My So-Called Life - Episode 13 - Pressure - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:01:11:So Rayanne you got 33 days.
00:01:15:33 days to do what?
00:01:17:No, it's an expression.
00:01:19:l n AA, it means you've been|clean and sober for over a month.
00:01:24:Oh, yes. l feel really good.
00:01:28:l know you do.|This is kind of a dangerous time.
00:01:38:<i>So Jordan Catalano and l</i>|<i>had pretty much broken up, , ,</i>
00:01:42:<i>but he stlll knew</i>|<i>the comblnatlon to my locker,</i>
00:01:51:- What's wrong?|- Nothing. J ust. . .
00:01:56:<i>You need me,</i>|<i>You must have me as your own,</i>
00:02:01:<i>You can't llve another second</i>|<i>knowlng others could possess me,</i>
00:02:05:l could kill Tino.
00:02:09:What did you call that word?|You said it last week.
00:02:11:You know,|when you feel the need to eat.
00:02:17:- H unger?|- No, that thing you said l was.
00:02:21:l wasn't actually|saying that you're orally fixated--
00:02:24:Orally fixated !|That's such a cool word.
00:02:26:You know, l was|saying that you have certain--
00:02:28:Because l have this theory of|how that probably happened to me.
00:02:32:You see, my mother,|she claims that she breast-fed me. . .
00:02:36:but l just have serious doubts.
00:02:38:You should see her boobs.|They are so firm.
00:02:44:Sure. Look, Rayanne,|l know that you've chosen. . .
00:02:48:not to continue these|sessions with me right now.
00:02:51:l only have to do this|therapy thing for a month. . .
00:02:53:- and then it's optional, right?|- No, l know that, l realize that.
00:02:56:l just need to know that you|have a support system in place.
00:02:59:l don't need a support system.|l got friends.
00:03:02:That's exactly why l'm raising this.|Didn't you mention to me. . .
00:03:05:that you've had some feelings|of distance from your friends. . .
00:03:07:- since, you know, the incident?|- What incident?
00:03:13:l'm talking about|the night you nearly died. . .
00:03:16:the night that Angela's mother|rushed you to the hospital.
00:03:18:Now didn't you tell me|that since that night. . .
00:03:21:you've felt some distance between|yourself and your friend Angela?
00:03:25:l never said ''distance''.|l just don't see her that much.
00:03:28:lt's not because of some incident,|it's because she's got this guy. . .
00:03:30:that she's involved with.
00:03:34:Which she wouldn't even have|if it wasn't for me.
00:03:36:And you don't feel any|awkwardness around Angela.
00:03:40:No. The thing with Angela. . .
00:03:43:is that even with this|stupid obsession with this guy. . .
00:03:47:she's totally there for me.
00:03:49:So where's Angela?
00:03:51:''Whatever you do,|don't take the first drink. ''
00:03:53:AA propaganda from|M iss Crazy-nowski. What a wimpette.
00:03:57:l thought you said you liked her.|That she was sensitive.
00:03:59:Sensitive wears thin.|Go ahead, keep it. l don't need it.
00:04:03:So, she's with Catalano again?
00:04:05:lt is the weirdest break-up in history.
00:04:08:She's the one that needs a shrink.
00:04:13:So he just said,|''This isn't working for me''. . .
00:04:16:then he threw his mike right into|Joey's bass drum, and then he left.
00:04:22:So he quit? Tino quit Frozen Embryos?
00:04:26:Yes. l don't even think|we're allowed to call ourselves. . .
00:04:28:Frozen Embryos anymore|because it was Tino's name.
00:04:32:So now it's like,|off-limits or something.
00:04:37:l'm really sorry.
00:04:40:<i>l am just really low,</i>|<i>l'll just flnd any excuse to touch hlm,</i>
00:04:46:Hey. l'm sorry, am l interrupting?
00:04:52:No. H i. No, you don't have to--
00:04:56:Whatever. Later.
00:05:02:He's just a bit upset|about this thing with Tino.
00:05:06:Why am l telling you? You must have|heard it happened, right?
00:05:09:Oh, yes. So what happened?
00:05:13:About Tino quitting Frozen Embryos.
00:05:18:l only know because he told me.
00:05:21:What, you think that|bothers me that you know?
00:05:23:Tino would be telling me right now|if he was in school.
00:05:27:Right, l know.
00:05:33:So, Angelica, what's the deal?|Do l ever get to see you again?
00:05:37:- l know, l've just been--|- l'm just kidding. Get out of here!
00:05:41:l see you too much,|don't flatter yourself.
00:05:44:No, really. You should really|come over after school.
00:05:48:- ls that cool with Pattycake?|- Yes, of course it is. Don't be crazy.
00:05:54:She never comes home|before 6: 00 anyway.
00:06:00:Well, you know, maybe l will.
00:06:05:Careful.|Don't break the egg yolk.
00:06:07:So you actually|teach people how to cook?
00:06:10:Yes, l actually do. Listen,|l'm sorry that Angela's not home yet.
00:06:16:- Do you guys have definite plans?|- Like this?
00:06:20:That's perfect. You're a natural.|This must be her.
00:06:29:-You're back.|- l'm back.
00:06:34:- H i.|- Hey.
00:06:38:Hey, watch that chocolate sauce.|l'll get the rest of the groceries.
00:06:44:Can l get you something to drink?|Like a soda?
00:06:47:Yes. Thanks.|Anything with sugar and caffeine.
00:06:52:So where's Angela?
00:06:55:She's got better things to do,|or what have you.
00:07:00:Well, it's great to see you.
00:07:05:So, you mean she's with. . .
00:07:09:l mean, l thought they weren't--
00:07:11:Exactly. You figured it out.|lt's like watching a rollercoaster.
00:07:15:Actually, l think|they're in the ticket line, like. . .
00:07:18:- really close to the rollercoaster.|- l see.
00:07:22:So, did Angela tell you?|l got 33 days.
00:07:27:l'm squeaky clean,|like a rubber ducky.
00:07:30:No, no, Angela didn't tell me.
00:07:34:- Congratulations.|- Thanks.
00:07:37:- H i, honey.|<i>- Hello,</i>
00:07:42:You're supposed to say '' Excuse me''.
00:07:44:Right, sorry, excuse me.
00:07:46:- Oh, my god, the chocolate sauce.|- lt's okay. lt's not bubbling.
00:07:50:- Chocolate sauce! Can l try it?|- Be careful ! lt's very, very hot.
00:07:55:J ust a taste. We're about to eat.
00:07:58:- Danielle. Come here. Let me fix it.|- No.
00:08:04:- l have to wash my whole face now.|- Good.
00:08:10:Rayanne,|why don't you stay for dinner?
00:08:13:- Yes, Angela will be back any minute.|- No, no. l got to go.
00:08:16:You know, my mom's|making dinner. Later.
00:08:22:You know,|that girl never said thank you.
00:08:26:- For the soda?|- For saving her life.
00:08:31:<i>l can't sleep, Bert, l can't fall asleep,</i>
00:08:34:<i>Well, count sheep then, Ernle,</i>
00:08:37:<i>Count sheep?</i>|<i>What do you mean, count sheep?</i>
00:08:39:<i>l mean, just lle there</i>|<i>and count sheep,</i>
00:08:42:<i>J ust lmaglne them one at a tlme</i>|<i>untll you get so sleepy, , ,</i>
00:08:44:<i>you just fall asleep,</i>
00:08:46:<i>Okay, l'll try lt, Bert, All rlght,</i>|<i>let's see, countlng sheep,</i>
00:08:57:So, when is dinner?
00:09:02:You're hungry?
00:09:04:- l haven't eaten since breakfast.|- You didn't eat lunch?
00:09:08:lt's Tuesday.|l saw my counselor today.
00:09:10:What counselor?
00:09:12:My drug counselor. M iss Krysenowski.|Remember, l told you.
00:09:16:Okay, let's see what we got here.|Egg rolls!
00:09:19:M ini-quiche and pierogies!
00:09:23:l'm sick of appetizers.
00:09:26:l want a real meal,|with all four basic food groups. . .
00:09:31:and just for once can it|not be such an amazing surprise. . .
00:09:34:that l want to eat dinner like|every other American on the planet?
00:09:38:- Okay, what's up?|- Nothing.
00:09:42:Angela invites me over today. . .
00:09:44:and when l get there,|she's nowhere to be found.
00:09:47:- Did you two have a fight?|- No.
00:09:50:- Okay. What did you do?|- What did l do?
00:09:55:- Yes, to make Angela mad at you.|- l didn't do anything.
00:09:59:She's just with Jordan Catalano|all the time.
00:10:03:Well, then you hang out with her|while she's with Jordan.
00:10:06:You know Jordan's friends.|l mean, become part of it, Rainie.
00:10:12:That's not hard. Everyone loves you.
00:10:17:Look what we forgot we had.|Leftover Chinese.
00:10:23:Rainie. . .
00:10:28:butterfly shrimp.
00:10:39:Now, l see a lot of your friends|come and go. . .
00:10:41:and most of them|l could have cared less about.
00:10:44:But Angela, she's special.
00:10:49:What l still can't figure out|is why Tino even quit.
00:10:55:That's what's so frustrating.
00:11:00:Can you imagine what that's like?
00:11:02:To have to sit around,|trying to figure out. . .
00:11:05:what someone else is thinking.
00:11:17:- Hey, what's up?|- Rayanne, hi.
00:11:23:My parents said you stopped by,|but l thought you weren't going to.
00:11:27:No problem ! Guzzles a six-pack,|2 hits of X, l was back to new!
00:11:31:So Catalano, how is it going?
00:11:35:l was just saying how|Frozen Embryos finally got a spot. . .
00:11:38:at this open mike night at Vertigo,|that coffeehouse.
00:11:41:- l know what Vertigo is.|- Right. Well.
00:11:45:They still don't have|a lead singer, so it's like. . .
00:11:48:should they blow it off, or find|somebody new by next Thursday, or. . .
00:11:52:- So Tino is still being a lowlife?|- Could you two leave?
00:12:06:Oh, my God. Angela,|l just had the most unbelievable idea.
00:12:11:l am so brilliant. l amaze myself.
00:12:15:- Me.|- What about you?
00:12:18:l should be the new lead singer|for Frozen Embryos.
00:12:22:Well, come on, l'm serious.|Talk to Jordan.
00:12:24:l just don't know if|that sounds very realistic.
00:12:27:What sounds realistic?
00:12:29:A month stone-cold sober,|that doesn't sound realistic?
00:12:32:l can't just tell Jordan Catalano|something like that.
00:12:35:God. Angela, think of it.|We'd have su...
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