Schiffer - Books - Submarine Badges and Insignia of the World. An Illustrated Reference for Collectors 2004.pdf

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An Illustrations Reference for Collectors
Pete Prichard
Schiffer Military/Aviation History
Atglen, PA
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To my wife Judy Parker Prichard, a terribly ane woman, who, nonetheless, has put up with
my manias, crazes and fixations for more than three and a half decades.
Arma virumque cano.
Of arms and the man, I sing.
- The first line of Virgil's Aeneid
Book Design by Ian Robertson.
Copyright © 1997 by Pete Prichard.
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 96-72253
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any forms or by
any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information
storage and retrieval y tems - without written permission from the copyright holder.
Printed in China.
ISBN: 0-7643-0255-8
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Teniente 2 0 Christian Oxley, Submarine Force, Chil-
ean avy
Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Allen Phillips, US
Submarine Force
Luis Antonio Munos Pino (Chilean avy)
Harry Pugh (Pakistani {Special Service Groups} and
Indian avies)
Alejandro M. de Quesada (Austro-Hungarian avy)
Lieutenant Commander Jan Rahm tro m, Swedish
Navy, aval and Air Systems
Dr. P. C. van Royen, Director, Institute for Maritime
History, Netherlands Ministry of Defense
C. Amm.(GN)(a) Attilio Ranieri, Director of the Sub-
marine School, Italian Navy
Rear Admiral Asciepiades 1. Colmerauer Dos Santos,
Brazilian Navy
Commander Michael Setzer, German Navy (German,
Turkish and Korean Navie )
Colonel Bambang Susanto, aval Attache, Indonesian
Capitam de Corvette Temporal, Service Historique de
la Marine, French Navy
Lieutenant Commander W. M. Thornton, Royal Navy
(Retired), (Romanian Navy)
Captain Victor Zaikin, Naval Attache, Navy of the Rus-
sian Federation
The majority of the badges pictured in this book came
from the author's collection.
Photography by:
David Schwartz
Camera & Palette Inc.
Staunton, Virginia
With the exception of GER-21sv, PAK-3b, PAK-1b,
PAK-2b, USN-Sv, USN-10m/lOmv and USN-19.
Photography by the author.
In the beginning I really must thank William Crosby
of Perrysburg, OH, Lee Lacey of Mu kogee, OK and
Eric Swendsboe of Dedham, MA, all of whom graciously
opened their files, shared their data, supplied me the pic-
tures of badges I did not have, reviewed and commented
on my manuscript and generally gave me every possible
help and encouragement a person could ever hope for.
The re t are listed alphabetical order as there is no other
fair way:
Commander . A. Duinker, Director of Sea Cadets,
Canadian avy
Lieutenant Commander Peter Elistve, Asst aval Atta-
che, Canadian avy
Brian Fagin (Royal Navy)
Lieutenant Colonel Vidar Falck, Naval Attache, Nor-
wegian Embassy
Captano Peiro Francini, Naval Attache, Italian avy
Amm. Isp. (GN) c. a. Gino Galuppuni, Italian avy
Francisco Gomez Gomez, Spanish Navy
Joao R. Goncalves (Portugese Navy)
Richard A. Hall (German Navy, WWI & WWII, Austro-
Hungarian Navy)
Erik Helenius, President, Finnish Navy Retired
Submariner's Association
Lieutenant Commander 1. Hulgaard, Flag Lieutenant,
Admiral Commanding Danish Fleet
Lieutenant Commander Rune Hvass, Norwegian Navy
Contre-Amiral Kessler, Chef du Service Historique de
la Marine, French Navy
Petty Officer (Wtr) S. N. Kumar, Indian avy
Commander R. J. Letts, aval Attache, Royal Austra-
lian avy
Technical Sergeant, USAF (Retired) Baldwin P. Jenning
Mr. Masao Narita (Flying Tigers/FedEx, Tokyo, Re-
tired) (Japanese Navy)
Teniente 2 0 Luis Morale Ortiz, Submarine Force, Chil-
ean Navy
Badges contributed by William J. Crosby are BLG-3,
COL-2e, FIN-1, FR-1, GER-21s, GER-21wk, GER-
23bwk, INO-1, LIB-1, NET-1m, NET-1e, POR-6v,
POR-8v, ROM-1, SWD-1, THA-1, TKY-3, USN-10v,
KSSS-1, YUG-1, YUG-6, YUG-7 and VEN-3.
Photography by:
Jame Sielicki
Perrysburg One Hour Photo and Custom Lab
Perrysburg, OH
Badges contributed by Lee Lacy are CHI-1, INO-2ev1,
INO-2ev2, KOR-3, KOR-4, NOR-1bv, SAF-2wk,
SAF-2wkv, SPN-9b, SPN-10b, USN-lv4 and USN-20.
Sergeant Major Alan Beckman, AUS (Retired) (For
Military Equipment)
Captain Dong II Baek, Millitary Attache, Korean Navy
Commodore K. V. Bharathan, Naval Attache, Indian
hris Brooker (Canadian Navy)
run ancellari (Italian Navy)
apitano Alberto Cervone, Assistant Naval Attache,
Italian Navy
apitan de Navio Jorge Arancibia Clavel, Commander
in Chief, Submarine Force, Chilean Navy
hiefWarrant Officer Dave Collar, U.S.A. (U.S. avy)
Rear Admiral Salvador Paz Comacho, Military Atta-
che, Venezuelan Navy.
Capitan de avio (Retired) Gustavio Conde, Argentine
Capitan Galo Davila, Naval Attache, Equadorian Navy
Mister G. B. Dobbin, Deputy Director, Royal Navy
Submarine Museum
Photography by the author
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