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Copyright 1986, 2004 by Karl Hans Welz
This course may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means
without prior permission in writing from the author.
Address queries to: HSCTI, Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188
Published by HSCTI
range of very different magical systems
and traditions to practice. Most of these
systems are not outcroppings of a Judeo-
Christian religionism. Moreover, they are
incompatible with the cabalistic system
and its tree of life, but equally powerful
and at least equally spiritual. It is my
opinion that the tree of life and all other
religious mappings have no predominant
usefulness for the magician of the third
millennium who practices magic on a sci-
entific basis. The science of magic in its
true form is a science, not a religious act
as thought until now. In the old days
magic was forbidden, religion had to be
used as a coverup, hiding the true magi-
cal form which is finally out in the open
today. I will show in the following lessons
why this is so.
This is not just another introduc-
tion into "magick" nor has it much to do
with the run off the mill book of "magick"
where you find at first some talk about
spirituality of magic, then somewhere
between pages 10 and 20 the tree of life,
then elaborate descriptions of rituals and
so on.
Magic existed long before the in-
vention of the tree of life. In fact, most
of the powerful magicians on our planet
do not even know the tree of life. Such
"lack of knowledge" does not inhibit their
power at all. Evidently there must be
some principle in magic that goes beyond
religious doctrine. There must be a magi-
cal science that we can develop from the
common functioning principle (CFP) of all
magic. Equalling magic with the tree of
life or any other outcropping of religious
creeds would be to falsely identify the map
with the territory. The map is never the
territory it represents! Such identifica-
tion is always wrong, no matter how use-
ful the map may be at first.
The magical systems that have their roots
in the tree of life have been useful and to
some extent comprehensive. However,
the universe is not the tree of life. The
tree of life is just another mapping that is
of use for the magician.
This course will
introduce you to the
common functioning
principles of all known
magical practices and
systems. It is a mod-
ern approach that
transcends the quietly
assumed connection
between magical
practice and specific
religious doctrines.
This approach will al-
low you to come to a
scientific understand-
ing of the processes
that underlie all
known forms of
Then you will realize that the religious
clothing of the practice is different in ev-
ery culture and that you need no reli-
The present time sees an expan-
sion of magical methods that is unheard
of as yet. At the same time students of
magic have access to an increasingly wide
Tel. 770 924 0223 - e-mail:
gious facade at all to be a powerful magi-
Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the
Orgone Generator® and
Author of this Course
Karl Hans Welz is from
Telfs in Tyrol, near Innsbruck,
Austria. At a very early age, he has
developed a fascination for science
in general and for the stars in
Consequently, he has read eagerly any
book on astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics
and physics that he could get hold of. At age 16,
he became interested in the subject of hypnosis.
He began studying this discipline, later he
perfected Autogenic Training and eventually, at
age 18, he began the practice of Hatha Yoga.
This practice strengthened his then frail body
within a few weeks and his overall condition and
health improved considerably. Quite naturally,
these spectacular results gave Karl an incentive
to explore other sciences that were not part of
his academic curriculum. Studies and practice
in astrology, practical magic, rune magic, and
practice of various forms of life energy
technology such as astral traveling and
clairvoyance followed within one year. He studied
the works of Mesmer, Korschelt, von
Reichenbach, Tesla, Lahkowski, and others. At
age 19, Karl began his graduate studies in
mathematics and physics. Several times, he
interrupted his academic studies to travel
extensively. In the course of these travels, he
gained valuable information about magical
practices and the use of life force in many
cultures and traditions and he met many gifted
teachers and adepts on the subject matter.
During his stays in South Africa,
Switzerland, Berlin, and, since 1974, the United
States of America, he continued his studies, which
he then rounded off with general semantics,
radionics, Reichian psychology, and orgone
physics. Shortly after his arrival in the United
States, he built his first orgone accumulators and
conducted multiple experiments with these
amazing devices. It was obvious that what Reich
called orgone was the same form of energy that
he had explored for more than a decade before
knowing of Reich. In fact, a device he built years
earlier following the plans of Korschelt was an
orgone accumulator. Korschelt called his device
a “Solar Ether Radiation Apparatus” — its plans
are dating back to 1897. Mesmer’s barrels with
iron filings, also built and tested by Welz years
before he studied Reich, were obviously the
earliest orgone accumulators of which we know
that were built by a scientist with the
accumulation of life force in mind. Therefore,
we can safely say that Franz Anton Mesmer has
invented the life force accumulator one and a
half centuries before Reich.
If you use your car to drive some-
where you are free to pray five Lord's
prayers and three Hail Marys' or you may
even chant the sacred "OM" one hundred
and eight times before you start your ve-
hicle. It is my opinion that the car engine
starts just as well if you simply turn the
ignition key. The same holds with any
magical practice. Once you know the sci-
entific principles of magic you will be able
to work it in any surrounding without the
ballast of religion-based "ritual."
To practice magic free from the
ballast of any tradition has another ad-
vantage. Freedom of thinking leads to
ever new and more powerful technology.
It is a well-known fact that tradition was
always a roadblock to the advancement
of any science and that religion was al-
ways an obstacle to science itself. "Purity
of tradition" and the belief in the infallibil-
ity books that are thought to be Divinely
inspired usually leads to rejection of in-
novative ideas and quite often to the or-
ganized killing of persons who advance
such innovative ideas! Tradition cannot
Soon he realized that orgone can be
projected at any distance and that this projection
follows structural links. This is a fact that was
evident to people of all ages and cultures who
harnessed life force, such as shamans, conjurers,
spiritual workers, magicians, and healers. For
this type transfer he had to develop a
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mathematical model that accounts for this
phenomenon. This model also accounts for many
of the amazing phenomena of ESP, magic,
radionics, even astrology.
In 1992, he invented the orgone
generator®. This extraordinary new device is a
significant step beyond the mere accumulating
of orgone energy as happens inside the orgone
accumulator. Furthermore he realized soon that
pulsed orgone energy (which an orgone
generator can produce — or a rotating planet)
transforms DOR (deadly orgone) back into
orgone energy. The problem of “orgone
accumulators going bad” when afflicted by DOR
was successfully counteracted with a
technological device for the first time in known
history. More striking proof of this characteristic
of orgone generators® became evident when
he invented a DOR generator. The orgone
generators TM proved to be effective in
counteracting the negative effects of devices that
develop DOR when operating, such as
radioactive smoke detectors, fluorescent tubes,
TV screens, and other electromagnetic pollution.
The orgone accumulating devices on the other
hand, are ineffective. In fact, these devices “foul
up”, i.e., when exposed to deadly orgone (DOR)
too long, they accumulate it and consequently
become centers of this energy.
Soon Karl Welz recognized that the
orgone generator® can be a significant help in
many practices involving the use of life energy
(or orgone) such as the development and practice
of ESP, magic, self improvement, and trend
generation with the help of astrological energies.
Extensive testing confirmed that orgone that is
pulsed in low frequencies (Alpha, Theta, Delta
states, etc.) is considerably more effective to
cause the corresponding brain wave states than
any one of the now obsolete methods that use
sound, light, or electric pulses.
The orgone generator® has been on the
market since early 1993. Tens of thousands of
people all over the world who decided to have
an edge in their aspirations are now the proud
owners of these devices. In 1994, Mr. Welz
invented a new orgone accumulating material
(orgonite®) that is significantly more effective
than the traditional materials such as layers of
steel wool and fiberglass or celotex. This new
material allows making powerful orgone
generators® of very small size!
practice and a no- nonsense guide to de-
velop the skills that are helpful in this prac-
I do not plan to burden you down
with a proper definition of this word im-
mediately. You know that with the word
magic we describe a specific class of prac-
tices that we can use to bring about
change. In the following we will examine
what type of practices fall under the defi-
nition of magic and what the elements of
these practices are. From this we will de-
velop an elementary mapping, or theory,
that will help you understand the various
technologies, or systems, of magic and
develop your magical skills easily and rap-
Let's begin with a few scenarios of
well-known practices that we call "magic."
Case #1: An old recipe to heal a person
is to pull seven hairs of that person. Then
drill a hole into a vigorous tree and put
the seven hairs into the hole. Then plug
the hole with the wood of the same tree.
The person will feel better.
Case #2: A "doctor" fabricates a doll.
He puts hair and fingernails, or clothing,
of the target into the doll. Then, perhaps
at a precalculated time, he goes to a
graveyard and puts the doll into an open
grave. The person whom he targets may
get sick, perhaps may even die.
live on "as is" when innovation shows new
ways that prove to be more useful, or
worse, free the thinking of people. That's
the reason why these traditionalists who
typically lack creativity are almost always
in the forefront of hostility towards
progress. If you want to develop your
magical skills to a maximum, you will do
well to get rid of the strait jacket that
traditions have imposed on you!
Case #3: An old recipe against wounds
that pus: Take some of the pus out of the
wound with a cotton swab and put it into
copper sulfate. The wound heals a lot
Case #4: Set up a ceremonial table with
candles, incenses, etc. On a piece of pa-
per draw a square with some letters in-
The purpose of this course is to give
you a scientific understanding of magical
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