to negotiate peace terms with a rival noble
family, the Durrenbachs. His voice drops to a conspirato-
rial whisper as he explains that the two families have
caused so much trouble that Elector Count Ludenhof
himself ordered the negotiations, and to be sure there was
no more trouble, he sent his personal representative (at
this he leans over and motions toward the first coach),
Erasmus Heger, Priest of Sigmar. Gunnar attempts to
hush him -- “It’s none of their business what we’re doing.
They’re lucky we’re sharing the road in the first place!”
-- but Mathias
will not be si-
lenced: “I’ve
been walking for
two straight days
now and be-
tween songs you
are the only
company I’ve
had. Before
these kind folks
happened by I’d begun to long for the rack.”
He turns again to the PCs and says, “So, tell us of
your travels. And don’t leave out the gossip, it’s my stock
and trade.” If the PCs seem reluctant, Mathias will offer a
deal. “Rumor for rumor. I’ll start: I heard tell recently
that Jakob Creutzfeldt, heir and scion of the Creutzfeldt
clan, is being forced to marry Darathee Durrenbach, for-
mer widow and current Priestess of Shallya, as part of the
peace accord. Oh, if only I’d have been a fly on the wall
when Jakob found that out. He’s an even-tempered man
on most days, but we all have our limits, don’t we? Your
turn.” He will continue to run through every rumor in
Appendix C until either he or the PCs have no more ru-
mors to tell. Then he will happily exchange small talk
with the PCs for a time.
found in Appendix C ). Four of them have crossbows
aimed at the caravan. The tallest among them, a six foot
five inch mutant with horns and animalistic legs, steps
forward and bellows in a deep and guttural tone: “We are
poor and have been cast out by society. We only take
what we are unable to earn by honest labor. Drop your
weapons, drop your gold, and keep out of our way.”
The two soldiers who are apparently functioning
as the caravan’s rear guard exchange confused glances,
then draw
into de-
and await the mutants’ next move. The woman gathers
her dress and quickly scurries to the other side of the
coach. Both troubadours stand transfixed, immobilized
by fear. In the distance, the forward guard is in the proc-
ess of turning their mounts, but will not arrive for at least
three rounds.
The PCs are free to act now; if they charge the
mutants, they can engage them this round, but they’ll
face four crossbow bolts before they can cross the gap. If
magic is used in any obvious fashion, two of the mutants
must pass an Average (+0%) Will Power Test or flee on
the spot from fright. The rest of the mutants will stand
their ground as long as possible, but will flee if any of
their number is critically wounded. If the PCs follow the
soldiers’ lead and wait, the mutants will continue to clang
their weapons as
loudly as possible. If
by the second round
no one has dropped
any gold, one of the
mutants will fire its
crossbow into the
cargo compartment of
the third coach -- a
warning shot. The
leader will repeat his
orders, and threaten that people will be harmed if they do
not comply. When the forward guard arrives at the rear of
the caravan (Arent and Everd will argue over who coor-
dinates the response), the mutants will stage a fighting
retreat, firing their crossbows as they slowly fade into the
forest. If one of the mutants is left behind, he should die
before he is questioned -- it will make the rest of the sce-
nario go more smoothly.
Twere up to me, I’d start my search with Everd Setzingen,
the Durrenbach sellsword. A bit of advice, however: if it’s
information you want out of that one, coin’ll get you further
than pain.
Arent Stretstorpe, Creutzfeldt Mercenary Captain
What s Really Going on Here?
If the mutant’s speech above sounds strangely scripted, it
was: in reality, these mutants are friends of Jakob
Creutzfeldt, who has set up a secret sanctuary for them in
a secluded portion of the Creutzfeldt hunting grounds.
They are under orders to make a scene and get noticed,
but not to harm anyone -- Jakob desires to broach the
subject of the plight of mutants with the Elector Count’s
representative, but does not wish to arouse suspicion or
the attention of Witch Hunters by appearing to sympa-
thize with mutants. He hopes that an attempted robbery
by indigent mutants will help him frame this conversa-
tion. When the caravan arrives at their destination, Jakob
Alms for the Poor
After a brief period of conversation, Mathias is inter-
rupted by a loud clanging noise emanating from the for-
est to the east. A quick glance reveals five mutants
dressed in tatters who stand at the edge of the forest,
screaming and clanging rusty weapons against their
shields (if needed, the mutants’ characteristics can be
~ page 2 ~
Come, travelers! Walk with us awhile and barter your
tales of faraway places for shelter and companionship.
Mathias Neltzen, Troubadour
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~ Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Noblesse Oblige ~
plans to say that the mutant attack has been the center of
all his thoughts since it occurred, and he believes he has
struck upon a unique solution to the mutant dilemma:
perhaps if mutants were housed, fed, and taken care of in
a place where they could be supervised by a responsible
party, they would be less of a threat to travelers and, in-
deed, the Empire itself. Jakob is pragmatic enough to
know that the reception to this idea will likely be cool,
but it is important to him that the seed be planted.
the tensions between the two families. Mathias will give
any nearby PC running commentary on the events that
follow, introducing the major players with a sort of glee
at the havoc they cause. At some point, Brigita Durren-
bach will attempt to order Arent Stretstorpe to give her
an account of his actions during the attack. Friderich
Creutzfeldt will take immediate offense to this and shout
at her that Arent is a Creutzfeldt hireling and does not
answer to any Durrenbach. As Jakob attempts to restrain
his younger brother, Ruprecht Durrenbach responds that
if the situation had come to battle, their soldiers were
under orders to protect only Durrenbach people and
equipment -- and if the look of the Creutzfeldt soldiery
was any indication of their skills, Friderich would be
better off turning his coach around and heading back to
his father for protection. Friderich wrestles away from
Jakob’s grip and draws his sword, offering to show Ru-
precht firsthand the skill of Creutzfeldt swordplay. Ru-
precht draws his sword and moves toward Friderich, but
is halted by a scream from the first coach. Heads turn
toward a Sigmarite Initiate who is running toward them.
A Death in the Caravan
In the aftermath of the attack, the two mercenary captains
will question those at the rear of the caravan: “Was any-
one hurt? What did the mutants say? What did they
want? Did anyone recognize any of them? What kind of
weapons did they have? Did they have any distinguishing
features?” and so on. Everd appears to worry more about
how authoritative he looks to his troops, but Arent seems
to actually care about the people of the caravan. After a
time, members of the nobility of both families will
emerge from their respective coaches and drift to the rear
of the caravan to discover what happened.
“He’s dead!” he shouts in a panic. “Herr Heger
is dead!”
This is an excellent time for the GM to play up
The caravan is plunged into an immediate frenzy by this
revelation. A surge of people rush to the first coach,
where three initiates are carefully withdrawing the life-
less body of Erasmus Heger from inside and placing it on
the road. The Priestess of Shallya, Darathee Durrenbach,
rushes to his side and places a hand at his neck to check
for a pulse and a small mirror above his mouth to check
for breathing. After nearly a minute passes without any
fog on the mirror, she shakes her head sadly. “He is
Jakob pushes his way to the front of the crowd
and asks, “How did this happen?” But Darathee shakes
her head: “I don’t know. We would need a Priest of Morr
to determine that. But he was not a young man.”
A hush falls over the crowd for a brief time, but
then accusations begin. Ruprecht wants to know who was
in the coach during the
time of death, Friderich
wants the location of every
Durrenbach and every
Durrenbach hireling,
Everd shouts that the for-
ward guard was under
Arent’s responsibility and
should never have left the
first coach -- and then the shouting grows so loud that
individual accusations can no longer be heard above the
At this point the GM should grant each of the
PCs a Perception Check. The PC with the lowest roll will
spot a small red mark on the right side of the neck of the
corpse. The crowd is arguing so heatedly that no one will
notice if the PC moves in to look. Upon closer inspec-
tion, it is clear that not only is there a red mark on his
neck, but that mark encloses a tiny puncture wound. This
death was obviously no accident -- Erasmus Heger, Priest
of Sigmar and Personal Representative of the Elector
Count of Hochland, has been murdered.
Now the PC must decide what to do with this
information. The most obvious course of action is to go
immediately public and announce what s/he knows; this
will cause a second hush to fall over the crowd as multi-
ple members of each noble family press forward to ver-
ify. Brigita will be the first to question the PC: “Who are
you? You are not part of my entourage, are you with the
Creutzfeldts? How long have you been here? Where were
you when the mutants attacked?” and so on. Jakob will
state that he has not seen any of the PCs before, but
Mathias will
vouch for the
PCs, stating that
they happened
along shortly
before the mu-
tant attack and
remained at the
rear of the cara-
van the entire time. If the PCs engaged in any heroics
during the attack, he will re-enact them in all their glory.
Jakob will then point out that the attack was aimed at the
Creutzfeldt coach, and so if there is anyone who had mo-
tive for that, it would be the Durrenbachs.
If the PC decides to remain silent, the accusa-
tions will continue until Mathias glances at the corpse,
~ page 3 ~
Why, you don’t suppose I had anything to do with it, do
you dear? I am not interested in any priest or silly peace
talks. I just want my Friderich to be happy.”
Grethe Rozenow, Creutzfeldt Consort
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~ Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Noblesse Oblige ~
cocks an eyebrow, and moves in for a closer inspection.
He will hush the crowd by revealing this information
himself, and the scene above will play itself out with the
following change: Brigita will initially question Mathias,
then her gaze will fall upon the unfamiliar PCs and she
will pounce on them as possible suspects.
Grethe Rozenow will interrupt the interrogation
of the PCs and suggest that perhaps one of the mutants
was responsible. However, Everd and Arent will both
agree that none of the mutants ever got within blowdart
range of the first coach. Therefore, whoever killed Eras-
mus must have been within the company of the caravan
After a few more questions and many suspicious
glares, one of the initiates steps forward. “I am Erasmus’s
personal assistant, Reymer Kremptze. The responsibility
falls upon me to make a report of this ... incident ... to the
Count. I will be conducting a full and immediate investi-
gation,” he says, glancing about. “I require assistance,
but to be frank I don’t know who to trust.”
swer in the negative, he clasps his hands together. “Sig-
mar be praised, for he has sent me the answer before I
even asked the question! You will be my eyes and ears
during this investigation.” He turns back to the crowd.
“Neither coach nor horse shall move until the investiga-
tion is complete. Creutzfeldts and Durrenbachs, you shall
extend your cooperation to these men (and women) as
representatives of the Elector Count of Hochland. Any
interference shall be duly noted in my report to the Count
If the PCs refuse to help, Reymer informs them
that his “request” for assistance has the same legal stand-
ing as an order from the Count. If they still refuse, he
will threaten to arrest them (using soldiers from one no-
ble family or the other) until the culprit has been discov-
ered, and that without their aid, he might well be duped
into thinking that they are responsible for the priest’s
death, and he would hate to have to report that to the
Count. This should signal to the PCs two things: not only
is the initiate serious about involving them in the investi-
gation, but he is more politically astute than he first ap-
pears. It should also give them pause as to why he is so
desperate to involve them. The truth can be found in the
GM Note to the left.
Brigita Durrenbach is stunned by this turn of
events. “Certainly not!” she spouts. “As a member of one
of the most distinguished noble families in Hochland, I
will not stoop to be questioned by those of lower birth.
The Count may send a noble to investigate. I will not
cooperate with this farce.”
Jakob listens dutifully to her tirade, then gives a
slight smile. “Herr Kremptze, for our part, the Count will
have the full cooperation of the Creutzfeldts in this inves-
tigation. I am confident that not only will you find our
family innocent of any wrongdoing in Herr Heger’s un-
fortunate and untimely demise ...” He pauses and turns
his gaze to Brigita. “But I am certain that you will dis-
cover the true culprit as well.”
Ruprecht frowns and whispers into Brigita’s ear.
After a moment’s consideration, she sighs heavily and
says, “You will of course forgive my earlier outburst. My
grief at the death of the Count’s representative temporar-
ily overwhelmed me. Of course you will have the full
cooperation of the Durrenbach house during your inves-
tigation. If there is anything you need from any of us,
please let me know and I shall see to it personally.”
When everyone is in agreement, Reymer will
send some of the initiates to begin searching the three
coaches for any pertinent evidence. He explains that he
will take responsibility for interviewing the servants of
both families. He asks the PCs to interview each of the
following: Jakob Creutzfeldt, Friderich Creutzfeldt, Gre-
the Rozenow, Brigita Durrenbach, Ruprecht Durrenbach,
Darathee Durrenbach, and the two mercenary captains,
Arent Stretstorpe and Everd Setzingen. He instructs them
to pay special attention to their whereabouts during the
mutant attack (since it occurred at approximately the
same time as the death of the priest) as well as any possi-
ble motives they may have for wanting the peace accords
to fail. They are allowed to question only; searches of
person or property are forbidden without Reymer’s ex-
press approval. When the PCs finish, they are to report
back to him and relay their findings.
This next part of the adventure is crucial to the play-
ers’ continued suspension of disbelief. To make it
plausible that unknown PCs who just wandered up to
the caravan moments before would be asked to par-
ticipate in an investigation involving two noble fami-
lies and the death of a highly respected priest, three
things need to be made clear:
1) Reymer Kremptze, the initiate responsible for mak-
ing the report to the Count, is inexperienced and
wishes to avoid any missteps with nobility (in truth,
he is reluctant to carry out the investigation at all but
realizes that it cannot be avoided. He hopes to make
the appearance of investigating thoroughly but does
not actually desire any results; he believes that the
PCs have been hand-delivered by Sigmar himself for
precisely this purpose). Certainly, if any of the mem-
bers of either noble family are upset with the investi-
gation, Reymer will refer them straight to the PCs.
2) The rivalry between the families is so great that the
political advantage gained by pinning the blame for
this death on the other family far outweighs the af-
front to their egos caused by being investigated by
mere peasants.
3) The investigation cannot be delayed until more
qualified people arrive. Reymer will state that the
best chance of catching the killer is to investigate the
scene and interrogate the people while events are still
fresh, but the real reason is that he wishes to dispense
with the investigation as quickly as possible and pro-
ceed on his way before night falls.
It is the Gamemaster’s duty to play up the
tensions between the families, to display Reymer’s
investigatory inexperience and reliance on the PCs,
and to impress upon the players the need for immedi-
acy. The more skillfully these three ideas are por-
trayed by the GM, the more plausible and enjoyable
the scenario becomes.
At this point he stops abruptly, his gaze fixing
on the PCs. “You! Did I hear correctly that you are not
party to either family? You owe allegiance to neither the
Creutzfeldts nor the Durrenbachs?” When the PCs an-
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