My So-Called Life - Episode 16 - Resolutions - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:01:18:<i>My whole llfe, ls waltlng</i>|<i>for somethlng to happen,</i>
00:01:22:- No way.|- Come on, this is a killer dress.
00:01:27:This could very well be|what gave Andy his heart attack.
00:01:30:<i>lt's so easy to llsten ln</i>|<i>on grownups' conversatlons,</i>
00:01:33:<i>You just act llke you're</i>|<i>playlng some borlng game,</i>
00:01:36:- lt's so backless.|- Exactly.
00:01:40:Patty, men love backs, okay?|This will drive Graham insane.
00:01:46:You will have an incredible weekend.
00:01:51:No, no. l just don't think it's me.
00:01:56:God, l wonder why Graham|isn't back here yet.
00:01:59:Well, where is he?
00:02:01:He's at another meeting with|another potential restaurant investor.
00:02:05:He's with that|Hallie Lowenthal person?
00:02:07:- Yes, and shut up.|- l didn't say anything !
00:02:11:l'm not upset because|he's with Hallie Lowenthal. . .
00:02:13:l'm upset because Neil and Marla|are going to be here any minute. . .
00:02:16:and he hasn't come home yet.|And l'm not upset.
00:02:20:Okay. l can't believe|Marla is still dating Neil. . .
00:02:23:l mean, how many years has it been?
00:02:26:Six. l know,|it's like a prison sentence.
00:02:29:How about this?|l got it from that catalog.
00:02:32:<i>lt's truly amazlng,</i>|<i>l have the power to be lnvlslble,</i>
00:02:37:Honey, why don't you|go get yourself a piece of fruit?
00:02:41:Because Angela's in the kitchen|with Rickie, and she kicked me out.
00:02:45:Danielle, you go get|yourself a piece of fruit.
00:02:47:l'll be down in a minute|to talk to Angela.
00:02:53:- l don't know.|- Come on.
00:02:57:<i>My llfe ls dlfferent people</i>|<i>klcklng me out of dlfferent rooms,</i>
00:03:01:lt's just been so long since Graham|and l have had any time alone together.
00:03:05:And l know we won't|technically be alone. . .
00:03:08:but l'm pretty comfortable|with Neil and Marla, well, Marla.
00:03:14:And l just feel like our marriage|needs this, you know. . .
00:03:17:like we need this time|to reconnect, or something.
00:03:22:Patty, l know exactly what you need.
00:03:31:Oh, my God !
00:03:35:Oh, my.
00:03:38:You actually own these?
00:03:41:No, l rent them.
00:03:44:Well, you said|you needed to reconnect.
00:03:50:- Yes or no?|- Yes.
00:03:52:l n such a big way.
00:03:56:Danielle, why don't you|go help Mom pack?
00:04:04:Yes, he's here. J ust a second.|lt's Rayanne.
00:04:12:lt's the Ray-gun. What's shaking?
00:04:14:- Nothing.|- So, Angela barely said hello.
00:04:17:Look, Rayanne, don't put me|in the middle of this, okay?
00:04:20:Hey, l didn't put you there,|that's just where you are.
00:04:24:Yeah, l know, l'll try them, l will.
00:04:27:Girls, are you sure you don't|want to stay at my house?
00:04:31:- Bye. l'll see you.|- Bye.
00:04:38:Did you kick your sister|out of the kitchen?
00:04:45:Mom, she was being impossible.
00:04:47:This is a really big responsibility|being here alone all weekend.
00:04:54:Mom, l've been alone|with Danielle before.
00:04:56:Yes, and l can't help but recall|the time you put her in the dryer.
00:04:59:Mom, that was so long ago!
00:05:01:l can't believe|you're still talking about that.
00:05:04:Anyway, she begged me to do it.
00:05:07:Whosever idea it was. . .
00:05:09:l don't want to come home|and find anyone in an appliance.
00:05:13:Angela, you have to be the adult this|weekend. Now you're going to have. . .
00:05:17:to prove to me|that you can handle this, all right?
00:05:19:lt's just going to be me and Rickie,|what could possibly happen?
00:05:29:- Enrique, what do you want for dinner?|- Hold on a second.
00:05:35:Look, l'd better not|tie up their line, you know?
00:05:41:What, you're not|allowed to talk to me now?
00:05:44:J ust try me at Katimsky's later, okay?
00:05:47:Yeah, right, later. M uch.
00:06:02:<i>- Hl, Daddy, You're late,</i>|<i>- l know,</i>
00:06:08:H i. Oh, my God, your new shirt.
00:06:11:l'll be ready in five minutes.|You would not believe what happened.
00:06:16:- Car trouble.|- No, the wagon?
00:06:21:No, actually it was|Hallie Lowenthal's car.
00:06:26:l know. lt's infuriating. She's got|this really loud obnoxious car. . .
00:06:31:of course it won't start in the cold,|and so l look under the hood.
00:06:36:You looked under|Hallie Lowenthal's hood?
00:06:38:Well, l couldn't just leave her there.
00:06:40:You would not believe|Hallie Lowenthal's engine.
00:06:42:lt is held together|by string, literally.
00:06:46:Now, couldn't she call Brad|if her car broke down. . .
00:06:49:isn't that what fianc<i>?</i>es are for?
00:06:51:Right, well, they broke up.
00:06:55:- Didn't l tell you?|- No.
00:06:59:Are you sure? l thought l did.
00:07:05:That must be them !
00:07:16:- H i.|- Hey.
00:07:18:- You're not Marla.|- Danielle!
00:07:23:H i !
00:07:24:Hey, everybody, this is Cheryl Fleck.
00:07:27:My brother Graham, sister-in-law Patty,|and this is Danielle.
00:07:30:- Here, catch, cookie!|- Thanks.
00:07:33:<i>God, U ncle Nell glves</i>|<i>the lamest presents on Earth,</i>
00:07:37:Come in, come in.
00:07:39:Well, it's great to meet you.|l've heard so much about both of you.
00:07:44:Well, Neil, could you help me|with our bags?
00:07:51:- Aren't those your bags over there?|- J ust help me a second.
00:08:01:l love your foyer.
00:08:06:Excuse me just one minute.
00:08:12:- Where's Marla?|- We broke up again.
00:08:16:- Neil !|- Neil, where is Marla?
00:08:19:We broke up again. Don't worry.|Cheryl is incredible.
00:08:24:You spend five minutes with her|in the car, you're going to love her.
00:08:29:l hear this honk, right. . .
00:08:31:and here's this cute guy in the car|next to me rolling down his window.
00:08:34:So l roll down my window, so then|he holds up this piece of paper. . .
00:08:38:and he shouts out to me,|'' Hey, this flew out of your car''.
00:08:41:And l'm thinking,|''My God, what did l lose?''
00:08:44:And then right before|the light turns green. . .
00:08:47:he holds the paper out and l reach|my arm out and all these people. . .
00:08:50:are behind us are honking.|But he gives me the piece of paper. . .
00:08:54:so then l pull over to the side of|the road and l look at the paper. . .
00:08:57:- and you know what it says?|- '' H i, l'm Neil. Call me. ''
00:09:02:Yes, how did you know that?|How did he know that?
00:09:13:l think l got a couple of doobies|in here somewhere.
00:09:20:- Yes or no.|- No.
00:09:24:lf you wanted to do something|with Rayanne this weekend. . .
00:09:27:it's not like l would take|it personally or anything.
00:09:30:- Angela, l want to hang here, okay?|- Okay.
00:09:36:So, does she ask about me?
00:09:44:<i>lt ls so cool to be hanglng wlth</i>|<i>my blg slster and her cool frlend,</i>
00:09:51:Do we like this?
00:10:07:l know. . .
00:10:11:Camille forced me to wear it.|lt's not me.
00:10:17:l think it's great.
00:10:22:- Really?|- Yes.
00:10:30:l love sex in a different bed.
00:10:47:You know. . .
00:10:50:l wish that Neil could have just waited|until after this weekend was over. . .
00:10:53:to break up with Marla.
00:10:55:Patty, your concern for Marla|is touching.
00:11:00:Patty, look. We're here,|we finally have a weekend.
00:11:05:This is our opportunity to be together.
00:11:08:Don't let the fact|that this girl is here ruin it for us.
00:11:11:You're right.
00:11:20:<i>Oh, Nell, Oh, Nell,</i>
00:11:47:l'm only here because|Katimsky said Rickie spent the night. . .
00:11:49:and Rickie still owes me $6. 50|that l really need.
00:11:54:And because this thing|Tino's got going?
00:12:01:He's upstairs.
00:12:10:So, l'll be home|tomorrow night for dinner.
00:12:13:Okay, you, too. Bye, M r. Katimsky.
00:12:18:So, l got to get that 6. 50 you owe me.
00:12:23:Rayanne, l gave that to you|four years ago.
00:12:26:l wouldn't mind spending a|few hours here with someone special.
00:12:29:l love sex on a different bed.
00:12:32:l'm sorry, does Angela|know you're here?
00:12:34:She knows. God.|So, you coming out with me tonight?
00:12:39:Rayanne, l told you.|l'm here this weekend.
00:12:46:So, does Angela ask about me?
00:12:54:- What's this?|- Rayanne, put it back.
00:13:00:All right, Graham !
00:13:03:This answers a|lot of questions about those two.
00:13:05:Rayanne, give them to me.
00:13:08:Graham, Graham,|don't hurt me Master!
00:13:10:Wait, maybe it's the other way around.
00:13:12:Graham, that dinner you prepared|just wasn't tasty enough, slave boy.
00:13:19:- Patty, l've been bad. Punish me.|- This is so unfunny.
00:13:24:Where did you put the key?
00:13:29:- What did you do with the key?|- What?
00:13:33:l can't believe this.|l cannot believe this!
00:13:36:Vasquez, calm yourself. lt's got|to be around here. We'll find it.
00:13:46:Looks like l might be staying|a little longer than l thought.
00:13:57:No, Camille,|everything is going just fine.
00:14:02:l'm not whispering.
00:14:05:l was just wondering|if you could go over to the house. . .
00:14:08:and check on the kids for me. Thanks.
00:14:12:And while you're there, l left those|handcuffie things, you know. . .
00:14:18:on the bed, and l feel really weird|about the kids finding them.
00:14:21:Thanks. Got to go. Bye.
00:14:23:- Ready for breakfast?|- Yes!
00:14:25:- Who was that?|- l was just checking on the kids.
00:14:30:They're fine.
00:14:34:You're not listen...
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