Homemade Invisible Card Deck & Stacking Order.pdf

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Invisible Card Deck Stack Order
Roughed Decks of cards are great to work with. By roughing your card deck you can do some
very cool card tricks. Roughing the backs of cards will be shown here and also the setup order
for the Invisible Deck. What roughing will do for the cards sinse they will be placed back to back
in this deck is make them seem to stick so you can fan out the cards and not worry about them
slipping apart. By Roughing the fronts or backs or in any order or fronts and faces you will be
able to pull of some card slieghts easier than ever such as the Double Lift and other moves.
So heres what you will need:
1 pack of Bicycle brand playing cards (or the brand you most prefere) $1-3 at any store pretty
1 can of Flat Clear Spray Lacquer ( I use Floquil Spray.. made by the Tester Corperation.....
Figure Flat its called and I buy this kind at my local hobby shop for around $3 - $6 a can )
Some newspaper or any flat surface layed out so you dont get the spray on everything
How to Rough Your Deck :
Lay out all the cards face down.... preferably somewhere well ventilated and some place the
cards wont be disterbed or messed up, blowin around ect.....
Lightly spray all the backs of the cards with a coating of the spray. Make sure you are spraying
about 1 ft or so from the cards and dont overdue it or the cards will warp and lose their natural
If you are useing the spray i indicated above one coat should be plenty and will dry within a few
minutes time and be ready to use. Otherwise if you use a diffrent brand of spray let them set
over night to make sure they are plenty dry.
I cant stress enough .... DO NOT OVER SPRAY THE CARDS !!! If you dont belive me and wont
take my word for it go ahead and do it. The cards will just warp and be allot more noticable from
the over spray and simply wont look like a natural deck of playing cards.
Thats it for the gimmicked deck of cards.
How it works :
The setup of the Invisble deck is very important. Each 'pair' in this deck will total 13 with the
exception of Kings. The values are as follows: Aces are valued at 1, Jacks are valued at 11,
Queens are valued as 12, and kings are 13. Well get back to the value of the cards in just a
moment. Lets talke about how the deck works for now.
There are three steps to finding a card in the deck .
Step 1: Spades are paired with Hearts. Clubs are paired with Diamonds. This is a very
important rule of thumb while useing the Invisible Deck. These pairs are always aranged so that
Even numbers face one way, and odd numbers face the opposite way. Meaning if you hold the
deck one way all the cards will have even number face values. When you turn the deck over,
that side will have all the odd number face values. Kings will always be paired with Kings, red
Kings will be considered Odd value and black Kings will be considered even value.
Step 2 & 3: Say you have the deck closed up in its box. Well use a quick trick, one of the
original tricks performed with the Invisible Deck to explain steps 2 & 3. Have the spectator name
any card they want. Well say they chose the 9 of Diamonds . (Heres Step 2) Sinse the number 9
is odd , you will have the Even side of the cards face up . Always turn the deck to the opposite
of the chosen even or odd card before taking it out of the box. Keep the other side faceing down
so they dont see the pairs on the other side. Have the person name out their card which is the 9
of Diamonds . Now you will subtract 13 - 9 = 4. You will always subtract from 13 to find the
face value of their card face down in the deck . This time the face Value is going to be a 4 .
Sinse they had a Diamond card ( 9 of Diamonds ) you will be looking for a Club card. The 4 of
Clubs to be exact. Sinse Diamonds and Clubs are paired. Its pair will be face down and will
indeed be the 9 of Diamonds . Seperate the pair showing that their chosen card is face down in
the deck. This proccess of finding a card sounds difficult but is very simple after you mess with it
a few times.
Heres another example: Say the person picks the Jack of Clubs . Jacks equal 11 so this
number is odd . This time you will have to fan through the Even side to find their card face down.
13 - 11 = 2 and sinse their card was Clubs its pair is going to be a Diamond . So now all you do
is look for the Two of Diamonds in the even side of the deck. The face down card paired with it
will be the Jack of Clubs. Seperate the two cards showing that the card they chose is face down.
Hopefully this is simple to understand on how the Deck works.
How To Stack The Deck :
NEVER under any circumstance shuffle this deck after you stack it or the effect wont work. This
is a stacked deck trick and will only work when it stays stacked. So here are the order of the
cards. I put them mixed up a little so when you are fanning them out they dont look in order or so
suspiciouse. All these Pairs will be back to back. You will notice they dont slip easily with the
roughing spray on them. That way when you fan through one or the other side you dont
accidently fan a face down card. It makes them ' stick ' to each other back to back.
Heres The Stack for each of the Pairs. They will be stack into a neormal pile after they are
Ace of Spades & Queen of Hearts
Jack of Hearts & 2 of Spades
3 of Spades & 10 of Hearts
9 of Hearts & 4 of Spades
5 of Spades & 8 of Hearts
7 of Hearts & 6 of Spades
7 of Spades & 6 of Hearts
5 of Hearts & 8 of Spades
9 of Spades & 4 of Hearts
3 of Hearts & 10 of Spades
Jack of Spades & 2 of Hearts
Ace of Hearts & Queen of Spades
King of Hearts & King of Spades
Ace of Diamonds & Queen of Clubs
Jack of Clubs & 2 of Diamonds
3 of Diamonds & 10 of Clubs
9 of Clubs & 4 of Diamonds
5 of Diamonds & 8 of Clubs
7 of Clubs & 6 of Diamonds
7 of Diamonds & 6 of Clubs
5 of Clubs & 8 of Diamonds
9 of Diamonds & 4 of Clubs
3 of Clubs & 10 of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds & 2 of Clubs
Ace of Clubs & Queen of Diamonds
King of Diamonds & King of Clubs
After making the pairs they can be mixed up in any order as long as the pairs stay together and
the even and odd face values stay on their own sides. Again do not break the back to back pairs
or your Invisible Deck will not work. Hope you find this information helpful and enjoy doing magic
with the classic Invisible Deck. And as always.... A Good Magician never reveals his / her
secrets and only does a trick once.
This information was written for personal use only and in no way is for sale. If you bought this
information you have been scammed and ripped off. If you are the seller of this information you
are selling ideas of others which may be copyrighted. This information was collected through
simple Google research and personal exsperience with performances and then typed up for easy
access and to have on hand always. It is simply for personal use and for entertainment
By Shadowfire90
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