Fame -cd1 (1980) eng.txt

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{1841}{1942}I always worry that maybe people|aren't gonna like me when I go to a party.
{1946}{2001}Isn't that crazy?
{2022}{2157}Do you ever get kind of a sick feeling in the|pit of your stomach when you dread things?
{2162}{2241}I wouldn't wanna miss a party,|but every time I go to one...
{2246}{2338}...I keep feeling like|the whole world's against me.
{2342}{2422}See, I've spent my whole life|in military academies.
{2426}{2497}My mother doesn't have a place for me|where she lives...
{2501}{2561}...and she doesn't know|what else to do with me.
{2566}{2680}You mustn't misunderstand about my mother.|She's really a lovely person.
{2684}{2793}I guess every boy thinks his mother|is beautiful, but my mother really is.
{2798}{2909}She tells me in every letter she writes how|sorry she is that we're not together more...
{2913}{2989}...but she has to think of her work.
{2994}{3088}One time we were together, though.|She met me in San Francisco once...
{3093}{3210}...and we were together for two whole|days, just like we were sweethearts.
{3214}{3306}It was the most wonderful time I ever had.
{3310}{3418}Then I had to go back|to the military academy.
{3422}{3525}Every time I walk into that barracks,|I get a kind of...
{3672}{3725}A kind of a...
{3837}{3882}I'm sorry.
{4053}{4121}Kind of a depressed feeling.
{4126}{4220}It's got hard, stone walls.|You know what I mean?
{4234}{4321}I guess I've bored you enough,|telling you about myself.
{4358}{4398}Thank you.
{4402}{4505}Sorry about that. I goofed up the last|couple of lines. I guess I'm nervous.
{4513}{4558}That's okay. You did very well.
{4861}{4905}I'm sorry.
{5506}{5572}Thank you. You play very well.
{5576}{5701}Now Mrs. Tossoff's gonna play some notes|for you. Sing them back to us. Like so:
{5799}{5906}- It's too low for me.|- You're a tenor? You want to start here?
{5970}{6025}Louder, please.
{6938}{6984}I'm so nervous.
{6988}{7045}- I'm not singing.|- But you have to.
{7049}{7104}- But I came to dance.|- You have to sing too.
{7108}{7166}- And act, and play an instrument.|- All three?
{7170}{7244}- It says "performing arts," doesn't it?|- You don't have to do everything.
{7249}{7390}- Sure as shit helps, baby.|- Thank you. The next group, please. Hurry.
{7394}{7468}- Oh, I like your nose ring.|- I'm into culture.
{7473}{7572}- Does that hurt, or is that ethnic?|- Music, please, Mrs. Snell.
{7576}{7667}Please pay attention.|We have a lot to do today.
{7739}{7810}- I hate my legs.|- Yeah. Me too.
{7815}{7910}- I've tried every diet in the whole world.|- Really? Me too.
{7919}{8030}But you can't help your glands.|I'm sorry! I'm just so nervous.
{8034}{8108}Relax! Come on, use your body.
{8339}{8429}- Careful. That's 7000 worth of machine.|- Dollars or pounds?
{8433}{8517}Don't touch the rotary pods.|I got it set on saw-tooth.
{8522}{8633}Why can't he play the piccolo? Something|sensible. Or the accordion, like Papa did.
{8637}{8726}Same reason you drive a checker and|not a Roman chariot. It's progress.
{8730}{8828}My son's head is into the future.|And Papa could never play the accordion.
{8954}{9041}- Do you think you're talented?|- You swine! You coward! You cad!
{9046}{9105}You dare judge me in my misfortitude?
{9110}{9201}You dare to ask me the question|who is the father of my child?
{9205}{9317}- You! You! I point to you, Nigel!|- Next, please.
{9323}{9454}The next group of musicians can|go to the fifth floor now, please.
{9771}{9815}- Name?|- Excuse me, miss.
{9819}{9910}You don't need his name. He's not here|for the audition. He's my partner.
{9914}{9965}- What school's he from?|- He ain't into school.
{9970}{10092}He's just helping me out with my dancing.|But it's me who's auditioning.
{10096}{10192}Mulholland, Shirley. I'm all fixed up.|I filled in all your papers and all.
{10196}{10249}He doesn't go upstairs|without filling in his name.
{10254}{10377}Leroy's his name, but I'm auditioning.|Shirley Mulholland. That's two L's.
{10382}{10492}- And don't ask him to do no writing.|- Doesn't he talk, even?
{10497}{10561}He ain't into conversation|until you get to know him.
{10574}{10671}- Leroy what?|- Johnson. Leroy Johnson. Can we go up now?
{10684}{10751}He's not going up|until he checks his knife.
{10755}{10833}We ain't staying long enough for no trouble.|He's just helping a friend.
{10838}{10918}He's not helping out anyone|unless he checks his knife.
{10922}{11009}This is the High School for Performing Arts.|We don't cut each other up here.
{11035}{11077}- You want it?|- I want it.
{11086}{11144}- You sure you want it?|- Yeah, I'm sure.
{11174}{11248}- Promise you won't steal it, now?|- I promise.
{11307}{11365}- Thanks, ma'am.|- Name?
{11370}{11452}Don't worry, baby. I got lots of knives.
{11473}{11546}- What are you going to do for us?|- I was gonna sing.
{11551}{11632}- You don't have to sing, honey.|- We know our rights.
{11636}{11737}- You can't refuse her an audition.|- She's not supposed to sing her audition.
{11741}{11862}Please, excuse me, if you don't mind.|See, honey, you don't have to sing for us...
{11866}{11957}...because this is the drama department.|- When she sings, it is drama.
{11964}{12026}- What's your name, honey?|- Finsecker.
{12086}{12118}Doris Finsecker.
{12262}{12335}- Hi.|- How do you do?
{12339}{12389}- What's your name?|- Ralph Garci.
{12398}{12498}- Who was your teacher?|- Well, my father taught me.
{12502}{12617}He's doing some work for the government.|I'm actually not supposed to talk about it...
{12622}{12772}...but my father played some of the|most beautiful symphonies...
{12776}{12841}...in the whole world once.|- What did he play?
{12941}{12997}And French horns.
{13036}{13060}English horns.
{13110}{13160}- Saxophones.|- Anything else?
{13231}{13352}- Bongos, maracas, that sort of stuff.|- What did he teach you?
{13550}{13583}Try the dance department.
{13696}{13725}Yeah, tell him.
{13744}{13799}We can't afford a professional|children's school.
{13864}{13895}Okay, sing and then act.
{13993}{14034}I'm a little nervous.
{14039}{14153}Don't be shy, Sheila. Come over here.|What are you going to do?
{14160}{14232}- I'm doing The Towering Inferno.|- What?
{14262}{14338}- You know, the movie?|- Oh.
{14349}{14425}All right, I'm playing O.J. Simpson.|I'm in this building.
{14429}{14516}There's fire all around, right?|So I go to the elevator.
{14521}{14616}Think of it as a concentration exercise.|Just sing to Michael...
{14622}{14752}...and don't worry about anybody else.|- I don't think I can do that. I can't just stare.
{14758}{14797}He won't mind.
{14879}{14981}- Waiting for the elevator.|- Press the button, Doris.
{15102}{15132}Her brother Harvey.
{15650}{15721}Doesn't come, so now I'm getting mad.
{16689}{16796}Finally it comes, so I get in.|Okay, and there's people all around.
{16801}{16861}And they're looking right at me.
{17976}{18072}Yeah, my father taught me. I'm not|supposed to talk about him right now.
{18077}{18144}He's doing a little bit of work|for the government, but...
{18148}{18249}My father is very, very famous.|He danced with the Rockettes.
{18262}{18312}Sure. Would you begin, please?
{18349}{18420}- I'll be doing "Swanee River" for you.|- Okay.
{18490}{18608}Hon? "Swanee River," please.|Hit it.
{18710}{18800}Doris, what would you do|if you don't make it?
{18814}{18840}We'll make it.
{18854}{18905}Next, please.
{18918}{18988}But I that am not shaped|for sportive tricks...
{18992}{19061}...nor made to court|an amorous looking glass...
{19066}{19142}...I that am... Cheated of...|Oh, I'm sorry.
{19537}{19590}Why don't you try|the drama department.
{19595}{19721}If again "it was not well cut,"|he'd answer, I spake not true:
{19726}{19782}This is called the Reply Churlish.
{19790}{19862}Nobody talks about it,|but there's a quota system.
{19866}{19984}Your chances are better if you're black,|Puerto Rican or everything, like me.
{19988}{20091}- I am Puerto Rican.|- Not on your paper you ain't, Ralph Garci.
{20095}{20185}- Your daddy doing government work.|- That's the truth.
{20193}{20293}And he left you his tap shoes, right?|Does he work for Pepsi-Cola too?
{20310}{20336}Be careful.
{20342}{20405}- To the left. Left.|- Come the other way.
{20410}{20449}All right.
{20454}{20517}Easy, now. Straight back, Bruno?
{20561}{20632}- Where do you want this at?|- Far corner.
{20692}{20737}How do you do?
{20742}{20785}Okay. Fine.
{20790}{20892}Great. Look, I'll do that. You just go|and get the rest of the stuff, okay?
{20896}{20945}Oh, Martelli. Bruno Martelli.
{20954}{21034}Would you like to set up|your equipment, Mr. Martelli?
{21162}{21200}Who taught you?
{21204}{21341}Who taught me? My father, he taught me.|He's in Spain. He makes Italian Westerns.
{21346}{21449}- Why do you want to go to school here?|- Because Freddie went here.
{21456}{21551}- Freddie?|- Freddie Prinze. He's great. He's the best.
{21555}{21645}- So you want to be an actor, huh?|- Yeah, sure, I want to be an actor.
{21649}{21709}Judy, Judy, Judy.|Top of the world, Ma.
{21714}{21826}We don't want you to perform. We want|to see who you are. You understand?
{21834}{21888}- Right.|- Use your own experience.
{21897}{21968}Be simple, be honest,|but most of all, be yourself.
{21983}{22077}- Be honest. Be simple. Be yourself?|- Be yourself.
{22113}{22217}I'm God, see?|And God is Puerto Rican, you got that? Now.
{22232}{22332}God works in a casa de steam, you know.|It's a steam bath, right?
{22336}{22483}And he's talking to this angel. This angel is|a computer. Right? An electronic computer.
{22487}{22603}I'm God, see? That's why I'm standing|on this chair, you got that? Good.
{22830}{22913}Does he wanna be a musician|or an airline pilot?
{22940}{23034}Mr. Martelli. We are ready when you are.|Would you care to begin?
{23039}{23101}Oh, oka...
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