Victoriana The Marylebone Mummy.pdf

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The Marylebone Mummy
By Kristian A. Bjørkelo
and Peter Schweighofer
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The Marylebone Mummy
Written by: Kristian A. Bjørkelo
Based on an original adventure by: Peter Schweighofer
Edited by: Andrew Peregrine, Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Cover: Alethe, Attendant of the Sacred Ibis (1887) by Edwin Long (1829-1891)
Interior Art by: Svetlana Chmakova and Dover Images
Layout by: Andrew O’Hara
Playtesters: Helena Ciechanowski, Walt Ciechanowski, Michael Colon, Kevin Forst, Paul McClellan
For Victoriana and Cubicle 7
Line Developer: Andrew Peregrine
Cubicle 7 Director: Angus Abranson
Operations Manager: Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Original Graphic Design: Gabriel Strange
Second Edition Logo by: Sean Buckley
Kristian: “Dedicated to the preserved dead all across the globe… please don’t hurt me”
Any trademarked names are used in a historical or ictionally manner; no infringement is intended.
Library information:
ISBN: 978-0-9555423-5-0
SKU: CB7204 -
The Marylebone Mummy
Reginald Cantwell has recently returned
from a holiday in Egypt. The noted doctor
has brought back with him a rich trove of
quaint artefacts, crumbly papyrus scrolls, and
an intact mummy in its ornately decorated
sarcophagus. He intends to proudly display his
gains to friends and colleagues at his grand
home in Marylebone, topping the evening
off by demonstrating his medical prowess by
unwrapping and examining the mummy. But
this exciting educational exhibition attracts
nefarious attention, and thieves seek to steal
artefacts from the collection. Worse still,
others try to use the distraction of the theft to
resurrect the mummy!
as it tears through Marylebone, mindlessly
looking for its home. The role of the thieves
and the mysterious society behind them has
been lessened to being catalysts, and Al-Gareeb
has become a more independent player in the
This adventure should prove a decent challenge
to a group of 1st rank characters. If there are
less than 5 or 6 in the group the Gamemaster
may wish to lower the abilities and skills of
the opposition. If the characters are more
numerous or of a higher rank, the Gamemaster
should feel no shame in making the villains
The villains of the piece
A secret Egyptian society in London, the
Fellowship of the Red Pharaoh, is seeking to
restore Egypt’s former glory as a world power.
To this end they seek to acquire Egyptian
artefacts stolen from their sacred homeland.
About the Marylebone
Originally published as a much shorter
scenario, the Marylebone Mummy has been
rewritten, expanded and adapted to the second
edition of Victoriana. Those familiar with the
original penny dreadful will ind much of the
premise recognisable, but the scenario itself
and the unfolding of the plot has been greatly
changed. In this version the mummy itself
plays a much grander role in the proceedings
They have set their eyes on Dr. Cantwell’s
collection, which includes some potentially
magical artefacts. Their mysterious leader has
arranged for a small group of thugs to steal
these artefacts during the Doctor’s soiree.
Leading the group of thugs is Al-Gareeb, a
fanatic and rare form of snake Beastman, who
is planning to betray them. The Fellowship
of the Red Pharaoh worship the great red god
Sethos, killer of Osiris. Al-Gareeb has shifted
his allegiance and now serves the snake god
Apophis, whose agenda is opposed to most
other Egyptian gods. He believes that the
mummy brought to London by Dr. Cantwell
is more than the long dead minor functionary
Dr Cantwell believes it to be. Al-Gareeb’s
sources suggest it is actually the long dead
Apophid called Kheperenseti, an important
priest in the secret cult of Apophis.
Previous encounters with
the villains
Several of the characters in this scenario
are also described in more detail in other
Victoriana scenarios. They are friends,
contacts or even enemies of the player
characters, depending on whether they have
encountered them earlier. It is not necessary
for the player characters to have been through
any of the earlier scenarios to complete this
one. We assume this scenario takes place
before that of the ‘Rise of the Red God’.
Many of the clues in this adventure might
lead the players to places detailed in ‘Rise of
the Red God’ which the Gamemaster might
ind helpful (but not essential) to have to
While quite sympathetic to the Fellowship
and its ‘noble’ cause, Al-Gareeb’s allegiance
lies with his ancestors and Apophis above
any loyalty to Sethos. The Fellowship only
needs the mummy for its experiments;
experiments that Al-Gareeb has learnt are
designed to restore an ancient High Priest
of Sethos back to life. Using the pittance
of ancient necromantic lore Al-Gareeb has
secretly stolen from the Fellowship, he plans
to resurrect the mummy of Kheperenseti
himself and gain access to its ancient
knowledge. While stealing the sarcophagus,
however, the Fellowship thugs manage to
trigger a curse, and the mummy breaks
free and goes on a rampage. Dispatching
the remaining thugs as planned, Al-Garreb
promises sanctuary to the mummy and
they rush for a safehouse, a perfumery on
Devonshire Street…
Should the player characters have completed
that scenario before playing this one, the
mysterious leader of the Fellowship, Professor
El-Kheir may not be present at the unveiling
(suffering from a slight case of death). If so,
the Fellowship of the Red Pharaoh, under
new leadership, will still try to steal the
artefacts. It is just that their leader will not
be attending the soiree. If Lord Highgate
was killed or socially ostracised as a result
of the events in Spiritual Matters (see 2nd
edition core book), he will not be attending
either (but may be replaced with his stepson,
Donald Matthews-Highgate). If he survived
with his reputation intact, he will be
ambivalent towards the players, and, while not
blatantly rude, he will avoid any contact with
It is also possible that the player characters
completed one of the other published
adventures, but failed to dispatch the villain.
In which case, meeting up with an old enemy
will provide a good role-playing opportunity
to snarl at each other across the dinner
table. If the Gamemaster has run adventures
of her own she might expand the list of
dinner guests with previous enemies of the
characters in the same manner. However, she
should be careful to ensure all parties have
the manners not to ight each other over
dinner or they will be ejected from the party
(and the adventure).
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