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Bordens - Social Psychology 3e HQ
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Third Edition
Kenneth S. Bordens
Irwin A. Horowitz
Indiana University—Purdue University Fort Wayne
Oregon State University
Social Psychology , 3rd Edition
Copyright ©2008 by Freeload Press
Illustration used on cover © 2008 JupiterImages Corporation
ISBN 1-930789-04-1
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America by Freeload Press.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Preface xi
1 Understanding Social Behavior 1
2 The Social Self 29
3 Social Perception: Understanding
Other People 61
4 Prejudice and Discrimination 103
5 Attitudes 155
6 Persuasion and Attitude Change 185
7 Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience 231
8 Group Processes 281
9 Interpersonal Attraction and Close
Relationships 315
10 Interpersonal Aggression 357
11 Prosocial Behavior and Altruism 401
Glossary G-1
References R-1
Name Index I-1
Subject Index I-11
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Preface xi
1 Understanding Social Behavior 1
Social Psychology and the Understanding of Social
Behavior 2
A Model for Understanding Social Behavior 3
Expanding Lewin’s Model 5
Social Psychology and Related Fields 7
Research in Social Psychology 9
Experimental Research 10
Correlational Research 15
Settings for Social Psychological Research 16
The Role of Theory in Social Psychological
Research 16
What Do We Learn from Research in Social
Psychology? 20
Ethics and Social Psychological Research 21
Rick Rescorla and 9/11 Revisited 22
Chapter Review 24
Managing Self-Presentations 53
Self-Esteem and Impression Management 53
Self-Monitoring and Impression Management 53
Self-Presentation and Manipulative Strategies 54
Self-Handicapping 54
The Impression We Make on Others 56
The Life of James Carroll Revisited 57
Chapter Review 58
3 Social Perception: Understanding
Other People 61
Impression Formation: Automaticity and Social
Perception 63
Automatic Processing 63
The Impression Others Make on Us: How Do We
“Read” People? 69
How Accurate Are Our Impressions? 69
Confi dence and Impression Formation 70
If at First You Don’t Like Someone, You May Never Like
Them 70
Person Perception: Reading Faces and Catching
Liars 71
The Attribution Process: Deciding Why People Act As
They Do 74
Heider’s Early Work on Attribution 74
Correspondent Inference Theory 75
Covariation Theory 76
Dual-Process Models 78
Intentionality and Attributions 79
Attribution Biases 80
Misattributions 80
The Fundamental Attribution Error 81
The Actor-Observer Bias 83
The False Consensus Bias 84
Constructing an Impression of Others 84
The Signifi cance of First Impressions 84
Schemas 85
The Confi rmation Bias 87
Shortcuts to Reality: Heuristics 88
2 The Social Self 29
Self-Concept 30
Self-Knowledge: How We Know Thyself? 30
The Self and Memory 32
Religion and the Self 34
The Self: The Infl uence of Groups and Culture 35
Self-Esteem: Evaluating the Self 40
Internal Infl uences on Self-Esteem 41
Self-Esteem and Stigma 44
Self-Esteem and Cultural Infl uences 45
What’s So Good about High Self-Esteem? 45
Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem 46
Self-Control: How People Regulate Their Behavior 46
Self-Control and Self-Regulation 46
The Cost and Ironic Effects of Self-Control 48
Thinking about Ourselves 49
Self-Serving Cognitions 49
Maintaining Self-Consistency 50
Self-Awareness 51
Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness 52
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