And the Truth Shall Set You Free by David Icke (1996).pdf

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know the truth and the
truth shall set you free
How little we know of the scale of eternity.
How dare we challenge the might and enormity
of such wisdom and creation.
A million worlds could exist in the heavens... beyond our site.
Each with living beings, looking at the sky in wonder
at the never ending universe.
They may also think that no other intelligence exists...
apart from themselves.
But perhaps they do not share the arrogance of the human race.
Perhaps they possess the intelligence to realize
that all things are possible in the vastness of forever...
Is it conceivable, that this earth of ours,
which is but a speck of dust against the scale of reality,
is not only being visited by other life forms
but is being controlled by them.
Let us not be blinded by our arrogance
as to what is possible and what is not.
Because we are children at the dawn of our creation
with the universe as our classroom
and intelligence beyond our imagination
waiting to be tapped... when we are ready to receive it.
Seek and the wonders you will see
will reveal the true qualities of your universe.
To the truth of your origins your hearts will go out.
The beauty of your origins will surpass your belief and comprehension.
And the infinite depth of your cosmic reality will remain part
of your heritage in the mists of forever.
The peace of understanding, is the beauty of creation.
The word has been spoken and the spirit within you knows
that home is eternity and existence is immortal...
Tony Dodd
introduction to the 21st century edition .................................................... xiii
introduction we are what we think.......................................................... xv
part one the prison........................................................................... 1
chapter 1 the veil of tears ................................................................... 3
chapter 2 the birth of the Brotherhood................................................. 21
chapter 3 paper power ....................................................................... 37
chapter 4 from Rhodes to ruin ........................................................... 56
chapter 5 united fronts ....................................................................... 83
chapter 6 master plans....................................................................... 101
chapter 7 master races ....................................................................... 118
chapter 8 the secret government......................................................... 136
chapter 9 pyramid power ................................................................... 177
chapter 10 the Super Elite - the black magicians ................................... 203
chapter 11 the debt scam ..................................................................... 219
chapter 12 the hidden hand .................................................................. 252
chapter 13 the One Party States........................................................... 305
chapter 14 psychological fascism ......................................................... 351
chapter 15 cult or con? ........................................................................ 377
chapter 16 the 'global village'.............................................................. 393
part two the freedom........................................................................ 407
chapter 17 we are the prison warders................................................... 408
chapter 18 the freedom called love....................................................... 428
chapter 19 free at last ......................................................................... 440
chapter 20 I love you, Dr Kissinger ..................................................... 455
postscript good evening, Mr President................................................ 461
Bibliography ...................................................................... 463
Index ................................................................................ 468
to the 21st century edition
t is now ten years since the first edition of this book was produced against all the
odds. The publishers of my earlier books refused to even contemplate the
publication of this one because of the names it named and because the agenda for
global dictatorship that it reveals was far beyond the absorption or credibility
threshold of their 'New Age' minds.
The horizon was filled with disappearing backsides and clouds of dust, and, for
all I know, they may still be running. Or, given how successful this book and
subsequent ones have been, maybe they have learned a big, big lesson. Running
away from things we don't want to face is never the answer. It just delays, often
briefly, removing the control of that which we fear.
Either way, to publish this book originally I had to borrow £15,000 from a friend
in Liverpool, David Solomon, and set up a company called Bridge of Love
Publications to publish what no-one else would. I also called on the help of others
who had 'coincidently' come into my life in the weeks before - Alice Ferguson,
artist Neil Hague and book designer, Sam Masters, who has designed all the books
that have followed.
It was a challenge to do it all from scratch, but what satisfaction it has brought
with the years. In terms of the 'this world' level of the global conspiracy it is still the
most important book I have written and will probably continue to be so until the
day I leave this realm of manipulated illusion.
In the decade that has followed, the themes and predictions of And The Truth
have proved to mirror the events that have unfolded across the world. This has
included the blatant use of 'Modified Hegelianism', or 'problem-reaction-solution'
as I call it, to covertly create a problem to which the authorities can openly offer a
'solution' - changes in society to advance the global Big Brother, fascist state, that,
without the 'problem,' would be rejected by the public. The horrific attacks of
September 11th were a classic example of this with the attacks (problem) leading to
the response of 'something must be done' (reaction) that has allowed the
destruction of basic freedoms, rights and privacy and the launch of the thoroughly
bogus 'war on terrorism' (solution). See Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade
Center Disaster for the detailed background.
You will see as you read this book that in the mid-1990s the force behind 21st
century events was exposed in great detail, as was the agenda it was following.
Therefore, predicting then what is happening now did not require a 'prophet' -
merely the dedicated study and exposure of the network that controls the
. . . a n d the truth shall set you free
governments, banking system, global corporations, military decision making and
ownership of the media.
Today, thanks to the work of dedicated researchers, vastly more people are
becoming aware of the global conspiracy than were in those lonely days when And
The Truth was first published; and if I had to name the achievements in my life of
which I am most proud, this book would be very close to the top.
David Icke
Isle of Wight
July 2004
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