Cora Zane - Were Kind - 1 - Crossing Borders.pdf

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Crossing Borders by Cora Zane
Crossing Borders
Cora Zane
© 2006
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are
not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Crossing Borders
Copyright© 2006 Cora Zane
ISBN: 1-60088-012-6
Cover Artist: Sable Grey
Editor: Melanie Noto
Excerpt from Enduring Promise by Tempest Knight
Cobblestone Press, LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
Chapter One
It came from deep in the woods, a low, lonely howl that tugged
at Laney’s soul. She heard it and her ears pricked, her body suddenly
going tense. She looked up from the book she was reading in the den
of her small cabin and waited, wondering if the sound would come
Seconds passed. A minute. The teasing notes rose higher and
crested on the balmy night air, causing a slow, tingling heat to creep
over her body. Laney shivered and her nipples turned into hard peaks.
Hearing that sad, tormented cry made her breathing ragged and her
heart quicken. What was it about that voice?
When the haunted notes finally faded, she shook herself from
her sensual fog and snarled. This had to stop. For four nights now,
she’d been hearing that same relentless baying. The new neighboring
pack was going to start a war with her brother if they didn’t back off
the border and stop calling out within hearing range of the wolves
under Seth’s protection.
Nerves jangling, she turned her book over and got up from the
couch. Anger and frustration mounted within her as she moved
quickly through the house to the back porch. She’d promised to
watch over things and take care of any emergency pack business
while Seth was away for the week, but she had a sinking suspicion
that confronting the alpha of a rival pack wasn’t what he had in mind
when he’d left his instructions. Be that as it may, she had to do
something. Seth and the other males weren’t going to return for
another two days, and that persistent calling was really starting to get
under her skin.
Laney stepped off the porch into the moonlight and crossed the
shadow-mottled yard with determined purpose. The wind rose up
and swirled around her, strengthening the odors of pine and moist
earth--and something else she couldn’t quite identify. The combined
scents filled her lungs and made her feel strangely restless as she
headed toward the tree line that began a short distance from the
She walked straight into the woods, choosing to remain in her
human form even though her jeans and bootlaces kept snagging on
the briars as she moved over the rough ground. It would be faster
traveling in the form of the wolf, but she preferred the slight sense of
protection wearing clothes offered her.
Dressed or not, she knew going into the woods unescorted was
potentially dangerous. Seth would likely strangle her if he ever found
out about her going near the border alone, but it would be so much
worse for everyone if he came home and discovered members of a rival
pack stirring close to the border, marking their territory. She had to
reach this rogue male and talk sense into him before anyone else from
her pack could answer him and stir up trouble.
She walked maybe ten feet farther into the woods before the
male’s call rose up again. The notes struck her with the force of a
silver bullet, shooting hot sensation from her head straight to her
toes. Her breathing hitched. Her senses swam. A tiny tremor wracked
her small body. Now that she was closer to the source of the call, the
lure was more pure, more potent. Alluring.
Laney stopped in her tracks and clamped her eyes shut tight as
heat pooled thick and wet between her thighs, soaking her panties. A
tender ache started inside her and she gritted her teeth to hold it at
bay. Still, the notes played over her skin like the brush of velvet
fingers. The sound beckoned her, called to her inner beast until she
shook with pent-up desire.
A desperate, cloying need to return the male’s call had her
pussy clenching in anticipation. Unaware of what she was doing, she
ran trembling hands over her small, firm breasts and squeezed,
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