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Speak Business English like an American
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Copyright © 2006 by Language Success Press
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by
any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and
retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher.
First Edition
INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1
LESSON 1: Talking about a New Project ................................... 3
LESSON 2: Talking about Financial Issues................................ 9
LESSON 3: Discussing a New Ad Campaign .......................... 15
LESSON 4: Talking about Manufacturing................................ 21
LESSON 5: Talking about Company Strategy ......................... 27
REVIEW: LESSONS 1-5 ......................................................... 32
ISBN 0-9725300-6-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005904510
Illustrations by Evgeny Kran
Visit our website: www.languagesuccesspress.com
LESSON 6: Discussing Good Results .......................................35
LESSON 7: Discussing Bad Results ..........................................41
LESSON 8: Discussing a Difficult Decision ............................ 47
LESSON 9: Dealing with a Dissatisfied Customer....................53
LESSON 10: Discussing a Difficult Request ...............................57
REVIEW: LESSONS 6-10 ........................................................62
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LESSON 11: Motivating Co-workers .........................................65
LESSON 12: Running a Meeting ................................................71
LESSON 13: Discussing a Mistake ........................................... 77
LESSON 14: Taking Credit for Good Results.............................81
LESSON 15: Shifting Blame ......................................................87
REVIEW: LESSONS 11-15 ................... ................................. 92
Printed in the United States of America
LESSON 16: Politely Disagreeing with Someone..................... 95
LESSON 17: Telling Somebody Off. ....................................... 101
LESSON 18: Discussing Office Scandals................................ 107
LESSON 19: Complaining about a Co-worker ........................ 113
LESSON 20: Talking about a Brown Noser. ............................ 117
REVIEW: LESSONS 16-20..................................................... 124
LESSON 21: Explaining that You're Feeling Overworked ..... 127
LESSON 22: Calling in Sick ................................................... 133
LESSON 23: Requesting a Bank Loan .................................... 137
LESSON 24: Negotiating a Purchase....................................... 143
LESSON 25: Conducting a Performance Review .................... 149
REVIEW: LESSONS 21-25..................................................... 153
For better or worse, the American workplace is full of idioms. People
don't begin a project. They get a project off the ground . They don't
call each other to discuss progress. They touch base . Later, if the
project is not going well, they don't end it. They pull the plug .
Speak Business English Like An American covers over 350 idi-
oms and expressions you're likely to encounter in today's business
world. Familiarize yourself with all of them. When they come up
in conversation, you'll be prepared to respond confidently instead
of becoming silent while thinking to yourself, "What's he talking
about? Sales went through the roof? What roof?" As you're asking
yourself these questions, the conversation is continuing without
you. Suddenly you're left behind. Before you know it, you're out
of the loop .
LESSON 26: Promoting an Employee .....................................155
LESSON 27: Firing Somebody ................................................161
LESSON 28: Job Interview 1 .................................................. 167
LESSON 29: Job Interview 2 .................................................. 173
LESSON 30: Negotiating a Salary Offer. ................................. 179
REVIEW: LESSONS 26-30 .................................................... 184
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ......................................................... 186
ANSWER KEY.........................................................................190
After getting to know the idioms, listen for them in everyday con-
versations and look for them in newspapers. Idioms are everywhere.
Newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and business sections of
daily newspapers are full of these idioms. Once you get a good
feel for them, try them out on your colleagues and friends. Idioms
will add color and excitement to your language. Using idioms will
make you sound more like a native speaker.
Let's take just one example. Let's say you're losing a lot of busi-
ness to your competition. You could say, "We're losing business
to our competition." Or, you could say, "Our competition is eat-
ing our lunch!" The second sentence sounds a little more lively,
doesn't it?
Don't feel the need to load every sentence with idioms. A
well-placed idiom here and there will do the trick.
Lesson 1
You don't have to add every idiom in this book to your active
vocabulary. You'll naturally find some more useful than others.
A few of the idioms in this book — such as think outside the
box and on the same page — have become so common, they're
now overused. But even if you don't want to use them, you
should understand them since you're likely to hear them.
Carl, Greg, and Anne work for WaterSonic
Corporation. Recently, the company has come up with
an idea for a new electric toothbrush.
American English idioms come from many different sources.
The business-focused idioms often originate from military
speak (example: rally the troops ) and from the world of sports
(example: step up to the plate ). This provides some insight into
the way Americans think about business: like war, it's a bitter
competition with winners and losers. Like sports, it's a game,
with the prizes going to those teams (companies) with superior
strategy and execution.
Carl: I think we've come up with a winner .
Anne: I agree. The new Brush-o-matic toothbrush should be
a blockbuster !
Carl: Our designers have already made up some prototypes *
The toothbrushes have a tooth-whitening attachment
and many other bells and whistles .
Greg: We should fast track this project . Let's try to launch it
in time for the holiday season.
For your convenience, all of the idioms in this book are
shown in bold and listed in the Index. In the Glossary of
Terms, we've included definitions for many other words and
phrases that you may not understand. These terms are in italics
in the dialogues. Whenever you see an italicized word you
don't know, just turn to the back of the book to look it up.
Anne: This will be a great stocking stuffer !
Carl: We definitely need a big win for the holidays.
Anne: This is a great idea. We're going to make a killing .
This book comes with a CD featuring all of the dialogues. The
CD will help you master the rhythm and stress of American
English speech. It will also help you remember the idioms. Play
it at home, at work, in the car, while on business trips...before
you know it, you'll be speaking English like a native!
Greg: Let's not talk about this project to anybody who
doesn't need to know. We'll keep it under wraps .
Carl: I agree. Mum's the word . We don't want any of our
competitors to get wind of the idea and rip it off !
Good luck adding idioms to your everyday speech. It's fun and
it'll help you succeed in the working world!
Anne: Right. Let's meet again on Monday morning and
discuss our game plan for getting this project off the
* Words in italics in the dialogues are defined on pages 186-189.
big win
a huge success; a successful product
(to) come up with a winner
to think up a very good idea
EXAMPLE : The drug company spent millions on research and
development, hoping that one of their new products would be
a big win .
EXAMPLE : Everybody likes Pepsi's new advertising campaign.
Their advertising agency has come up with a winner .
a big success; a huge hit
(to) make a killing
to make a lot of money
EXAMPLE : Eli Lilly made a lot of money with the prescription
drug, Prozac. It was a real blockbuster .
ORIGIN : This term comes from the blockbuster bombs used during World
War Two by the British Royal Air Force. They were huge and created
a large explosive force. Blockbuster ideas similarly create a big impact
— and hopefully don't cause destruction like blockbuster bombs!
EXAMPLE : Suzanne made a killing on her Google stock and
retired at 40.
SYNONYM : to make a fortune
(to) keep something under wraps
to keep something secret; to not let anybody know about a new
project or plan
bells and whistles
extra product features, usually using the latest technologies;
product features which are attractive, but not essential for the
product to function
EXAMPLE : I'm sorry I can't tell you anything about the project
I'm working on. My boss told me to keep it under wraps .
NOTE : "Wraps" are things that provide cover, so if something is "under
wraps" it's covered up and hidden.
EXAMPLE : Our office just got a new copier with all the bells and
whistles . I'll probably never learn how to use all of its features!
mum's the word
let's keep quiet about this; I agree not to tell anyone about this
(to) fast track a project
to make a project a high priority; to speed up the time frame
of a project
EXAMPLE : Please don't tell anybody about our new project.
Remember: mum's the word!
EXAMPLE : Let's fast track this project . We've heard rumors
that our competitors are developing similar products.
ORIGIN : The word "mum" comes from the murmur "mmmmm," the
only sound you can make when your mouth is shut firmly. Try mak-
ing other sounds besides "mmmmm" with your lips and mouth shut
firmly, and you will see that it's impossible!
stocking stuffer
a small gift given at Christmas time
(to) get wind of
to find out about something, often sensitive information
EXAMPLE : These new mini travel pillows will make great stock-
ing stuffers!
EXAMPLE : When the restaurant owner got wind of the fact that
one of his waiters was stealing money from the cash register, he
was furious.
NOTE : This expression comes from the practice of kids hanging up
stockings that Santa Claus fills (or "stuffs") with small gifts.
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