093. ALICE BAILEY & DJWHAL KHUL - Esoteric Psychology II.doc

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14 B - Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

15 - Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

Esoteric Psychology II - Table of Contents

Chapter One - The Egoic Ray

I. The Growth of Soul Influence

The Growth of Soul Influence
1. The Three Stages of Egoic Growth
     a. Individualization and the Seven Ray Types      
     b. The Rays and Initiation
2. The two Cycles of Egoic Appropriation
     a. The Points of Crisis
     b. Certain Basic Premises
     c. Seven Ray Methods of Appropriation

II. The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life

The Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life

1. The Law of Sacrifice
     a. The Significance of the Law of Sacrifice
     b. The Work of Salvage or Salvation
     c. The Relinquishing of Gain

2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse

3. The Law of Service
     a. Some Questions on Service
          How do we define the Word "Service"?
          What is the Field of this Science, and why do we call it a Science?
          What are the Characteristics of the true Server?
          What Effect does Service have upon the Mind, the Emotions and
               the Etheric Body?
     b. Distinctive Methods of Ray Service
          Does this Science prove that the Seven Ray Types employ
               Distinctive Methods in Service?
          Ray I
          Ray II
          Ray III
          Ray IV
          Ray V
          Ray VI
          Ray VII

4. The Law of Repulse
     a. The Law of Repulse and Desire
     b. The Law of Repulse upon the Paths of Discipleship and Initiation
     c. The Law of Repulse and the Pilgrim on the Way of Life
     d. The Seven Directions of the Law of Repulse
          The Direction of Ray I
          The Direction of Ray II
          The Direction of Ray III
          The Direction of Ray IV
          The Direction of Ray V
          The Direction of Ray VI
          The Direction of Ray VII

5. The Law of Group Progess
     a. The Link of the World Groups
     b. The Characteristics of the New Groups
     c. The Experimental Nature of the Groups
     d. Astrology and the New Groups

6. The Law of Expansive Response

7. The Law of the Lower Four

III. The Five Groups of Souls

The Five Groups of Souls

IV. Rules for Inducing Soul Control

Rules for Inducing Soul Control
1. The Aim of these Rules
2. The Seven Rules
     a. The Tendency to Synthesis
     b. The Quality of the Hidden Vision
     c. The Urge to Formulate a Plan
     d. The Urge to Creative Life
     e. The Factor of Analysis
     f. The Quality, Innate in Man, to Idealize
     g. The Interplay of the Great Dualities

Chapter Two - The Ray of Personality


1. The Appropriation of the Bodies
     a. Building and Construction of the Bodies
     b. Development and Alignment of the Bodies
     c. Interrelations of the Personality Life

2. The Coordination of the Personality
     a. Seven Techniques of Integration
          Ray One
          Ray Two
          Ray Three
          Ray Four
          Ray Five

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