Fundamentals of Microelectronics - B. Razavi (Wiley, 2006) WW(1).pdf

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Wiley/Razavi/ Fundamentals of Microelectronics [Razavi.cls v. 2006]
June 30, 2007 at 13:42
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Over the past five decades, microelectronics has revolutionized our lives. While beyond the realm
of possibility a few decades ago, cellphones, digital cameras, laptop computers, and many other
electronic products have now become an integral part of our daily affairs.
Learning microelectronics can be fun. As we learn how each device operates, how devices
comprise circuits that perform interesting and useful functions, and how circuits form sophisti-
cated systems, we begin to see the beauty of microelectronics and appreciate the reasons for its
explosive growth.
This chapter gives an overview of microelectronics so as to provide a context for the material
presented in this book. We introduce examples of microelectronic systems and identify important
circuit “functions” that they employ. We also provide a review of basic circuit theory to refresh
the reader’s memory.
1.1 Electronics versus Microelectronics
The general area of electronics began about a century ago and proved instrumental in the radio
and radar communications used during the two world wars. Early systems incorporated “vacuum
tubes,” amplifying devices that operated with the flow of electrons between plates in a vacuum
chamber. However, the finite lifetime and the large size of vacuum tubes motivated researchers
to seek an electronic device with better properties.
The first transistor was invented in the 1940s and rapidly displaced vacuum tubes. It exhibited
a very long (in principle, infinite) lifetime and occupied a much smaller volume (e.g., less than 1
in packaged form) than vacuum tubes did.
But it was not until 1960s that the field of microelectronics, i.e., the science of integrating
many transistors on one chip, began. Early “integrated circuits” (ICs) contained only a handful
of devices, but advances in the technology soon made it possible to dramatically increase the
complexity of “microchips.”
Example 1.1
Today’s microprocessors contain about 100 million transistors in a chip area of approximately
3 cm 3 cm. (The chip is a few hundred microns thick.) Suppose integrated circuits were not
invented and we attempted to build a processor using 100 million “discrete” transistors. If each
device occupies a volume of 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm, determine the minimum volume for the
processor. What other issues would arise in such an implementation?
The minimum volume is given by 27 mm 3 10 8 , i.e., a cube 1.4 m on each side! Of course, the
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Wiley/Razavi/ Fundamentals of Microelectronics [Razavi.cls v. 2006]
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Chap. 1
Introduction to Microelectronics
wires connecting the transistors would increase the volume substantially.
In addition to occupying a large volume, this discrete processor would be extremely slow ;the
signals would need to travel on wires as long as 1.4 m! Furthermore, if each discrete transistor
costs 1 cent and weighs 1 g, each processor unit would be priced at one million dollars and weigh
100 tons!
How much power would such a system consume if each transistor dissipates 10 W?
This book deals with mostly microelectronics while providing sufficient foundation for gen-
eral (perhaps discrete) electronic systems as well.
1.2 Examples of Electronic Systems
At this point, we introduce two examples of microelectronic systems and identify some of the
important building blocks that we should study in basic electronics.
1.2.1 Cellular Telephone
Cellular telephones were developed in the 1980s and rapidly became popular in the 1990s. To-
day’s cellphones contain a great deal of sophisticated analog and digital electronics that lie well
beyond the scope of this book. But our objective here is to see how the concepts described in this
book prove relevant to the operation of a cellphone.
Suppose you are speaking with a friend on your cellphone. Your voice is converted to an elec-
tric signal by a microphone and, after some processing, transmitted by the antenna. The signal
produced by your antenna is picked up by the your friend’s receiver and, after some processing,
applied to the speaker [Fig. 1.1(a)]. What goes on in these black boxes? Why are they needed?
Transmitter (TX)
Receiver (RX)
Figure 1.1 (a) Simplified view of a cellphone, (b) further simplification of transmit and receive paths.
Let us attempt to omit the black boxes and construct the simple system shown in Fig. 1.1(b).
How well does this system work? We make two observations. First, our voice contains frequen-
cies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz (called the “voice band”). Second, for an antenna to operate efficiently,
i.e., to convert most of the electrical signal to electromagnetic radiation, its dimension must be a
significant fraction (e.g., 25% ) of the wavelength. Unfortunately, a frequency range of 20 Hz to
20 kHz translates to a wavelength 1 of 1:5 10 7 mto 1:5 10 4 m, requiring gigantic antennas
for each cellphone. Conversely, to obtain a reasonable antenna length, e.g., 5 cm, the wavelength
must be around 20 cm and the frequency around 1.5 GHz.
Recall that the wavelength is equal to the (light) velocity divided by the frequency.
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Wiley/Razavi/ Fundamentals of Microelectronics [Razavi.cls v. 2006]
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Sec. 1.2
Examples of Electronic Systems
How do we “convert” the voice band to a gigahertz center frequency? One possible approach is
to multiply the voice signal, x(t) , by a sinusoid, A cos(2 f c t) [Fig. 1.2(a)]. Since multiplication
in the time domain corresponds to convolution in the frequency domain, and since the spectrum
( )
cos( 2
f C t
Output Waveform
Spectrum of Cosine
Output Spectrum
f C
f C
f C
f C
Figure 1.2 (a) Multiplication of a voice signal by a sinusoid, (b) equivalent operation in the frequency
of the sinusoid consists of two impulses at f c , the voice spectrum is simply shifted (translated)
to fc [Fig. 1.2(b)]. Thus, if fc =1 GHz, the output occupies a bandwidth of 40 kHz centered
at 1 GHz. This operation is an example of “amplitude modulation.” 2
We therefore postulate that the black box in the transmitter of Fig. 1.1(a) contains a
multiplier, 3 as depicted in Fig. 1.3(a). But two other issues arise. First, the cellphone must deliver
cos( 2
f C t
Figure 1.3 (a) Simple transmitter, (b) more complete transmitter.
a relatively large voltage swing (e.g., 20 Vpp ) to the antenna so that the radiated power can reach
across distances of several kilometers, thereby requiring a “power amplifier” between the mul-
tiplier and the antenna. Second, the sinusoid, A cos 2 fct , must be produced by an “oscillator.”
We thus arrive at the transmitter architecture shown in Fig. 1.3(b).
Let us now turn our attention to the receive path of the cellphone, beginning with the sim-
ple realization illustrated in Fig. 1.1(b). Unfortunately, This topology fails to operate with the
principle of modulation: if the signal received by the antenna resides around a gigahertz center
frequency, the audio speaker cannot produce meaningful information. In other words, a means of
Cellphones in fact use other types of modulation to translate the voice band to higher frequencies.
Also called a “mixer” in high-frequency electronics.
( )
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Chap. 1
Introduction to Microelectronics
translating the spectrum back to zero center frequency is necessary. For example, as depicted in
Fig. 1.4(a), multiplication by a sinusoid, A cos(2 f c t) , translates the spectrum to left and right by
Output Spectrum
Received Spectrum
Spectrum of Cosine
f C
f C
f C
f C
f C
f C
Figure 1.4 (a) Translation of modulated signal to zero center frequency, (b) simple receiver, (b) more
complete receiver.
c , restoring the original voice band. The newly-generated components at 2fc can be removed
by a low-pass filter. We thus arrive at the receiver topology shown in Fig. 1.4(b).
Our receiver design is still incomplete. The signal received by the antenna can be as low as
a few tens of microvolts whereas the speaker may require swings of several tens or hundreds
of millivolts. That is, the receiver must provide a great deal of amplification (“gain”) between
the antenna and the speaker. Furthermore, since multipliers typically suffer from a high “noise”
and hence corrupt the received signal, a “low-noise amplifier” must precede the multiplier. The
overall architecture is depicted in Fig. 1.4(c).
Today’s cellphones are much more sophisticated than the topologies developed above. For
example, the voice signal in the transmitter and the receiver is applied to a digital signal processor
(DSP) to improve the quality and efficiency of the communication. Nonetheless, our study reveals
some of the fundamental building blocks of cellphones, e.g., amplifiers, oscillators, and filters,
with the last two also utilizing amplification. We therefore devote a great deal of effort to the
analysis and design of amplifiers.
Having seen the necessity of amplifiers, oscillators, and multipliers in both transmit and re-
ceive paths of a cellphone, the reader may wonder if “this is old stuff” and rather trivial compared
to the state of the art. Interestingly, these building blocks still remain among the most challenging
circuits in communication systems. This is because the design entails critical trade-offs between
speed (gigahertz center frequencies), noise, power dissipation (i.e., battery lifetime), weight, cost
(i.e., price of a cellphone), and many other parameters. In the competitive world of cellphone
manufacturing, a given design is never “good enough” and the engineers are forced to further
push the above trade-offs in each new generation of the product.
1.2.2 Digital Camera
Another consumer product that, by virtue of “going electronic,” has dramatically changed our
habits and routines is the digital camera. With traditional cameras, we received no immediate
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Sec. 1.2
Examples of Electronic Systems
feedback on the quality of the picture that was taken, we were very careful in selecting and
shooting scenes to avoid wasting frames, we needed to carry bulky rolls of film, and we would
obtain the final result only in printed form. With digital cameras, on the other hand, we have
resolved these issues and enjoy many other features that only electronic processing can provide,
e.g., transmission of pictures through cellphones or ability to retouch or alter pictures by com-
puters. In this section, we study the operation of the digital camera.
The “front end” of the camera must convert light to electricity, a task performed by an array
(matrix) of “pixels.” 4 Each pixel consists of an electronic device (a “photodiode” that produces
a current proportional to the intensity of the light that it receives. As illustrated in Fig. 1.5(a),
this current flows through a capacitance, CL , for a certain period of time, thereby developing a
I Di o de
V out
Figure 1.5 (a) Operation of a photodiode, (b) array of pixels in a digital camera, (c) one column of the
proportional voltage across it. Each pixel thus provides a voltage proportional to the “local” light
Now consider a camera with, say, 6.25-million pixels arranged in a 2500 2500 array [Fig.
1.5(b)]. How is the output voltage of each pixel sensed and processed? If each pixel contains
its own electronic circuitry, the overall array occupies a very large area, raising the cost and the
power dissipation considerably. We must therefore “time-share” the signal processing circuits
among pixels. To this end, we follow the circuit of Fig. 1.5(a) with a simple, compact amplifier
and a switch (within the pixel) [Fig. 1.5(c)]. Now, we connect a wire to the outputs of all 2500
pixels in a “column,” turn on only one switch at a time, and apply the corresponding voltage
to the “signal processing” block outside the column. The overall array consists of 2500 of such
columns, with each column employing a dedicated signal processing block.
Example 1.2
A digital camera is focused on a chess board. Sketch the voltage produced by one column as a
function of time.
The term “pixel” is an abbreviation of “picture cell.”
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