Andy Hodge - Never Sleep Alone Again - Succeed With Women - Rep.PDF

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Never Sleep Alone Again
Never Sleep Alone Again
The Framework of Success With
Andy Hodge 2003
All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this eBook may be copied, sold or
reprinted without express, written permission from the author. All violators will
be persecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or
misuse of the information contained in this book. The reader is warned that
the improper use of some or all of the techniques in this book may result in
legal consequences, civil and/or criminal.
Never Sleep Alone Again
The Framework of Success With Women
Hi All,
My name is Andy Hodge and we are going to be talking about how you
are going to find even more women to date. Now I don’t mean any women,
but specifically those women that you fancy, those that you used to find
unattainable, in fact the women of your deepest desires . Not only this but
we are going to look at ways that will get them to beg for the pleasure of your
Before we go on though there are some health warnings that you might want
to consider. This system:
Is not about getting women to do anything they don’t want
Is not about lying, cheating or manipulating
Is about treating women with respect
Is about presenting you in your best light and giving women the
opportunity to see you as an option for them having a brilliant time
Is quick, fun and easy, but does require practice
Will challenge you and get you to examine how you treat and are
treated by others, women specifically
If you don’t want to have a great time changing your beliefs and getting
people generally and women specifically to treat you differently then please
don’t bother reading any further.
If you are still here, let me tell you a little about what this system will allow you
to do:
1. Develop a winning mind set that guarantees to get results
2. Confidently approach women knowing you will get a great reaction
3. Tap into the unconscious desires of women in a way that they only
dream about
4. Speak to women in a way that captures and leads their imagination to
having a great time…with you
5. Get women to associate great positive feelings to being with you
But let’s get this straight, what this is really about and what this system will do
for you is:
Now, does this take practice? Of course! Does it mean you have to go out and
try new things? Absolutely! Are you going to have great fun practicing this
stuff? Certainly! But only if you go into it with the intention of having fun.
When I learnt this material myself I had a great teacher that was with me and
pushed me to use the material, shared my success and failures and generally
made sure that I kept up with the practice. That is why I have set up a
message board where you can post your questions direct to me for
encouraging words of advice and you can all learn from each other.
But I have no time for time wasters – If you have no intention to use this
material , if you are here just to look at some theory or want to learn about not
treating people, particularly women, with respect please don’t bother reading
any further.
If on the other hand, you have an open mind , ready to screw up your courage
and have a go at doing things differently…then step into the pool, the water’s
great and there is a lot of fun to be had spending time with great women.
The system is deliberately really simple and each step builds on the last.
Outside of the framework that we are talking about now there are only three
broad areas that we need to discuss. As you go through each section you will
dramatically increase your chances of getting a date with the best women.
Each section increases your chances a hundred fold, each section builds from
the last and each section needs to be dealt with in order. If you have never
met this stuff before, please stick to learning all this material in order, as that
is the way this material has been designed. If you think you are already good
at any one section just remember to use it in the order prescribed and just
have a go.
These are powerful techniques that seem simple and they create some
astounding results . But to really know what is going on, you do have to go out
and use the material. My master key to success – Just go out and do it.
Let me explain by way of contrast just how powerful this system is.
My old approach to introducing myself to women used to go something like
I would see someone I quite liked. I would then work myself up into a frenzy of
self doubt with voices going on in my head saying things like:
- “What have you got to offer?”
- “What will she see in you?”
- “You’re shit and she knows it?”
If I did pick up enough courage to speak to her, and often I just wouldn’t
bother, my approach would be nervous and hesitant. I would be falling over
myself, knocking drinks over and not being able to speak.
Well how are you likely to react if someone stands in front of you doing guppy
impressions and spilling drinks? Probably not very well, but very occasionally I
would get a good reaction. And by the way I used to count hysterical laughter
a good impression.
On those few occasions I would leap desperately into “Let me impress you”
mode and I would come out with streams of rubbish about how great I was at
anything I could think about. Guess what I usually went home alone.
Does this seem familiar?
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