March of the Titans - Arthur Kemp (1999).pdf

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(formerly "Europa - The History of the White Race")
Version 3.0 - COPY OF PRINT VERSION VOLUME I - First Released December
Who we are, where we come from and where we are going!
The complete and unabridged story of the White Race - a work
spanning 35,000 years of history - from the emergence of the earliest
White racial type to a look into the future . . .
From the mists of time to the present day: the trials, tribulations,
terrible tragedies and great triumphs of the White Race are all here,
age by age, country by country.
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Left: The beautiful White queen Nefertiti of Egypt, circa 1325 BC.
Right: The great Roman Emperor, Octavian Augustus, circa 4 AD.
Chapter 1. Important Issues - Definition of race; White racial types;
Means of tracking race in history; Environment and genes; Homo
Erectus and Neanderthal no relation to Homo Sapiens revised text and new
Chapter 2. The Late Paleolithic Age - 35,000 BC - 10,000 BC; First
modern White racial types establish hunter gatherer existence in
Europe and Near East new pictures!
Chapter 3. The Neolithic Age - 10,000 BC; First fixed White
settlements in Europe; then in Near East new pictures!
Chapter 4. Old European Civilizations - 5000 BC - 2500 BC; First
European continental civilizations; Crete; Etruscans new pictures!
Chapter 5. Indo-European Invasions - 4000 BC - 1000 BC; Nordic
invasions of Europe, Near East and Aryans in India; Celts; Germans;
Balts, Slavs revised text and new pictures!
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White migrations to China (1500 BC), Japan (250 BC), the Canary
Islands (1300 BC) and North America (7000 BC) revised text and new pictures!
Indo-Aryan civilizations in Mesopotamia; Iraq; Iran; dissolution and
disappearance into Semitic and Arabic neighbors new pictures!
Nordic Egyptian kings and queens; Racial Imagery in Egyptian
artifacts; Dissolution of White Egyptians into Semitic, Arabic and
Black (Nubian) neighbors (Includes special sub-page: "White Egypt:
Refuting the lies of the Black supremacists about the White origins of
Ancient Egypt ")
rise and fall of civilizations explained in terms of their racial
homogeneity; with the Near East civilizations as examples; revised text and
new pictures!
of Indo-Aryan peoples in Greece; Dissolution into Nonwhite slave and
immigrant population new pictures!
Chapter 11. Alexander the Great - 1000 BC - 200 BC; Indo-Aryan
Macedonian civilization creates kingdom of Syria and Ptolemaic Egypt
new pictures!
200 AD; Origins of Roman Empire new pictures!
Chapter 13. The Glory of Rome - Cultural splendor of ancient Rome new
Chapter 14. Rome and the Celts - 200 BC - 100 AD; Roman conquest of
Celtic lands of France, Spain and Britain new pictures!
Chapter 15. Rome and the Germans - 100 BC- 100 AD; Roman Empire
defeated by Germans under Hermann; Roman use of German
mercenaries new pictures!
AD; Roman conquest of mixed race Middle and Near East lands; Influx
of mixed race peoples and slaves into Rome causes dissolution of
original Roman population new pictures!
Christianity; Spread of Christianity into Roman Empire and Europe
revised text and new pictures!
Europe by Asiatic Mongols under Atilla the Hun new pictures!
cause of the fall of the Western Roman Empire explained through the
disappearance of the original Roman people in Italy new pictures!
Roman Empire as a largely mixed race population existing through
constant replenishment of its population from Europe revised text and new
Race war against the Nonwhite Muslims in Palestine; Egypt, North
Africa and Portugal under the guise of Christianity revised text and new
Iberian countries; the Portuguese and Spanish Black slave trade:
Black slaves absorbed into Portuguese society; History until
contemporary times new pictures!
Nonwhite Moors invade Europe and are driven out by White armies;
Jewish co-operation with Moors new pictures!
Finland; Norway - history until contemporary times new pictures!
Chapter 25. Vikings and Normans - History of expeditions and
settlements: France; Britain, Ireland, Russia and North America revised
text and new pictures!
contemporary times new pictures!
Chapter 27. Napoleon - Racial implications of Napoleonic wars for
France new pictures!
Chapter 28. Great Britain - History until contemporary times revised text
and new pictures!
Chapter 29. The Emerald Isle: Ireland - Conflict with the English: the
longest running White civil war in history; History until contemporary
times new pictures!
Chapter 30. The Low Countries: Netherlands; Belgium, Luxembourg -
History until contemporary times new pictures!
Magyars - Asiatic invasions of Eastern Europe defeated by White
armies new pictures!
invasions of Eastern Europe and Southern Russia new pictures!
Lithuania; Latvia; Estonia; Poland; the Christian Teutonic Knights
exterminate the last White pagans new pictures!
Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - Conflict resolution in racially
homogenous and non racially homogenous societies; History until
contemporary times new pictures!
Nonwhite invasion of South Eastern Europe; The fall of
Constantinople; Nonwhite Turks only driven out after nearly 1000
years; Racial after effects on White population in this region new pictures!
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