No Boundary - Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth by Ken Wilber (2001)(1).pdf

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No Boundary
Preface to the 2001 Edition
ALTHOUGH No Boundary is the second book I wrote, almost thirty
years ago, it is still one of the most popular of my books. I believe the
reason is simple: No Boundary was one of the first books to present a
"full-spectrum" view of human potentials, potentials that reach from
matter to body to mind to soul to spirit, and in so doing, it integrated the
very best of psychology with the best of spirituality. In drawing on the
finest of both Eastern and Western approaches to human growth and
development, it charted a complete spectrum of consciousness that
moved from subconscious to self-conscious to superconscious, from pre-
personal to personal to transpersonal, from instinct to ego to God. And it
offered an entire smorgasbord of actual practices and exercises that
showed the reader how to reach each of these higher states of conscious-
ness. The completeness of this approach made it rather unique, and I
believe that is why readers have continued to respond enthusiastically.
The years since I wrote No Boundary have convinced me even more
that its basic message is still sound and true. Human beings do indeed
possess a remarkable spectrum of consciousness, a vast rainbow of ex-
traordinary potentials and possibilities, and those potentials do indeed
run from matter to body to mind to soul to spirit. Individuals can grow
and develop through that entire spectrum, directly experiencing each of
those "levels" or "colors" in the rainbow, resulting in a direct experience
of spirit itself. Various psychological and spiritual practices—many of
which you will be offered in the following pages—help us directly expe-
rience these various levels or waves in our own being. Thus, using a
combination of these practices can help us fully awaken to every color in
the rainbow of our own being, to every level of consciousness in the
entire spectrum, and thus awaken to our real nature and true condition—
an awakening known as "enlightenment," "release," or "the great
No Boundary was a popular version of the first book I had written, a
large, somewhat academic book called The Spectrum of Consciousness .
Those books would form the foundation of the almost twenty books that
would follow. I would of course refine and polish the various points, but
the essentials—such as the spectrum of consciousness itself—are still
much as presented here, which is probably another reason this book has
remained so popular. If you enjoy No Boundary and would like to see
some of these further refinements, you might start with an overview of
my current work, called A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for
Business, Politics, Science, and Spirituality .
In the meantime, the basic message of No Boundary is just what the
title says: your own basic awareness—and your very identity itself—is
without boundaries. Your basic identity spans the entire spectrum of
consciousness, from matter to body to mind to soul to spirit, and thus in
the deepest or highest part of you, you embrace the All. What follows is
a simple guidebook to this extraordinary territory of your own true
selfless Self.
K. W.
Summer 2000
Boulder, Colorado
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