0One's Blueprints Backdrops The Tower of Janazar.pdf

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Blueprints Backdrops: "The Tower of Janazar"
The Tower of Janazar
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Written by Tim Hitchcock
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Guido Barbati
Artwork by Raffaele Marinetti
Software Authoring by Anna Fava
Front text editing by Scott Haring
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First edition: November 2006
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Blueprints Backdrops and The Tower of Janazar © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Welcome to Blueprints Backdrops!
This set of products is based on Øone’s popular Blueprints . In Blueprints Backdrops , you
will ind a fully developed version of one of the locations from the Blueprints line. The Backdrop
features a complete description of the location, and its NPCs and monsters (if any), penned by one of
our talented writers, and portrayed by skillful artists. You also get a simpler version of the map found
in Blueprints and a complete detailed 3D map of the location. The 3D view will help you to visual-
ize the area and better describe it to your players. You can even show it to them, if you wish.
The product is suitable for use with any fantasy RPG system. We have separated the d20 stats from the
main text, allowing you to print out either a generic description or a fully d20-statted version.
But the good stuff is just beginning.
This product takes full advantage of PDF technology, joining old-fashioned style with the most ad-
vanced electronic features. In order to use this product you must use Adobe Acrobat 6 or later.
Using the exclusive “ Rule the Dungeon © ” feature (look for a big, blue-n-white button – don’t worry,
it won’t print) you will be able to fully customize this product. The 3D map can be changed to show
only one loor (for example), with or without walls (for another), with or without furniture, only an
external view, and on and on, with many combinations possible!
This product has also been designed to help busy referees prepare adventures – or even single en-
counters. Instead of spending extra time scaling the encounters to your party, the d20 stats are scaled
in three different versions suitable for low, mid, and high levels of play, using a “ Rule the Dungeon ©
This button lets you choose which level to play, and all the relevant text will change accordingly:
monsters will scale, DCs and traps will change, behaviors of the villains will change, all according to
the level of play you choose.
Note: The original map of the Tower of Janazar appears in Øone’s Blueprints: The Great
S ummary
Cumak Gardner
Cinnamon Gardner
Janazar Krumm
Geneyse Krumm
Fespod Gardner
T he T ower of
J anazar
Tim Hitchcock
o verview
On the north side of Lord’s Prom-
enade, positioned arrogantly behind a
massive iron gate monogrammed with
an oversized gilded “J” stands Janzar’s
Tower. The diam e ter of a small house,
it clears a full t h ree-stories, with a taller
spi r e that dwarfs the surrounding court-
yard trees. The carved quartzite facade
depicts thick serpentine coils in braided
patterns that helix along its perimeter.
Flakes of minerals deposited in the stone
make the tower glisten during the day,
and at night, they catch light from lan-
terns and streetlamps bathing the tower
in an eerie yellow glow. In stark contrast
to the glittering tower, the building serv-
ing as its foundation seems strangely out
of place. A large austere structure, its
rough gray granite walls supported by
heavy luted columns giv e it a somb er
appearance, not unlike a ma u soleum.
illegitimat e child while others accuse
him of lasciviously taking the girl as his
lover. A n umber of Janazar ’s harsh-
est adversaries cogitate that the wizard
conqu ered death by she d ding his aging
lesh and placing his soul within the
young girls body.
In truth, age and acclaim have made
Janaza r weary and the sagely wizard
has simply delegated his social respon-
s ibilities to his daughter and apprentice
G en eyse. While his arcane pursuits
remain as ambitious as ever, he has
become increasingly reclusive in their
execution. As for the accusations and
speculations of townsfolk, neither
Janazar nor Geneyse care enough to
pay them any heed.
For the most part, the tower itself
draws more attention than its occu-
pants. The structure’s most impressive
and identiiable feature is ability to ro-
tate. Massive gears and arcane infused
machinery allows Janazar to manipulate
the inner structure of the tower situat-
ing it in either of two opposing posi-
tions. The current map represents Posi-
tion A. In Position B, the waiting room
rotates 180-degrees. Janazar controls
the mechanism using the control table
in his personal lab located on the sec-
ond loor. A trap door beneath a desk
in the Parlour leads to the serviceable
machinery and rotating gears beneath
the tower.
Janazar’s Tower has lo n g been a
source of interest to sightseers passing
through the resident district. Dozens of
local tal es specu late the alien origins of
the elaborate spire jutting from behind
the high cobbled walls that run length
of the northern bend of Lords’ Prom-
enade, separating it from the Temple
District. Some claim that t h e tower
was once an o ld temple, others claim
Janazar himself built it to rival and
antagonize the ostentatious displays of
the nearby priests.
While most locals speculate that
Janazar still lives, very few claim to
have seen him in a number of years.
Instead, they deal largely with his young
appre n tice Geneyse, who aptly over-
se e s both the impressive tower and the
grounds. Rumors abound concerning
the half-elven girl. Some say she his
G round f loor
1. Entrance
Hanging on thick hinges chiseled into
the cobbled ward wall, a massive iron
gate, twenty-feet-wide and ten-feet-tall
bars a graveled pathway leading through
the wooded courtyard where Janazar’s
Tower rests. The gate’s centerpiece is a
weathered iron plate in the shape of a
shield embossed with three columns.
Mounted to the plate is a large gilded
letter J.
Janazar keeps his front gate closed at
all times, and anyone meddling with
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equals 5 ft
2 - Tower of Janazar, ground floor
the locked iron-gate triggers the
alarm system. The alarm magically
draws the attention of both Janazar
and Geneyse. Typically, Geneyse sends
her familiar to inspect such situations
and either sends Fespod and Cumak to
shoo them away or takes a more ap-
propriate action.
During all times, both Janazar and his
daughter let their crow familiars run the
yard. The intelligent birds spend their
time playing in the high branches of
ancient oaks where the spectacular view
permits them to watch the gardens and
report any unusual activities.
Conversations going beyond garden-
ing or obvious attempts to probe for
information about Janazar or the tower
piques their suspicions and they imme-
diately report all such activities to one
of the wizards’ familiars.
3. Stables
The faint smell of horse dung tinges the
sizeable six-horse stables built along the
west wall.
Individual stalls face the courtyard wall
cobbles, while the front section’s open-
faced three-quarter timber walls allow
fresh air and sunlight into the stables
while keeping them dry. Everything in
the stable appears well-maintained and
the stalls look better cleaned than most.
2. Garden
The courtyard is equally impres-
sive, with a spotlessly clean gravel path
circling the complex, highlighted by
a single row of neatly spaced alders.
Propped against the western courtyard
wall stands a large stable. To the east,
two ancient silver oaks shade the tower
from the early morning sun.
During daylight hours, a mute
half-orc named Fespod , and his son
Cumak tend to the gardens.
For the most part, the groundskeep-
ers keep to themselves and their work,
though they treat invited guests with
cordiality if approached. Fespod reads
lips well, and cautiously watches all
conversations while Cumak does the
honor of speaking for both of them.
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