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The Gaffer Guild is famous throughout the Old World. If you
want a structure erected, there are none better to turn to than the
Gaffers. They work as site managers, liaising with the other Guilds
and individual tradesmen to ensure construction runs smoothly.
As they have a superb reputation to
uphold, they do not like to be let
down. The Trade Guilds clamour for
work for the Gaffer Guild, as it
repeatedly secures the most lucrative
contracts and rarely lets its workers down.
Because of this, Gaffers tend to have a
broad array of contacts throughout
the area they work in. The Guild
has it's roots in, of all places, the
Moot some 1,500 years ago,
where the first Gaffers helped
forge the foundations of the
pastoral province. Indeed, most
Halfling Elders have been Gaffers in
their time, and often maintain the
contacts they established while in
construction. Due to the prevalence of
Halflings in the Guild, it seems to have
cornered the market in Ogre labour, as,
unexpectedly, the two races work very
well together. The word 'Gaffer' has
become synonymous in the Empire with
'bossy, old man', as most Gaffers are.
- Gaffer Advance Scheme -
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
- - - - +5% +10% +10% +10%
Secondary Profile
- +2 - - - - - -
Skills : Charm or Trade (Carpenter, Stoneworker or Thatcher),
Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire or
Halflings), Gossip or Haggle, Perception,
Read/Write, Secret Language (Guild Tongue)
Speak Language (Halfling or Reikspiel)
Talents : Dealmaker or Supernumerate, Savvy or Suave
Trappings : Gaffer Guild Pin, Tradetools, 1d10 gc
Career Entries : Burgher, Fieldwarden, Tradesman
Career Exits : Artisan, Burgher, Politician, Student
Note: If you are rolling randomly for your Starting
Career, you can substitute Tradesman for Gaffer with
your GM's permission.
This expansion for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
© Andrew Law, 2005 (
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