Malaysian Recipes.pdf

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3 big Cucumber
2 Carrots (to cut 1-1/2cm in length)
2 Red Chillies (slit in the middle)
2 Green Chillies (slit in the middle)
10 Shallots to cut
10 cloves Garlic into two
1 tbsp Tomato Sauce
5 dried Chillies
2 clove Garlic
1 cm Ginger 4 Shallots
1" pc Cinnamon
3 clove Garlic sliced
3 Cardamom
3 Shallots sliced
3 Cloves
300 ml Vinegar
Sugar and Salt to taste
1 tsp Sesame seeds (fry slightly)
Put oil in a wok or pan, saute ingredients (C). Once aroma rise, add in the grinded
ingredients (B). Stir for 2 minutes and add in the vegetables -- carrots , cucumber -- and
ingredients (A).
Stir for 1 minute , add in vinegar, sugar and salt and leave it to simmer in low flame. Once
the gravy becomes thick the dish is ready. Add in the sesame seeds and stir.
This dish is best left overnight in the fridge before serving. Or use the deseeded pods, by
stripping off the thin inner skin, the sides, side threads, and tips.
Chop into halve if the pods are too large. Wash and drain before using.Heat some oil in a
deep pan. Fry your Samosas to light golden brown and serve hot with Mint Chutney or
any other Chutney.
340 gm wet rice flour or rice flour
225 gm sago flour
1/4 tsp salt
855 ml (11/2 coconut) coconut milk
ingredients b:
425 ml water
450 gm sugar
8 screwpine leaves (if unable to obtain screwpine leaves, use vanilla essence 1 tsp)
red food colouring
Mix A till smooth. Set aside. Boil ingredients B till sugar dissolves.
Leave the syrup to thicken a bit then strain. Pour the hot boiled syrup gradually into the
flour mixture, stirring all the time till it is well blended.
Divide flour mixture into two portions. Set aside one portion (uncoloured) and add red
colouring in another portion.
Grease a round or square tin. Place it in a steamer and pour 140 ml of uncoloured batter
in the tin.
Steam each layer for six or eight minutes. Pour alternatively the red and uncoloured batter
and steam till mixture is used up.
Stir the mixture each time before pouring into the tin. Test each layer is cooked before
making the next layer. You can use your fingertips to check if the layer is cooked. It can
take more then the required 8 minutes. It is required to leave the cake to cool down
completely before cutting and serving.
2 tbsp white quaker oats (or any other brand)
5 french beans - shredded
1/2 carrot - grated
2 potato (boiled and mashed)
2 tbsp cooked rice
1 beaten egg
2 tbsp cornflour
2 sprig spring onions(chopped)
1 large onion-chopped
1 red chilli - chopped
salt to taste
For Coating:
1/2 cup bread crumbs
Together and form into mini balls. Flatten it in your palm like making masala vadai. Coat it
with bread crumbs and fry in hot oil in low fire.
Stir the mixture each time before pouring into the tin. Test each layer is cooked before
making the next layer.
You can use your fingertips to check if the layer is cooked. It can take more then the
required 8 minutes. It is required to leave the cake to cool down
completely before cutting and serving.
take more then the required 8 minutes. It is required to leave the cake to cool down
completely before cutting and serving.
500gm glutinuous rice (soaked overnight)
750ml coconut milk (from 1/2 or 1 coconut)
1 tsp lime paste (air kapur)
2 screwpine leaves
a pinch of salt
ingredients (b):
350gm brown sugar/gula melaka/gula merah
150ml water
Wash glutinuous rice and soak overnight with 1 tsp lime paste water.
Then toast and steam with coconut milk, knotted screwpine leaves and salt for 30 minutes
or until the milk evaporates.
Once cooked take a fork and turn anti-clock wise and loosen the rice. Leave it to cool.
Meanwhile, mix brown sugar and water and cook in a pan.
For those who are using gula merah sieve it first.
Leave the sugar syrup to boil at least 5 minutes
Lower the flame and mix in the glutinuous rice and mix it thoroughly.
Stir constantly for 3 minutes and close the flame.
Pour it into a cake pan and leave it to cool before serving.
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