Lights Out [01x09] Infight [ENG].txt

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[7][26]Previously on "Lights Out"...
[44][73]And down goes Morales!
[91][103]- Oh, my.|- Oh, my God!
[104][119]He did it!|Oh, my God, aunt Margaret!
[135][161]Leary-Reynolds III.|It's on.
[162][180]We got Achilles and Hector.
[181][198]We got Hal and Hotspur.
[199][215]I'm taking Reynolds next.
[219][234]I need this.
[238][257]Then you're gonna do it|on your own.
[258][284]Look, Ed, I'm gonna lay my cards|on the table.
[290][332]I need someone now... today...|and I want it to be you.
[335][372]Lights is gonna start training|at night.
[377][408]We'll be coming in|just as you'll be coming out.
[412][428]Should work out perfect.
[429][450]I know you're looking|for any edge you can get.
[451][467]But I got to warn you...
[468][485]You got a crazy man|in the cockpit.
[494][524]You don't want that dude|messing around in your head.
[528][538]Trust me.
[550][560]What the hell?
[561][573]Your father...
[591][630]He thinks you took too many|punches in the Morales fight.
[653][671]I look shot to you?
[713][736]They never close their eyes.|They never sleep.
[740][749]Always watching.
[754][770]Always alert.
[771][787]Ugly-looking things.
[788][808]No, Lights.|They are beautiful.
[809][830]Form follows function.
[839][853]You ever seen one attack?
[856][881]I try to stay out of the water|when they're feeding.
[888][902]They gotta be of movement.
[906][928]No wasted energy, just one
[932][946]vicious strike.
[947][967]Can we go see the penguins now?
[969][985]We just got here, Katie-bear.
[986][1004]The shark takes the best part|of the aquarium.
[1010][1036]Okay, so we saw it.|Next.
[1037][1058]What's the matter?|You're not scared, are you?
[1061][1074]I'm not scared.
[1088][1105]Stop it daddy.
[1108][1121]They can't kick in.
[1125][1144]Why don't you like the sharks?
[1145][1166]They're mean, they ain't fish.
[1167][1181]They eat people.
[1183][1197]That ain't so tough.
[1210][1234]You remember the little puffle fish|that we saw early?
[1235][1249]The one with the needles?
[1250][1259]Yeah, cute.
[1266][1284]But if a shark tries to eat one,
[1287][1301]those little guys,
[1302][1321]they puff up like a balloon.
[1337][1354]When then the shark's got a spare mouth.
[1355][1380]Is that form follows function?
[1404][1430]Don't look at me.|She's smart like her mother.
[1443][1456]Remember this...
[1457][1487]Everything, even the scariest|thing on earth,
[1488][1505]has got a weakness.
[1510][1554]The more you study your enemy.|The less scary he is.
[1613][1634]Okay.|We studied enough here.
[1635][1645]Let's go see the penguins.
[1646][1665]No. Hang on.|Give me a minute.
[1666][1696]Katie, I'm gonna lift you up,
[1701][1717]and all you got to do...
[1727][1757]Is touch the glass|when the shark swims by.
[1758][1767]Unh-unh.|No way.
[1768][1779]Come on, Katie.|You can do this.
[1780][1796]Ed, that's enough.
[1835][1882]If you make yourself strong|up here,
[1895][1910]nothing can hurt you.
[2034][2058]Can you put your hand out?|Go ahead.
[2059][2086]Nothing can hurt you.
[2102][2112]That's it.
[2126][2137]Don't let me go.
[2159][2172]I got you, Katie.
[2181][2193]I got you.
[2468][2487]This was it.
[2488][2501]Most people don't even realize
[2502][2526]Coney Island is part of Brooklyn.
[2529][2561]It's definitely got its own...|Its own vibe.
[2570][2580]This was home.
[2581][2624]You were surrounded by all these|wild rides growing up.
[2625][2638]The cyclone.
[2639][2656]You've got the parachute drop|over there.
[2657][2667]But I got to tell you, Charlie,
[2669][2686]we were the ones|running wild, though.
[2687][2713]And your life imitated|these thrill rides...
[2714][2730]the ups, the downs.
[2743][2757]Let's put it this way, Charlie.
[2758][2785]It started off|with a lot more downs than ups.
[2794][2809]See these streets?
[2821][2841]That's where I learned|how to be a fighter.
[2857][2877]Had to.|I mean, no choice.
[2884][2905]It was some time later|that I, uh,
[2908][2929]I learned how to be a man.
[2944][2959]Okay. That's it.
[2960][2974]Uh, let's cut it there.
[2978][3006]Beautiful, Rich.|Very moving.
[3007][3021]Where the hell is your brother?
[3035][3052]Family emergency, Charlie.
[3053][3067]He's standing us up again?
[3068][3082]Are you shitting me?
[3090][3110]Hey.|No, I'm here.
[3111][3145]Now, I could say a few more|words about the threematch.
[3146][3165]How it's summer|and the livin' is easy,
[3166][3191]all except for the two...|Hardest-working men in boxing.
[3192][3207]We already have you, Barry.
[3208][3232]Tell your brother|he's done jerking us around.
[3233][3252]Huh?|No, it's Charlie.
[3253][3274]He says he feels terrible about this.|Mm-hmm.
[3275][3307]He's gonna feel worse|if this bullshit happens again.
[3308][3321]I warned you, B.K.
[3323][3341]This is all Romeo.
[3342][3364]I can smell that fool's|mind games a mile away!
[3365][3384]That's not what this is.|Yeah. Right.
[3386][3410]Make sure your brother knows|he's gonna pay for this.
[3411][3434]All right.|All right.
[3447][3467]Everyone loves to shoot|the messenger, huh, B?
[3468][3483]I don't blame D. Row.
[3484][3509]You think this was easy for him,|coming down here?
[3510][3523]Lot of bad memories.
[3524][3555]But he's professional enough|to meet his obligations.
[3556][3582]Listen, I'm gonna level with you, Barry.|Oh.
[3583][3601]Ed's got him on a new schedule.
[3602][3622]Training all night|and sleeping all day.
[3623][3652]Is your brother a boxer|or a vampire?
[3653][3666]That's what I said.
[3667][3684]Either way, we had an agreement.
[3685][3721]The box sports people wanted|"Reynolds-Leary: All Access,"
[3722][3735]not "Half Access."
[3736][3747]Yeah, I know.|I gotcha.
[3748][3759]What's this?
[3760][3772]A subpoena.
[3773][3795]- You're in breach.|- Come on, Barry.
[3797][3816]See you in court.|This way.
[3817][3838]Shall we?
[3948][3962]That's it.
[3993][4006]Double jab.
[4007][4024]Don't pose.
[4053][4064]Double jab.
[4065][4087]That's it.|Balance and speed.
[4088][4101]Now you're getting it.
[4102][4126]All right.|He's yours.
[4127][4159]Robert.|Boy's looking good, right?
[4172][4190]Listen, if you want to|hang around a minute, pops,
[4191][4202]I'm sure it's okay with Ed.
[4203][4222]No, no, no, no.|You're in good hands.
[4223][4242]I got enough sense to see that.
[4254][4268]You take care of my son.
[4399][4409]We good?
[4419][4443]Tire.|Let's go!
[4444][4469]Watch the birdie.
[4482][4497]Bend your knees.|Find your center.
[4498][4515]I'm looking for it.
[4546][4561]Where's your focal point?
[4563][4589]You know,|before the Morales fight,
[4590][4614]my dad tied my legs together.
[4615][4634]You have balance problems, Lights.
[4635][4648]Credit your father with noticing.
[4649][4665]Right diagnosis,|wrong prescription.
[4701][4714]Tire drill?
[4715][4724]Not again.
[4756][4775]You play like you practice.
[4804][4823]We master the little things,
[4824][4844]you'll be a maestro|on fight night.
[4845][4858]Come on.|Let's pummel the bag.
[4859][4876]Give me all you got.|Let's go.
[4897][4912]Come on.|Move it!
[5003][5037]You are way faster,|and that is what we need.
[5073][5105]Hey, Ed, can you give me just five minutes?
[5111][5129]Two. Make it two.
[5176][5197]Johnny!|It's fixed?
[5198][5210]Like it never happened.
[5211][5231]But I thought we were|looking at like 10 g's.
[5232][5243]Try 20.
[5244][5260]But if we had that much|lying around,
[5261][5279]we shouldn't have spent it|on the car.
[5280][5296]We don't, and we didn't.
[5297][5322]Technically,|Mario's auto body in Avalon
[5323][5341]is now a co-promoter.
[5373][5405]So...How's it going|in there?
[5406][5436]We're working on my reflexes,|balance, speed.
[5444][5456]No sparring yet?
[5463][5472]We'll get there.
[5479][5502]Well, whatever you're doing,|I'd love to watch you train.
[5535][5549]Thanks for waiting outside.
[5550][5576]Right.|Wouldn't want to upset Othello.
[5577][5608]It's Romeo,|and he's really freeing me up.
[5609][5636]Yeah, from your family.|I barely see you these days.
[5647][5671]Dad's convinced he's trying to|cut us out of your life.
[5672][5690]That's not what's going on.|Really?
[5694][5724]He's just...|We're working on new things.
[5725][5736]He doesn't want me distracted.
[5737][5757]By the people who've been there|your whole life?
[5771][5783]I got to get back inside.
[5784][5801]Any chance you and I|can talk business,
[5802][5820]maybe some time|when sister Ed's not around?
[5821][5839]Oh, I'm always around, Johnny.
[5855][5890]Lights, two minutes is up.|Come on. Let's go.
[6068][6085]He doesn't listen, does he?
[6090][6106]I told him not to interfere.
[6122][6138]He was just bringing my car back.
[6139][6154]Yeah, and what does he want?
[6169][6186]Guys like that|always have an agenda.
[6202][6219]Look, Ed,
[6220][6236]I really appreciate|everything you're doing
[6237][6251]with the training.
[6252][6280]Just one thing...|When am I gonna start sparring?
[6281][6298]You can tell your brother
[6299][6322]I don't want you taking|any punches.
[6335][6352]Then how about|lifting some weights?
[6353][6374]Reynolds looks a lot bigger|than the last time I fought him.
[6375][6406]All that muscle on a boxer|prevents energy release.
[6407][6430]It slows him down.|He's looked awful quick in the ring.
[6431][6458]He's been fighting,|but he hasn't been in a war.
[6459][6484]Not since you.|That's in his head, too.
[6485][6501]He's got n...
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