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A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures
when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain
patterns or backgrounds on a computer screen, or while playing video
games, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain
conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in
persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy.
If you, or anyone in your family, have an epileptic condition, consult your
physician prior to playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms
while playing a video or computer game -- dizziness, altered vision, eye or
muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary
movement, or convulsions -- IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult
your physician before resuming play.
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
MENU SCREENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
THE GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
TECHNICAL SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
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Installing Grey’s Anatomy™: The Video Game : To install Grey’s
Anatomy™: The Video Game, insert the DVD into your computer and select
Install from the start-up screen.
Dr. Cristina Yang
A highly competitive and skilled surgical resident, Cristina intends to out-slice
and out-stitch her peers, even best friend Meredith. Cristina lacks a bedside
manner and continues to have trouble with relationships, especially after
being left at the altar by ex-boyfriend, cardiothoracic surgeon Preston Burke.
Uninstalling Grey’s Anatomy™: The Video Game : To uninstall Grey’s
Anatomy™: The Video Game, click on the Start menu and navigate to Grey’s
Anatomy™: The Video Game (by default: All Programmes, Ubisoft, Grey’s
Anatomy™: The Video Game), then select Uninstall.
Dr. George O’Malley
Although he was required to repeat his first year as an intern, sweet and
sensitive George has started to become more confident in his work.
George’s impulsive marriage to Dr. Callie Torres recently ended, after he had
an affair with his best friend, Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens.
All gameplay actions are performed by manipulating the mouse and using
the left mouse button. Each game type has its own control methods, which
are presented through the tutorials preceding the game.
Dr. Izzie Stevens
Izzie, a hard-working and optimistic surgical resident, is known for getting
overly involved with patients. After her patient and true love Denny Duquette
Jr. died, she was left heartbroken – which a messy affair with George did
nothing to solve.
Seattle Grace is thrown into chaos when a patient presents with symptoms
of the deadly and contagious disease, diphtheria. The staff, confined to the
hospital, struggles to contain the disease and maintain order amongst the
patients…and in their personal lives.
Dr. Alex Karev
Alex has no problem being the thorn in anyone’s side. He plays the role of
tough guy, smart aleck, and womaniser all at once. The surgical resident
does, however, have a caring side. Alex is extremely sensitive to domestic
violence due to his own childhood experiences.
Dr. Lexie Grey
Alexandra Caroline (“Lexie”) Grey is a first-year intern as well as Meredith’s
new-found half sister – a relationship that has been rocky, to say the least.
Likable and warm, Lexie lacks confidence and has yet to find her niche at
Seattle Grace, either personally or professionally.
Grey’s Anatomy™: The Video Game consists of five brand-new episodes
featuring Season 4 regulars, plus some fresh faces.
Dr. Erica Hahn
As the new cardiothoracic surgeon at SGH, Erica has quickly established
herself as someone who is simply not to be messed with. Highly esteemed
with a no-nonsense attitude, Erica holds her own amongst the men. She
makes things particularly difficult for Cristina, who’s desperate to win her
Dr. Meredith Grey
Meredith, daughter of the distinguished and recently deceased Dr. Ellis Grey,
has a natural flair for medicine, but is plagued by indecisiveness. Meredith,
now a resident, struggles to prove herself as a doctor while working on her
commitment issues with on-again, off-again boyfriend Dr. Derek Shepherd.
Dr. Derek Shepherd
Nicknamed “McDreamy” by Seattle Grace’s female staff for his good looks
and charming ways, Derek is a renowned neurosurgeon. As Meredith’s
sometime-boyfriend, he often faces the dilemma of balancing the personal
and professional.
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Dr. Callie Torres
Seattle Grace’s resident orthopaedic surgeon, Calliope Iphegenia (“Callie”)
seemingly likes to follow the beat of her own drum. However, underneath her
fun-loving, bold exterior, she battles the demon of self-doubt, especially
since her failed marriage to George.
Navigating the Menus
To navigate the menus, place the cursor over the desired section and Left-
Dr. Mark Sloan
An attending plastic surgeon, Mark’s professional reputation is stellar, but his
personal one leaves much to be desired. Cocky but charming, he’s known
for sleeping around, especially with his best friend Derek’s wife, Dr. Addison
Forbes Montgomery-Shepherd.
Main Menu
New Game: Start a new game. Jump directly to the opening of Episode 1.
Load Game: Load a previously saved game. The game can be started from
any previously played scene.
Options: Open the Options menu.
Credits: Show the Credits.
Quit Game: Exit the game.
Dr. Miranda Bailey
As Chief Resident, Bailey is organised, precise, and likes to keep both
interns and residents on a tight leash. She struggles to balance work with
being a great mom to her baby, nicknamed “Tuck.”
Starting a New Game
To start a new game, simply select the first option in the Main Menu. This will
bring you to Episode 1, Scene 1. Once a new game is created, it will
automatically save after each scene is completed. You can play from these
saved points at a later time.
Chief Richard Webber
As Chief of Surgery, Richard is well liked and highly respected throughout
Seattle Grace. Something of a workaholic, his dedication recently cost him
his relationship with his wife, Adele, leaving his life somewhat empty.
Load Game
To load a previously saved game, simply select the slot that you want to use
as a starting point and then the scene you want to play first. If you have
played and saved a scene in that slot before, it will be available to you.
Rebecca “Ava” Pope
A former pregnant, amnesiac patient at Seattle Grace, Rebecca was given a
new face – literally – by Dr. Sloan and a new name by Alex, who fell hard for
her. Eventually, “Ava” and her baby were reunited with “Rebecca’s” husband,
but “Ava” still struggles to reconcile her “new self” with her “old life.”
Options Menu
Audio: Access all Audio options.
Video: Access all Video options.
You can always restore the default options by selecting the Restore All
CDC Agent Damon Birger
Confident in demeanour and experienced in background, Damon is sent by
the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) to monitor and contain the diphtheria
Audio Options
The Audio options are comprised of three sliders that allow you to modify the
volume of each item individually. You can restore the default options at any
time by pressing the Restore Audio button.
Nurse Vince Bennet
Vince is a scrub nurse at Seattle Grace. Fun-loving and light-hearted,
opposites attract when Vince takes a liking to relationship-averse Cristina.
Video Options
Video options allow you to turn the subtitles On or Off.
Displays the production credits for the game.
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Guide Meredith Grey and her fellow doctors through the most recent crisis at
Seattle Grace Hospital. You help them make important professional and
personal decisions – and perform harrowing surgeries and medical
procedures. Each scene will focus on one of the characters, and consist of
three different modes of play.
Scene Results
At the end of each scene, you will receive a ranking based on how many
hearts remain. All scene rankings are recorded to your personal save file, so
try to get the best ranking in each scene!
Chief of Surgery
Chief Resident
Scene Goal
The overriding goal for the scene’s
player-character will be displayed at the
beginning of the scene. You will then
encounter a series of challenges that
stand in the character’s way, and must
complete them all before losing five
hearts (gameplay lives).
Challenge and Choice Mini-Games
There are ten different types of mini-game challenges that you must face,
depending on the circumstances:
The Three Modes of Play
Challenges take place in the mind of the character you are currently playing.
You will be presented with a single goal that you must help your character
Finding Strength
Build up your emotional strength, or prevent
negative emotions from overwhelming you.
Collide with emotions of the same colour, or avoid
emotions of opposing colours, depending on the
directions given.
Choices are like Challenges, except that there is more than one possible
outcome – both outcomes are acceptable. It is up to you to guide the
character toward whichever outcome you like best.
Setting Priorities
Decide what’s important by cutting away what’s
Slice through all the images that don’t represent
your priority.
Surgeries put you in charge of a variety of medical procedures that your
character must perform. Each procedure is broken down into several simple
tasks, each prompting you to perform a basic action. If you don’t perform all
the tasks before the time runs out, your character will lose a heart.
Forming Decisions
Piece together important conclusions.
Click on all puzzle pieces that complete the image
you want.
Trying Again and Game Over
Every time your character loses a heart, you will be required to go back and
perform the last mini-game. If your doctor loses all five hearts, you will have
to start the entire scene over again.
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Digging Deep
Seek out what’s important amidst the clutter.
Unwrap the image of the topic you want to
address or the image that represents the
approach you want to take.
Building Resolve
Gather up emotional resolve to get something
Match the correctly coloured emotions in groups
of three. Be careful not to run out of matches.
Distancing Yourself
Make a clean break from an obstacle.
Rip away the character in the photo that you want
to avoid.
Finding Comfort
Shift your emotions to where you want them to be.
Slide the correctly coloured emotion to each
Powering Through
Push aside your negative emotions to get down to
what matters.
Push away all clouds representing your negative
Seeking Focus
Zone in on who and what are important to you.
Angle the mirrors to reflect the light through the
coloured emotion icons and onto your character.
Matching Rhythm
Tune your mood to the situation.
Click in time with the rhythm that matches the
mood that you want.
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