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Dear Readers!
Editor in Chief:
Olga Kartseva
BSD is already becoming international magazine. People
all over the world have an access to our magazine and
download it. We are happy that our work is so appreciated
and BSD magazine popularity is growing!.
Jan Stedehouder, Rob Somerville, Marko Milenovic, Petr
Topiarz, Paul McMath, Eric Vintimilla, Matthias Pfeifer, Theodore
Tereshchenko, Mikel King, Machtelt Garrels, Jesse Smith
Special thanks to:
Marko Milenovic, Worth Bishop and Mike Bybee
First of all I wanted to thank you for you letters of
support, they mean really a lot to us and help constantly
to improve! All our authors worked hard to make their
articles interesting and useful. I really hope you will like
this issue as much as the previous.
Art Director:
Agnieszka Marchocka
Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Senior Consultant/Publisher:
Paweł Marciniak pawel@software.com.pl
This month topic is “BSD as a desktop”. Why this
National Sales Manager:
Ewa Łozowicka
We thought that some of you still might have doubts
on choosing OS, so this issue surely will help you to
learn more about BSD as a desktop and help to make a
Marketing Director:
Ewa Łozowicka
Executive Ad Consultant:
Karolina Lesińska
But those of you who already use BSD should not
close the magazine after reading my previous statement,
because you could loose a lot. =)
Advertising Sales:
Olga Kartseva
Please feel free to contact us, we are open to critics,
not only to new ideas and suggestions.
Publisher :
Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK
ul. Bokserska 1, 02-682 Warszawa
worldwide publishing
tel: 1 917 338 36 31
Your feedback is very important to us.
Olga Kartseva
Editor in Chief
Software Press Sp z o.o. SK is looking for partners from all over
the world. If you are interested in cooperation with us, please
contact us via e-mail: editors@bsdmag.org
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes. All rights to trade marks presented in the
magazine are reserved by the companies which own them.
The editors use automatic DTP system
Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™.
BSD 3/2010
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get started
Spam Control
with a stock OpenBSD
Girish Venkatachalam
Ever since e-mails became ubiquitous
unwanted e-mails or spam also known
as UCE (Unsolicited Commercial E-mail)
or UBE (Unsolicited Bulk E-mail) also
became popular. Any chance to control
this? OpenBSD has an excellent
method to fight spam and this
article is about it.
Buil Your Own FreeBSD
Update Server
Jason Helfman
Experienced users or administrators responsible for several
machines or environments, know the difficult demands and
challenges of maintaining such an infrastructure. The article
outlines the steps involved in creating an internal FreeBSD
Update Server.
Using OpenBSD and PF as a Virtual
Firewall for Windows
Pedro Lereno
The Windows firewall, by default, has many open ports
to the local network, like the file and print sharing service
ports, which are the source of many security holes. How
to protect a Windows host with a basic configuration of
an OpenBSD virtual machine with PF as a NAT router and
Choosing and
Installing a Window
Manager with FreeBSD
Rob Somerville
Step by Step installing with comments and advice. One of
the many attractive features of BSD is that the end-user is not
tied to a particular desktop or windowing environment.
BSD Live Desktops
Jesse Smith
Last week Zafer Aydogan, founder of Jibbed, and Stefan
Rinkes, founder of GNOBSD, agreed to talk with Jesse Smith
about their projects (from which BSD community will surely
benefit), themselves and BSD.
let’s talk
BSD goes to the Office:
Can BSD compete in a real life consulting
Mike Bybee, Consultant, Fujitsu America
A reminder on our last issue topic- an article about an
experiment to determine a viability of BSD desktop in a
real world high pressure consulting engagement. There
are many articles that expound on the succes of Linux as
desktop, and quite a few accounts of using a Linux desktop
in this case or that case. But this one is written not from a
perspective of a journalist or home user, but from a system
administration and consulting perspective.
Keeping FreeBSD Applications
Richard Bejtlich, Principle Technologist and Director of
Incident Response, General Electric
An important system administration task, and a principle of
running a defensible network, is keeping operating systems
and applications up-to-date. In this article you will find
multiple ways how to complete this task
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