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AutoCAD 2000 in 3D - A Monkish Shot Tower
Jim Plume
As you are probably aware, the
traditional technology for
manufacturing lead shot involves
dropping blobs of lead from
significant heights such that, as the
lead cools during its descent, it
forms perfect spherical balls ….
This tutorial introduces the concepts and techniques used to build 3D models in
AutoCAD 2000. As a vehicle for learning these techniques, we develop a model
of a whimsical structure that I have called the Monkish Shot Tower after a group
of imaginary Monks who have refined the technology of manufacturing lead shot
for firearms, and the like. The tower is designed around the perfect number 7,
features an external spiral stair, an elaborate canopy on top, and a hole down
the centre. The final structure is illustrated in Figure 1 below.
This tutorial will introduce the following concepts and techniques:
simple solid modelling with solid primitives & CSG operations (the tower);
construction of complex solid objects (stair and landing);
user coordinate systems and positioning of objects (external stairs);
advanced use of the CSG operations (tapering the stairs);
simple surface modelling (the roof canopy and handrails);
surface modelling versus solid modelling (the handrails);
meshed surfaces (the landing “sails” for shading).
Figure 1 Four Perspective Views of the Monkish Shot Tower
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As with every drawing that you produce with AutoCAD you should begin by
establishing your drawing area by setting the Drawing Limits , Units and using
Zoom All to expand out to a full view of your drawing area. Do that now, setting
the limits to 20000 x 15000 .
Layer Control button
For this model, we will make use of several different layers for handling different
parts of the model. Begin by calling up the Layer Control dialogue box (see
button at left) and create two new layers called “Construction” and “Tower”,
setting each to a different colour (I used green and white respectively). The
Construction layer will be used for construction lines that do not form part of the
final drawing. The Tower layer will contain the central tower.
Hint :
To create a new layer in this
dialogue box, simply click the New
button and type a name for the
layer in the list. To set the colour,
click on the colour box adjacent to
the corresponding layer.
The last thing to do before beginning the tower is to create a single reference
point for this model … we will do this by placing a Point entity on the
Construction layer at the centre of the drawing area (which will become the
centre of the base of the Shot Tower). We will be using Points a few times in
this drawing as reference markers, so we need to set a Point Style that will be
easily visible (the normal way AutoCAD marks a point is with a single dot … we
will use an X-shaped cross instead). To do all that, proceed as follows …
Begin by setting the current layer to Construction — pull-down the list of layers
(illustrated at left) and click on Construction … then proceed as follows …
Pull-down layer list …
F o rmat >
P oint Style
Select from the pull-down menus — in the resulting
dialogue box select the X-shaped cross and then click OK .
Issue the Point command (illustrated) and click a position
at about the centre of the drawing area …
Draw point tool …
< Esc >
To cancel the command.
In keeping with the principle that everything in this Shot Tower is designed
around the perfect number 7, we will construct a 7-sided polygonal tower, 19.6
metres high (7 levels at 2700), with an outside diameter of 7 metres, and
tapering inwards at a gradient of 1:70 (which converts to an angle of 1.3 o off the
vertical). Proceed as follows:
Set the current layer to Tower
[Draw.Polygon] Select from the Draw Toolbar .
Polygon tool
Number of sides — then use the |NODe| object snap mode
to fix the centre at the point entity just created.
Specify an inscribed polygon.
Radius of the polygon.
Issue the Offset command (as illustrated).
Offset tool
Offset distance — select the polygon just drawn and then
point to the inside to show the side to offset — press
complete the command.
We now have to extrude these two polygons in the Z-direction to the height
required, specifying the 1 in 7 taper as we do so. We will then subtract the inner
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one away from the outer one to create a polygonal shell with an empty interior.
Once we have done that, we will position a box to serve as the doorway at
ground level and subtract that away from the shell to create the opening. That
will complete the basic tower! To do all that, proceed as follows …
V iew >
T o olbars
Open the Toolbars dialogue box, scroll down the list to find
the Solids toolbar, and then click on the check-box next to
it. Position it anywhere convenient on the screen, taking a
moment to examine each tool, and noting the brief
description of each on the status line as you move the
mouse across them..
Solids Toolbar with the Extrude
command highlighted ..
[Solids.Extrude] Pick the Extrude command (as illustrated) — don’t forget to
watch the prompts on the command line so that you
understand the process! — select both polygons and then
Solid Modelling :
With solid modelling we sculpture
objects by assembling the
primitives shown on this toolbar
using the three CSG operations of
Union, Difference (subtract) and
Interesection. As you will discover
in this tutorial, there is almost
nothing that cannot be formed
using these tools.
to complete the selection.
Height of each extrusion.
Taper angle .
To see the effect of this in 3D, select V iew > 3 D Views > S E Isometric from the
pull-down menus … this will create a parallel projection ( not a perspective ) of
the 3D object looking from the +X / -Y quadrant. You can then use the normal
Pan and Zoom commands to alter the screen display to suit you own purposes,
while maintaining that parallel projection. Experiment with this until you have a
3D view of the whole tower near the centre of your drawing area.
The CSG tools are located on the Solids Editing Toolbar (illustrated). You can
keep this on the screen or you may feel it is easier to execute these commands
through the pull-down menus …
M odify > Solids
Editi n g >
S ubtract
Issue the Subtract command — note that this command
allows you to select two sets of objects: the second set are
then subtracted from the first — we will have only one
object in each set in our case — select the outer shape
and press
Solids Editing Toolbar
(the “primary” object), and then select the
inner object and press
Real-Time Pan & Zoom
again (the object to be subtracted
from the “primary” one) — don’t forget to watch the
prompts to understand how this works .
These new tools are great for
moving around your drawing …
hold down the left button while
dragging the mouse up and down.
Issue the Hide command — this draws the current view
with all hidden lines removed or truncated as necessary —
notice that your tower is now one single solid object which
is hollow down the centre .
User Coordinate System (UCS) :
This is a 3D cartesian coordinate
system that operates independently
of AutoCAD’s fixed World
Coordinate System (WCS). It can
be positioned and orientated
anywhere in space (at any angle).
All 2D drawing is always done in
the UCS X-Y plane: normally, the
UCS is coincident with the WCS!
The next step is to punch a doorway through the base of the tower. Begin by
zooming in to the base of the tower with a view similar to that shown in Figure 2,
over the page ( Hint : use the new real-time pan and zoom tools in the standard
toolbar) . To make this process simpler, we will position the UCS (see
explanation at left) as illustrated (Figure 2), with the origin at the outside corner
of the tower and the X-axis in line with its base. To do that, follow these steps:
Issue the UCS command to alter the position of the current
UCS — notice the command prompt, showing options for
saving and restoring UCS settings .
This means that you can use all the
2D drawing commands that you are
used to, only place them anywhere
in space by first positioning the
UCS. This would allow you, for
example, to draw a cross-hatch
pattern on a sloping roof plane!
Select the New option … notice the variety of ways that
you can define the UCS … we will use many of these in the
course of this tutorial …
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Select the 3point option keyword — this is the most
versatile option, allowing us to define the new UCS
precisely — watching the prompts, proceed as follows …
Use the object snap to put the origin at 1 .
U se object snap again to identify a “ point on the X-axis ” at
2 .
And again, to no m inate a point on the “ positive Y portion of
the XY plane ” at 3
Re-oriented UCS icon …
Notice that the UCS Icon has
now dropped the “W” (no
longer World Coordinates) and
has been positioned at the new
origin, oriented to suit the new
UCS. See note at left to move
the icon back to the lower left
corner of the screen . We now
use the Box primitive to
construct the doorway … be
careful that you use the “corner
box” rather than the “centre
NOTE : if the UCS icon ha s been
placed at the origin (point 1 in
Figure 2), then type the command
“No Origin” .. that will force the icon
back to the lower left corner of the
and then type n
Figure 2 Constructing the Door Opening at
the base of the Tower
Select from the Solids toolbar — AutoCAD will prompt for
the corner position of the box …
Box tool in the Solids Toolbar.
U se the object snap mode to place the corner of the box at
1 in Figure 2.
Specify the opposite corner of the box as a relative 3D
coordinate — alternatively, this could have been done by
entering the length, width and height of the box separately.
Issue the normal Move command — select the box just
created and pres s
Move tool
— set the Base Point at the |MIDpoint|
position marked 4 (on the box just cre a te d ) and the
Second Point at the |MIDpoint| of line 1 - 2
Re-issue the Move command — select the same object
and press
and pick any point as the Base Point
Specify the Second Point of the displacement to move the
box so that it is centred on the thickness of the wall.
M odify > Solids
Editi n g >
S ubtract
again —
you should now have a door opening in the base of the
tower !
, then pick the box and press
Notice that we deliberately made the box wider than the wall’s thickness (500
instead of 300) so that when it was positioned, it protruded from both sides of
the wall … this is especially necessary in this case since the tower is tapered
and the wall leans in slightly. Generally , however, when performing this
type of operation, it is prudent to always oversize the subtracted object
to ensure that no thin slivers of material are left behind ! If you try to be
too precise, you can encounter precision errors.
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AutoCAD 2000 in 3D - A Monkish Shot Tower
Issue the Solids Subtract command – pick the tower first
and then press
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Discussion …
The decision to taper the tower inwards was deliberate because it leads to some
interesting complications in this otherwise simple model. The first of those
complications occurs with the stairs since they too have to taper inwards as they
climb the tower. We get over this complication very simply. We begin by
building the stairs straight up with no taper, each flight hugging the face of an
imaginary extrusion (downwards) of the 7-sided polygon that forms the inside
edge of the (tapered) top of the tower: this means that at the base of the tower
the stairs actually lie partially inside the tower. Once the stairs are complete, we
will create another tapered tower in the middle of the stairs and subtract that
away from them to create the internal taper — the stairs will then very neatly
follow the face of the real tower. We then do the same with the outside taper:
we build the flights very wide to begin with, and then at the end of the process
we construct a large tapered tower with very thick walls which we can also
subtract away from the stairs, thus creating the outer taper. This process is
illustrated in Figure 12. Producing the taper is easy: the harder part is
constructing the stairs to begin with …
First, we need a few construction lines
makethe Construction layer the current layer again,
resetthe UCS back to “World” (issue the UCS command and then press
accept the default “World”),
and Zoom out to a view that allows you to see the top of the Tower.
We begin by tracing the inner edge of the top of the tower … to do that, we
switch on running object snap …
T ools >
Dra f ting
Call up the Drafting Settings Dialogue box with the Object
Snap tab (as illustrated) … I suggest that you select each
of the ones shown in the illustration at left … note the brief
explanation of how to use these if you have not done so
Drafting Settings dialogue
Issue the Polyline command — pick each of the 7 vertices
around the inside edge of the top of the tower …
With Running Object Snap turned
on, whenever you are using the
mouse to select a point, AutoCAD
will highlight and identify the
nearest snap point within the snap
aperture … to use that snap point
simply click the mouse button … if
the snap is ambiguous, pressing
the Tab key will cycle through the
available snaps at that point.
Close the polyline.
Use a Window selection rectangle to select the polyline just
drawn (you work out why!) and then press
— set the
Base Point anywhere you wish (well away from everything
to avoid the running object snap) …
Second point of the displacement vector.
Re-position your view to the bottom of the Tower, then, with ORTHO mode
turned on (click the ORTHO button on the status line), construct two parallel
lines of roughly the same length (as illustrated in Figure 3) projecting out from
adjacent corners of the polygon just constructed.
Figure 3
Now choose V iew > 3 D Views > P lan View > W orld UCS and then zoom in on
the ends of those two lines — we will use these lines to set out the stairs in
profile as illustrated in Figure 4 (over the page).
Issue the Line command — pick the start point at the
bottom end of the rightmost line.
Height of riser ( multiple of 7!!! ).
Length of going ( another multiple of 7!!! ).
Updated: May 2000
AutoCAD 2000 in 3D - A Monkish Shot Tower
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