My So-Called Life - Episode 11 - Life of Brian - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:01:12:<i>Brlan, honey?</i>|<i>Are you lgnorlng me, sweetheart?</i>
00:01:16:<i>lf you are, lt's okay, J ust tell me,</i>
00:01:19:<i>My mother ls a</i>|<i>behavloral psychologlst,</i>
00:01:22:<i>lf you left hlm alone, maybe he'd</i>|<i>break out of thls prolonged latency,</i>
00:01:26:<i>And my father ls a</i>|<i>Freudlan psychlatrlst,</i>
00:01:28:<i>- Our chlld ls not ln latency,</i>|<i>- Keep llvlng ln denlal, Bernlce,</i>
00:01:33:<i>Whlch baslcally means</i>|<i>that they fundamentally dlsagree, , ,</i>
00:01:37:<i>on everythlng,</i>
00:01:39:<i>- Brl? Everythlng all rlght?</i>|<i>- Feel free not to respond,</i>
00:01:48:<i>At Angela's house, they probably laugh</i>|<i>and eat unbalanced meals, , ,</i>
00:01:53:<i>and talk about thlngs that</i>|<i>don't have deep symbollc meanlng,</i>
00:01:57:<i>They're probably thls llke</i>|<i>normal famlly,</i>
00:01:59:- Child abuse!|- Well, it's tangled.
00:02:03:Where the hell is it?
00:02:05:Sweetie, l can't do braids|in a basement.
00:02:09:- lt was right here.|- Fine, l'll do my braids myself.
00:02:13:So this is actually happening?
00:02:16:You're actually going to|wallpaper the bedroom?
00:02:19:- Yes, what's the big deal?|- Nothing.
00:02:22:Except this wallpaper sat here through|the entire Bush administration.
00:02:27:l just figure since l'm not working,|you know, keep me off the streets.
00:02:32:So you feel okay about--|l mean, you've done this before, right?
00:02:38:- Patty, l can wallpaper a room.|- Right, l'm sorry. This is really great.
00:02:44:<i>l became yearbook photographer</i>|<i>because l llked the ldea, , ,</i>
00:02:47:<i>that l could sort of watch llfe</i>|<i>wlthout havlng to be a part of lt,</i>
00:02:52:<i>But when you are</i>|<i>yearbook photographer, , ,</i>
00:02:54:<i>you are never ln the plcture,</i>
00:03:02:l'm yearbook photographer.|This is my job.
00:03:07:Brian, l'd like you to meet Delia.|She's new.
00:03:12:- lt's really nice meeting you.|- Yes.
00:03:15:Maybe l'll see you around?
00:03:21:- Bye.|- Bye.
00:03:24:- N ice, Krakow. Real suave.|- What?
00:03:29:lt was pretty obvious|what she was thinking.
00:03:34:She likes you. Ask her to the dance!
00:03:37:Hold on, wait.|This World Happiness thing?
00:03:40:lt's not a ''thing''. lt's a dance.
00:03:43:Which l am trying to make|into a great dance.
00:03:45:Which is almost impossible since|apparently the idea of school spirit. . .
00:03:50:is out the window.
00:03:51:Wait, so getting back|to this Delia thing. . .
00:03:55:She's working at Big Guy Burger|tonight from 3: 30 until 8: 00.
00:03:58:Did she actually say anything?
00:04:01:Let's just say|it was very clearly implied.
00:04:10:l mean, World Happiness!|Who thought of that?
00:04:14:- lt sounds like Sharon.|- Definitely Sharon.
00:04:17:- So, are you like going?|- What?
00:04:19:l know, l just thought in this really|obvious way it'd be sort of fun.
00:04:25:Angela, if you expect|Jordan Catalano to ask you. . .
00:04:29:- Maybe she just wants to dance.|- Exactly.
00:04:33:Wait, so there's no chance?
00:04:36:Angela, Jordan Catalano|doesn't go to school dances.
00:04:40:- As, like, policy.|- Right. l sort of figured. So. . .
00:04:44:l mean, if you wanted to go,|which of course you don't. . .
00:04:48:you could let Brian Krakow ask you.
00:04:50:- Rayanne!|- What?
00:04:53:lf you don't get Catalano,|you've got Brian Krakow to pay.
00:04:56:Then excuse me, l'd be at|the dance with Brian Krakow.
00:05:00:- Excuse me?|- Can we help you?
00:05:03:l was just--|ls M iss Chavatal around?
00:05:11:Do you see M iss Chavatal?
00:05:16:Cool vest.
00:05:26:<i>What has always amazed me,</i>|<i>ls flshermen,</i>
00:05:30:<i>How they walt there forever, , ,</i>
00:05:32:<i>and when somethlng flnally tugs</i>|<i>on thelr llne, they don't panlc,</i>
00:05:37:<i>The strange thlng ls, , ,</i>
00:05:39:<i>even though l've establlshed verbal</i>|<i>communlcatlon wlth Della Flsher, , ,</i>
00:05:42:<i>l stlll thlnk about Angela, constantly,</i>
00:05:46:<i>Why am l llke thls?</i>|<i>l truly slcken myself,</i>
00:05:49:<i>l just have to stop belng her</i>|<i>llttle puppet, l vow to never agaln, , ,</i>
00:05:52:<i>to show up at Angela's door</i>|<i>wlth some lame excuse,</i>
00:05:54:H i. l mean, hello.
00:05:59:l sort of lent this atlas to Angela. . .
00:06:02:which she was technically|supposed to return in March. So. . .
00:06:05:Well, she isn't here now.
00:06:13:- Could you. . .|- Right. Right.
00:06:19:So, putting up wallpaper?
00:06:23:Lower, lower. Wait.|The morning glories aren't lined up.
00:06:30:l n my room, one seam is a little|off and l stare at it constantly.
00:06:35:lt's like destroying me.|So, you're like what, retired?
00:06:40:l mean, l mean, not retired.
00:06:45:No. l'm sort of planning|what to do next.
00:06:51:l don't want to|jump into anything blindly.
00:06:56:l mean, it's like wallpaper.
00:07:04:l mean, there are hundreds of patterns|out there, and it's kind of daunting. . .
00:07:07:because you're going to have to live|with your decision for a long time.
00:07:14:Let's say you're deciding between|two particular patterns. . .
00:07:20:and one of them, you definitely|know that you really like. . .
00:07:26:and the other is nice wallpaper and all,|but just you're not sure if it's really. . .
00:07:32:- For you.|- Exactly.
00:07:35:But the really great wallpaper. . .
00:07:38:let's say, is totally|out of your price range.
00:07:44:Do you take the other wallpaper,|even though you don't, let's say. . .
00:07:48:really desire it that much,|or do you wait until. . .
00:07:52:the really great wallpaper|is cheaper.
00:07:59:l guess it depends on how badly|you need wallpaper.
00:08:04:- l would say pretty badly.|- l guess that says it.
00:08:15:<i>l can't belleve thls,</i>
00:08:18:<i>Apparently</i>|<i>Della Flsher smlles at everyone,</i>
00:08:21:<i>She's probably from</i>|<i>one of those small towns, , ,</i>
00:08:23:<i>frlendly and smlles at you for</i>|<i>no reason, l hate that type of town,</i>
00:08:27:Napkins. Thanks for choosing Big Guy.
00:08:33:- H i.|- H i.
00:08:38:Welcome to Big Guy Burger,|where every guy is a big guy.
00:08:41:l was just, you know, happened to be|in the neighborhood, and so. . .
00:08:45:So, what can l get for you?
00:08:52:- J ust a H unkburger.|- For here or to go?
00:09:00:l guess to go. l just, you know,|should probably go.
00:09:09:<i>There's somethlng about my llfe,</i>
00:09:12:<i>lt's just automatlcally true</i>|<i>that nothlng actually happens,</i>
00:09:25:Not hungry after all?
00:09:28:l was told not to eat|red meat by my doctor. So. . .
00:09:31:Sorry about|being so standard in there.
00:09:35:My manager watches us.
00:09:39:- Right.|- l'm glad you came.
00:09:43:<i>Somewhere far away</i>|<i>there was a car alarm,</i>
00:09:46:<i>One of those really annoylng ones,</i>
00:09:48:Do you want a sip?
00:10:00:<i>But suddenly, lt was</i>|<i>the best sound l had ever heard,</i>
00:10:25:So, l guess l should go.
00:10:30:Me, too.
00:10:42:So maybe this is what people mean. . .
00:10:46:when they talk about, you know, life.
00:10:59:So are you going to ask me|to this dance, or what?
00:11:05:l was going to, eventually.
00:11:11:So you just|haven't gotten around to it?
00:11:22:Look, Kyle. l am under a|ton of pressure here, okay?
00:11:27:The dance committee,|student council, yearbook, band.
00:11:31:l don't have time to worry about being|alone at the very dance l organized !
00:11:38:Fine. Would you like to|go to the dance with me?
00:11:48:And if you screw this up,|l will really hate you.
00:11:53:Like forever.
00:12:01:<i>My llfe ls so rldlculous,</i>
00:12:04:<i>l have to ask Della Flsher</i>|<i>to the dance, l have to,</i>
00:12:08:<i>And l'll do lt now,</i>|<i>On the count of three,</i>
00:12:11:<i>One, Two, Three,</i>
00:12:17:- l got to run. l'll catch you later.|- Okay.
00:12:41:- Hey. What's going on?|- Not much.
00:12:45:- So. You going to the dance?|- Doubtful. You?
00:12:51:l would kind of have to say,|at this point, no.
00:13:07:Guidance is so weird.
00:13:13:So she looked at me all concerned. . .
00:13:15:wanting to know if l was|going to the school dance. . .
00:13:18:like that wasn't the|stupidest question in history.
00:13:21:And so, l broke down and cried.|lt was hysterical.
00:13:28:But, l mean, how's it going?|l mean, how're you doing?
00:13:32:Ten days. No drink, no drugs.
00:13:36:l'm so clean you could eat off me.
00:13:39:- So, you know that girl, Pam Troy?|- The one with the really bad perm?
00:13:45:No, the one with the|diamond stud in her nose.
00:13:47:The one with the crop-tops and. . .
00:13:52:she broke down and cried that time|in H uman Sexuality? Yes, so?
00:13:56:So l was thinking of|asking her to the dance.
00:14:00:l know you think|the dance is really stupid. . .
00:14:02:- Wh...
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