
(35 KB) Pobierz
{1672}{1729}Hello! Hello!
{1966}{2010}Brother, Boss is here.
{2192}{2250}Thanks for coming.|Thanks for coming.
{2958}{2999}Let�s start.
{3034}{3195}Now, if anyone has any news|to report, please do so.
{3403}{3489}Haven�t you got any?
{3751}{3798}Since there seems to be no news...
{3798}{3866}Hey, the chick you were with the|other day, with those huge...
{3866}{3900}- No, no...|- Did you do her?
{3900}{3931}No, no.
{3931}{4019}My, my... you stupid fool!
{4030}{4133}If no one has any announcement,|let me proceed with updates.
{4251}{4389}What I�m about to tell you is all a|joke, so please don�t take it seriously.
{4545}{4591}Did you see the dog outside?
{4632}{4657}The dog?
{4717}{4745}The dog.
{5159}{5203}Please don�t stare.
{5338}{5483}That must be a yakuza dog trained|to only attack only yakuza.
{5530}{5560}A yakuza dog?
{5600}{5631}A yakuza dog.
{5918}{5957}We all need to be careful.
{6047}{6103}No one seems to have any|announcement to make...
{6111}{6149}So let�s move on to greetings from Boss.
{6194}{6317}Yeah, well, I really don�t have|a lot to say this month but...
{6431}{6485}Gotta kill it before it kills us.
{7927}{7987}The Great Yakuza Horror Theatre|GOZU
{10016}{10052}Are we there yet?
{10112}{10146}Just a little longer.
{10218}{10277}Did Boss tell you anything?
{10327}{10358}About what?
{10399}{10457}About this trip to Nagoya to see clients.
{10486}{10525}Isn�t it strange?
{10558}{10614}To have me visit clients at such a time?
{10859}{10954}Um, can I go take a leak? Excuse me.
{11438}{11477}What do you think of our family?
{11567}{11609}I think it�s a good family.
{11663}{11786}Our family will continue to|decline if this keeps up...
{11830}{11870}As long as Boss is in charge.
{11919}{11996}It will be fine as long as we|have you, Brother Ozaki.
{12057}{12163}All Boss cares about now is the woman.
{12212}{12280}It�s hopeless when one falls|for a woman at that age.
{12364}{12491}I�m planning to ask him to retire.
{12565}{12694}Depending on how it goes, I|might kill him and get killed.
{12816}{12939}Will you put your trust in me|and stick with me to the end?
{13079}{13240}Brother, I�ve been ready for this|since when you saved my life.
{13278}{13391}I�ll stick with you to the end no matter what.
{14640}{14677}Bad news...
{14702}{14733}Stop the car!
{14978}{15036}Minami, get out! Get out!
{15102}{15147}Down! Down!
{15147}{15178}Wh... what is it?
{15288}{15467}That�s a yakuza car designed|to... run over yakuza.
{15882}{15992}Brother, it doesn�t look like|anything but a regular car.
{16006}{16092}Plus, there�s no such thing as a yakuza car.
{16530}{16664}If anything happens to me,|please take care of my things.
{17789}{17817}Go now.
{17875}{17922}Go now!
{18206}{18261}Brother... Brother!
{18420}{18469}Yes, it�s Minami.
{18474}{18513}Where are you?
{18542}{18574}Just before Nagoya.
{18588}{18666}You�re late. And Ozaki?
{18704}{18735}He�s asleep.
{18773}{18842}That�s convenient. Hurry on.
{18899}{18963}You aren�t still hesitating, are you?
{18983}{19032}I�m telling you Ozaki is crazy.
{19040}{19121}Hurry and take him to the|disposal site in Nagoya.
{19491}{19592}1 km to Nagoya
{22200}{22341}Brother? Brother?
{26370}{26544}Well, it�s more cold today.
{26554}{26624}It was warmer yesterday.
{26700}{26753}It�s definitely colder today!
{26774}{26837}What, you don�t believe me...|you stupid idiot!
{26862}{26913}I said it�s cold!
{26920}{27026}Hold on! It�s going to beep, so let me|put in another coin. Hold on a second.
{27350}{27475}Yeah, sure it was super hot|until the day before yesterday...
{27500}{27553}...I was walkin� �round in short sleeves.
{27569}{27608}You don�t believe me?
{27614}{27647}Everyone agrees.
{27662}{27705}It was hot, right?
{27714}{27789}Look, everyone says yeah...
{27875}{27980}Walkin� �round in short sleeves.|You don�t believe me?
{27990}{28072}Everyone agrees.|It was hot, right?
{28090}{28176}Look, everyone says yeah...
{28278}{28312}Here you are.
{28759}{28802}I only ordered coffee.
{28876}{28917}It�s on the house.
{30676}{30792}You�re not from Nagoya, are you?
{30841}{30942}Not from Nagoya, are you?
{30963}{31007}Not from Nagoya?
{31184}{31250}Not from Nagoya, are you?
{31968}{32016}It was hot, he goes.
{32030}{32079}I go it was.
{32100}{32187}I go it was hot, and he goes �Spot�.
{32206}{32230}He said that?
{32230}{32285}Doesn�t make sense at all!
{32316}{32361}What a strange one!
{32379}{32442}Really. Strange, you know.
{32442}{32560}Then it goes �beep�, I go|I�m running out of coins...
{34247}{34344}Excuse me, did someone come in?
{34367}{34412}Who do you mean by someone?
{34419}{34517}Someone came in while I|was in the bathroom, right?
{34560}{34605}Did anyone just come in?
{34666}{34698}- Well...|- Did someone?
{34698}{34750}No. We don�t know, right?
{34750}{34818}Did someone?|- Well, ready to go?
{35211}{35275}I don�t understand what|you�re saying, you idiot!
{35290}{35358}You killed Ozaki for sure, right?
{35369}{35460}Then there�s no way dead Ozaki goes|anywhere by himself, is there? Idiot.
{35482}{35548}What�re we gonna do if he�s alive?
{35570}{35661}He even wants to take my life!
{35707}{35864}Anyhow, just find his dead body or whatever|and bring it to the yakuza disposal site!
{35996}{36036}The ladle's rubbing against me. Ouch!
{36036}{36133}It hurts, hurts!! Ouch!
{36538}{36596}Are you near Nagoya now?
{36596}{36642}Yes. Close.
{36642}{36757}There�s someone I know who�s headed a|family for a long time called Shiroyama Group.
{36779}{36839}That�s the �Shi-ro-ya-ma� Group.
{36839}{36935}Go to him. He might help you.
{37271}{37334}Sure, the address is around here.
{37350}{37405}But I�ve never heard of the Shiroyama Group.
{37434}{37490}I was told they lived here for a long time.
{37547}{37608}Then they may have gone somewhere else.
{37616}{37678}But... you mean if they've gone somewhere...
{37854}{37897}Why don�t you ask the police?
{38108}{38173}That�s your best bet.
{38508}{38539}What is it?
{38858}{38901}What is it?
{38962}{39001}Where's the Shiroyama Group located?
{39033}{39073}Shiroyama Group?
{39112}{39147}What�s the address?
{39399}{39487}This address is where Shin-ho Farm is.
{39554}{39623}But... the man at the temple|said he didn�t know where.
{39682}{39745}You�re not from Nagoya, are you?
{39930}{39969}I�m from Hong Kong.
{40110}{40178}What does the Shiroyama Group do?
{40331}{40371}Thanks but I�ll find it myself.
{41327}{41364}Out of the range...
{42127}{42158}It�s a bone.
{43225}{43266}It was a bone as I suspected, a bone.
{43430}{43467}You got a flat tire.
{43506}{43551}Need a hand?
{43651}{43687}Does my face bother you?
{43920}{44069}Stare at it all you want. I hate it|when people pretend it's not there.
{44255}{44392}I was born with a pigment|defect just around here.
{44801}{44830}Is it creepy?
{44908}{44930}Not really...
{45142}{45213}My factory carries lots of tires.
{45234}{45287}I�m sure there�s one that fits your car.
{45319}{45387}We all need to help one another, you know.
{45730}{45776}Can you sing �Yosaku�?
{46178}{46223}Have you ever killed a man?
{46374}{46405}I see.
{46569}{46683}I bet you eat curry over rice and hashed|meat over rice together, don�t you?
{46843}{46949}Hey, your grandma�s name is Kiriko, right?
{47059}{47092}It�s Keiko.
{47265}{47375}Wait a minute... hey, what�re|you trying to find out?
{47389}{47528}Well, I thought we�re much alike, you and me.
{48640}{48751}Shiro... yama... Group...
{49174}{49333}Hmm, that man named Mr.|Azamawari doesn�t quite ring a bell.
{49416}{49472}Hey, do you know him?
{49472}{49525}No, I don�t know him.
{49578}{49729}Your �brother� that disappeared, is|he someone that important to you?
{49823}{49878}Then I might lend you a helping hand.
{49899}{49972}We all need to help one another, you know.
{49997}{50051}On one condition, however.
{50103}{50264}If you can answer the question I�m about|to ask, I�ll help you find your brother.
{50280}{50449}But if you can�t answer, I won�t help you,|plus I�ll take something important to you.
{50553}{50593}I got no money if that�s what you mean.
{50610}{50665}Is money what�s important to you?
{50689}{50715}My life?
{50750}{50811}That�s not what I want.
{50822}{50939}I�m just gonna take something|that�s extremely important to you.
{51011}{51041}Do you wanna give it a shot?
{51321}{51351}I do.
{51495}{51562}Then here�s the question.
{51645}{51794}What passes by, though it�s not moving?
{51801}{51842}I�ll give you 30 seconds.
{52190}{52285}20...1 1... 10 seconds remaining.
{52285}{52364}You skipped some. Hey, you skipped! Skipped!
{52364}{52388}I didn�t skip.
{52388}{52437}That�s not...not enough time like this!
{52584}{52622}Wait... Time!
{52655}{52685}It�s time that passes by!
{52754}{52782}You got it!
{53047}{53148}As promised, I�ll help you find your brother.
{53160}{53236}- No�se, help him.|- Yes, I will.
{53269}{53386}He knows this area... at least most of it.
{53466}{53497}Thank you.
{53552}{53669}The sun�s going down soon so we�ll|commence our investig...
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